2 months = March.

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Local Chapter Leader
Dec 15, 2006
Pleasanton, CA, USA.
March 5th and 6th works best for me and Jay. But we are certainly not required at the meeting so let's get planning.

Who wants to host? Where? What dates work best for folks? (especially the host)

Need to get Larry's discussion on segmenting in here for sure. What else?

Once we have the when and where we can start another thread with the date in the title for easy searching.
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That weekend works for me.

Yep segmenting is a good topic. I'm hopeful that maybe we can also talk about casting/stablization and maybe turning acrylic pens. I have some blanks but really aren't sure what to do with them. A demo would be great :)
March 5th is my BD and Kathy may have something going on. I have to check on it. Otherwise it is good for me.

Segmenting would be great. I would also like to see the plans for the sled he made shared with the group. That is a great idea. Sure makes segmenting a lot simpler. The acrylic turning is good as well.
I also nominate turning delrin rod into bushings as a demo. This is something we could all use to protect our bushings. I have not done this yet but have been thinking about it for some time. Just my TCW.
March 5 or 6 will work for us. I'd be glad to bring the sled I use for cutting segment pieces on various angles and maybe share some about the segmenting I've done. Others in the group have done segmenting that I haven't tried, so maybe this could become a round table discussion. Some discussion about the likes and dislikes of the various pen kits might be interesting. I'd be glad to do a 10 minute demo of the method I use for applying a BLO/CA finish that works well for me. Connie and I are eager to learn how to cast our own blanks so any discussion of how to do it including equipment and materials would be great for us.

Connie and I would be glad to host a meeting. We have plenty of space for everyone but parking might be a problem. We live on a hillside with a steep 100 foot long drive. There's enough parking in the street, but not at the top of the drive. It would be a backbreaker to carry a lathe up the driveway, but they could be driven up in a car and unloaded. Then the car could be parked on the street below. However, we have two lathes in the garage that can easily be used for demos. We live in Santa Rosa which is about 50 miles north of San Francisco so it might be a long drive for some folks. Let us know what you think.. Connie and Larry Rayher
Right now, the only weekend in March that WILL NOT work for us is the 19th and 20th.

I've GOT to work on something new before the next meeting.... :biggrin:
I am up for Santa Rosa on the 5th or 6th, either one. Kathy and I can to do something on Saturday or Sunday for the BD thing. So I will celebrate life with you all. I am looking forward to the day already.

Being such a long drive for some, Saturday may be better as Monday follows the long drive back home.
Saturday works for me. Santa Rosa is really no further for me then anywhere else. Maybe we don't have to bring any lathes since Larry and Connie have two there. Sounds like a cake is in order.
That sounds like fun, I am moved in now but cannot fine my lathe yet. By March I may be able to host if needed.


It sounds like there are some folks willing to have the March meeting in Santa Rosa. Connie and I are glad to host it. So, is it a go to have the next meeting at our house? If it is a go, we'll start planning for it.. Larry
I just got a craving for cake. Man, I'm so impressionable. Recently had a really good banana cake with chocolate chunks....

We'll see what we can do to get up there. I'm not really comfortable leaving the kids with a sitter while we are TWO HOURS away from home.....:confused: so maybe only one of us will come?? anyone from down this way wanna carpool?
Darn, I was hoping to try out a new receipe for brussel sprouts cake. I guess that I will have to make another type of cake.

WHEW! Thank God I mentioned that one.:eek::biggrin:

Kathy is coming with me to Santa Rosa. After the meeting we are going to stay there somewhere and run around and explore. Now who do I know in that area that may know something about Santa Rosa? Hmmm.
Larry.. you and Kathy are welcome to spend Saturday night at our place. We have extra sleeping space. There's room for 5 people to sleep in beds and for a few more people to sleep on sofas. Anyone who would like to sleep here Saturday night is welcome. Connie and I will even provide breakfast in the morning. Please let us know if you are planning to stay over.

There's a lot of fun things to do in the area if you're going to be here on Sunday... Plenty of great wineries to visit, some interesting small towns to tour, some nice drives along the coast to take, and a must see Charles Schulz (Snoopy Museum) here in Santa Rosa.

In addition, we need to firm up an agenda for our meeting. What demos do we want to have? Who will do them? What topics do we want to have for the roundtable? Who has something specific to share?

Let's have a sandwich style lunch. Connie and I will supply meat and cheese for the sandwiches. We've got a few weeks to decide who will bring what. In addition we will definitlely need chairs and tables.

As usual we'll have setup from 10-11am, start our meeting at 11am and break for lunch sometime around 12 or 12:30.

Finally, please send me a personal message if you are coming. I'll reply with a personal message that includes our phone number, address and some directions to our house. If we've forgotten anything or you have any questions, please let us know. We're new at this, but are looking forward to seeing all of you.

Thanks.. Connie and Larry Rayher
I was hoping to host one at my place soon. Right now I'm dealing with this knee recovery. I haven't been able to play in the shop since early December. I bought a bowl gouge & some bowl blanks and all I can do is look at them.

Perhaps the next one can be here. Best to get it done before the central valley heat sets in. 110 in the garage is just too much and my wife might have an issue if we do any turning indoors. I guess only potential issue having it at my place is my five indoor cats. Yes five is a lot, but that's a long story. Don't know if we have anyone with cat allergies or not but I want to be sensitive to the possibility.

Fresno soon?
This will be a long trip, almost 500 miles roundtrip. Any Fresno/Clovis/Madera carpoolers? Hmmm, I wonder how much amtrak would be.

Hey Ken,
I'm still trying to verify my calendar that weekend but I would certainly be interested in sharing the ride with you again. That's a long haul from here and the company would be nice to help pass that many miles.

My birthday is a few days prior so I have to make sure my family isn't planning something for me on that weekend.

I think your place would be great for a meeting Dave, and I agree the midsummer heat can be intense.

Riding together would definitely make the travel easier Dave and David.

Angela, you up for a roadtrip?
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