11 yr old Son's First Pen

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Nov 30, 2009
Stillwater, OK
Here's my 11 year old son's first try at the lathe. I think he did an excellent job. This is a Bloodwood, Ebony, and Maple combination, sanded to 600 grit and then medium CA/Mylands combo. He did everything on this pen except glue the tubes (CA dries too fast for him), and apply the medium CA (because this was my first time using it and didn't know if he could do it...).

I'm very proud of him, but also a little scared...I mean, if this is his first pen, what will his future ones look like? I see my lathe time getting cut if I'm not careful!

It was a good time teaching him and he really enjoyed it.


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That's really neat. He did a fine looking pen. I have a 5yr old grandaughter that cant wait to get big enough that I will let her turn.
My wifes name is Kerri...her number is 555-1212....LOL I agree about the lathes but somehow I doubt she will. That would mean her car would have to stay out side ALL the time, not just part of the time...

Mike, tell your boy he did good. Real nice job!! I have 2 lathes and my wife and I turn on the weekends. I can ONLY HOPE that the good Lord blesses us with a son one day that I can share my talent with, like you have. You guys have fun!!
He did a fine job there. If you don't mind, tell your son to be careful with the long sleves shirts. I hate to have him get it caught on the lathe like i did. Ripped my cuff off. I pulled my arm away he may not be strong to pull his away. My son turns with me also that's why i had to get another lathe and build a small work shop.
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First pen !!! Holy cow, it's better than my last pen! His (your) future ($$$$) looks very bright!
Look at the bright(er) side......he just took the misery out of trying to figure out what to buy him for Christmas - another lathe (that is how you get the misses to go along with it) !
Nice Job...
Fantastic young fella!!:):):):)

Almost as good as my first pen and I´m MUCH older than you.:tongue:

Long sleeves are a no,no!!.

Suggest a platform for you to stand on so that your elbow is about spindle height.More comfortable and your techniqe will improve because you are at the right height.

Keep up the great work and keep having fun.

Cheers, artme.
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I love this. I did the same with my little ones a couple weeks ago. And they loved it as well. I like seeing us involve our family members in our obsession. I mean hobby......LOL...
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