2008 MGP Denim pen finished

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Apr 26, 2005
San Antonio, Texas, USA.
I thought those of you who attended the 2008 MPG this weekend might like to see the end result of the pen I demostrated turning.


And just to show you that not all of my tales about CA were total fiction, this occured during a repair of the pen above. DOH![:I]


Oh, and for those who'd like a tutorial, if you'd been at the MPG you'd have gotten one.[}:)]:D But worry not, Terrence will be selling the DVDs before long.
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Been there done that Billy...but man the pen turned out sweet. Connie's looking at the thrift stores for me some 90's acid washed jeans or maybe even some of the funky colors we used to see!
Oh, and notice the red hole in my thumb under the black denim that is stuck there. That's what happens when you work by feel BEFORE you turn off a CA repair.[:0][xx(]
Originally posted by MikePittman

That is a nice looking pen Billy! Hey, I finally got to see you! Well, your fingers anyway. :D

Heheheh, if you go to the thread about the 2008 MPG you'll see and even better photo. ;) But "better" might be in the eyes of the beholder.[:0]

No mention of the fact you had to shorten your tube (the brass part was exposed) and the pen won't allow the refill to retract, so you just left it out of the pen!!![}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)]

BUT, it is a NICE LOOKING, non-functional pen!!!
Originally posted by ed4copies


No mention of the fact you had to shorten your tube (the brass part was exposed) and the pen won't allow the refill to retract, so you just left it out of the pen!!![}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)]

BUT, it is a NICE LOOKING, non-functional pen!!!

Ah, but that would be an untruth, my dear friend. Where do you think the black denim CA'd to my fingers came from?;) I fitzed it.:D And it twists and retracts just fine, thank you. I'm smarter than your average bear, you know. Now where did I put that picinic basket?

Oh, while I'm at it, if you want to see the pen that started all this, go to this page.

NIb end looks a LITTLE like a repair, but I still don't believe it.

If it ain't in the picture, it didn't happen!!

(Good repair job, Billy!!)
Truth be known, the repair is at the finial end. The nib end looks funny b/c I over turned it before I put on the bushings... remember? I thought I got it built up enought, but... Haste makes mistakes.:D
Originally posted by alamocdc

Truth be known, the repair is at the finial end. The nib end looks funny b/c I over turned it before I put on the bushings... remember? I thought I got it built up enought, but... Haste makes mistakes.:D

Now I KNOW you are kidding????

A.) It was MORE than 20 minutes ago
B.) It originally occurred during my nap time. so

NO, I DON'T REMEMBER!!!!! What a SILLY question!!
Originally posted by alamocdc

Originally posted by ed4copies


No mention of the fact you had to shorten your tube (the brass part was exposed) and the pen won't allow the refill to retract, so you just left it out of the pen!!![}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)]

BUT, it is a NICE LOOKING, non-functional pen!!!

Ah, but that would be an untruth, my dear friend. Where do you think the black denim CA'd to my fingers came from?;) I fitzed it.:D And it twists and retracts just fine, thank you. I'm smarter than your average bear, you know. Now where did I put that picinic basket?

Oh, while I'm at it, if you want to see the pen that started all this, go to this page.
Oh I remember that pen well .....It inspired me to burn my fingers...nose hair and eyes many times, not to mention sticking myself to the blank, as I made my own Denim pens. Billy thanks for allowing me to copy you. My finger thank you! My nose hairs thank you! and last but not least my watery burnt eyes thank you! I've since wised up and bought a dust collector which help wonderfully pulling CA fumes away. :D
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