2 Firsts in one day

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Nov 13, 2004
Essex, Ontario, Canada.
This is my first Deer Antler pen and also my first wooden band . The band is made from Cocobolo. I wasn't sure just how to finish it so I used my old standby ,Lee Valley Turners Polish , and it came up looking like glass . I was really impressed , I thought it would only be good on wood but I was dead wrong .

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Very nice Doug, good job on the band and always my preference when you can leave some of the natural edge of the antler showing. Anthony
Leaving the natural edge showing was something I picked up from this forum , so was the band , Thanks to all who posted something about these 2 subjects .
I turned the band with the pen but removed it to sand and polish the pen , then put it back on the lathe and finished it seperately.
Great Pen, Great band, and Great Image of the Finish. but better yet.
isn't nice to have something go wrong in the write direction once in a while?
Thanks for all the nice words . This may have been my first Antler pen but it sure won't be my last .
I've decided that this one will go to my son-in-law as a Christmas presant for 2 reasons , #1 - he provided me with the antlers and #2- He used to weigh a little over 300lbs and now he's just over 200lbs , Deserves a reward don't you think?

Forgive me as I don't know how long you have been turning, but do be careful with the dust. Be sure you protect yourself in one way or another against breathing the dust created when turning antler. I had a rough couple of months when I turned several antler pens last year.

That being said, you made a terrific looking antler pen! [:)]
I had a "chest cold" for at least two months after turning these antler pens. I have since raised my prices considerably on antler pens. Although antler pens look great, I sure appreciate wood more. [:)]
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