Floral Pens~Polymer Clay

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simply, speechless

....so I'll use smileys instead...:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

trying to figure out how you make them...:beat-up:

a tutorial or video of how you make these truly outstanding pens would really be a marvelous contribution to this site in my opinion.:biggrin:
Thank you everyone for the complements. I hope Keith was able to answer your questions. I will work on a tutorial to explain how to cover brass tubes with Polymer clay canes. Dont think I will do a video, cant stand my voice..LOL
Thank you everyone for the complements. I hope Keith was able to answer your questions. I will work on a tutorial to explain how to cover brass tubes with Polymer clay canes. Dont think I will do a video, cant stand my voice..LOL

You could do a silent video and use captions to convey what you would have said.

Great pens, by the way, very impressive!
Well you know you just posted a very unique product when you start looking at the pages and pages of responses. I too would like to welcome you to the best turning site on the net. This is where you will be rewarded with great responses and participation from some of the best around. You and your pens and creative mind fit right in here.

These pens you have shown are absolutely stunning and your talent shows through each and every one. Thanks for showing and thanks for joining.
You could do a silent video and use captions to convey what you would have said.

Or you could take a tip from Saturday Night Live, hire someone to translate
for the hearing impaired. ( small vignette in the top corner of the screen
with someone yelling really loud)
Thank you EVERYONE I do appreciate the complements!! I never would have thought..

As for a silent video, IMPOSSIBLE for me to be silent, I am a originally from Union, New Jersey and moved to New York State, Poughquag. Being quiet for a Jersey girl would be impossible.. I started writing up the tutorial, trying to get it to everyone as soon as possible. BUT it wont be how to make canes it will be how to cover the tubes. I will have to wait till I get tubes to take photos for the tutorial though.

Thank you Again!!Toni
If you are a Jersey girl, what are you doing in New Zealand??? You didn't have to go all that way to make pens. We have materials here too. :biggrin:
Those pens are almost as beautiful as you are Toni! :redface:

I was thinking that they must be painted, but now I understand what has happened. You have amazing grace and patience. It is obvious that we all admire what you do!
Toni, congrats on one of the most impressive showings on SOYP, they are just beautiful....One hundred posts on SOYP WoW!!!!!
OKLAHOMAN~Frightening isnt it? who would have thought (quiet Keith)

Thewishman~canes can last for YEARS! as long as they are properly stored, ie..a flat bottom contaner with lid, us pc'ers like to use those plastic tackle boxes.

As for what the hell am I doing down here? Long Story, but the short version is I married a New Zealand aka Kiwi, 18years ago, he decided he wanted to come back in 2007, he regrets it ever since!! We have been trying to get home, problems we are having is him getting a job, then we can come back otherwise we will live in the ghettoo.. What does he do? computers..development work....If you want more info or know of a job send me a message I WANT TO COME HOME!!!!!!!!!!

Is this post a record on IPA?? I wish I was this popular in highschool..:)
Like they say here in NJ, What Exit is that???

My mother used to live in South Plainfield!! I can no longer remember what exit on the pkwy but it was the one to get onto Styvesant(sp?) Road, the one that has the restarunt called "Tifanys" best buffalo wings in the world.. I miss them..I have a list a mile long about what I miss... Cheetos Freetos, Turkey CLUBS, Ben and Jerrys!! Haggi...I can go on and on...welchs' grap jelly, blue cheese salad dressing............. I want to come home
OKLAHOMAN~Frightening isnt it? who would have thought (quiet Keith)

Thewishman~canes can last for YEARS! as long as they are properly stored, ie..a flat bottom contaner with lid, us pc'ers like to use those plastic tackle boxes.

As for what the hell am I doing down here? Long Story, but the short version is I married a New Zealand aka Kiwi, 18years ago, he decided he wanted to come back in 2007, he regrets it ever since!! We have been trying to get home, problems we are having is him getting a job, then we can come back otherwise we will live in the ghettoo.. What does he do? computers..development work....If you want more info or know of a job send me a message I WANT TO COME HOME!!!!!!!!!!

Is this post a record on IPA?? I wish I was this popular in highschool..:)

why? Isn't it like the most peaceful place on the planet? no war, farms, farms, farms, sheep, farms, farms.........:biggrin:

thats the only steryotype I know of about New Zealand, sheep and farmland, and one of the only countries to never war (or so I heard, from a sometimes unreliable source:rolleyes:)
French fries and vinegar from Palisades Park.

thats hitting below the belt!!

Padre please do I love the east coast well everything above jersey..:biggrin:

Zanderpommo~oh please that was like 20+ years ago!! OMG where i live right now what be like a city compared to living in New York State, that is much more beautiful than New Zealand. BUT this is were i am living in New Zealand, North Island there are places like that, but where I am there arent many trees, tons of English migrated here, alchol, drugs, valdalism, murders...sorry to burst your bubble....its aint all its cracked up to be!! I could say more, but its my opinion I would rather be in New York State.
Very nice pens, but your real talent is in making the canes you use. I looked at your site and other sites and came to the conclusion that your work really stands out. I also viewed a youtube explaining how to make a cane. Very interesting.
ZP, yes, the Maoris are the original indigenous population. Linguistic and mtDNA studies say they migrated from Taiwan about 5K yrs ago.

Very nice pens, but your real talent is in making the canes you use. I looked at your site and other sites and came to the conclusion that your work really stands out. I also viewed a youtube explaining how to make a cane. Very interesting.

Yes, that's what I discovered as well. The canes are the key. From what I've read so far, mastering Skinner blending to get a color gradient, forming the various canes, and then rolling them small enough with their color gradients intact will be the real trick for penmaking. You'll have to build small, and then roll it smaller, I suspect.

I've already got my Pasta Maker. Up next, the clay. Sculpey is crap from what I hear. BTW, how durable is a clay pen? Is it more of less fragile than, say, glass would be?

What's wrong with NZ? That's where the Hobbits live! :biggrin:

No, they just work there.
BTW, how durable is a clay pen? Is it more of less fragile than, say, glass would be?

I'm not an expert, but I've got a half dozen clay pens rolling around my house in testing.

This clay is nothing like pottery clay, if you drop the pen, it won't be shattering. The consistency of the cured clay is similar to Ebonite. soft enough that you can dent it with your finger nail, but hard enough that it flexes back out after a few minutes. Now if you put a CA coat on top of it, it will be harder. I use lacquer myself on my pens and they have been holding up nicely for the last 6 months or so.
Where you expect those things as part of the local color ...

ZP, NZ does have armed services. A lot of Maoris sign up and they make mighty good soldiers.

I married a Maori and actually the are NOT the original indigenous population it was the Moriori as the legends are told, its not a pleasant discussion amongst the Maori because the Moriori were cannibals because they are there decendents. Read all you want about it, I get my information straight from the head of my husbands tribe..Its quite an interesting culture, its the only part of my husbands family that I get along with as his mother is European, well enough said.:biggrin:


As for the pens being fragile or cracking has yet to happen with any of mine, baking for the correct length of time and making sure the clay is contitioned is VERY important.. Starting to look as though you wont be needing that tutorial after all:eek:
I married a Maori and actually the are NOT the original indigenous population it was the Moriori as the legends are told, its not a pleasant discussion amongst the Maori because the Moriori were cannibals because they are there decendents. Read all you want about it, I get my information straight from the head of my husbands tribe..Its quite an interesting culture, its the only part of my husbands family that I get along with as his mother is European, well enough said.:biggrin:


As for the pens being fragile or cracking has yet to happen with any of mine, baking for the correct length of time and making sure the clay is contitioned is VERY important.. Starting to look as though you wont be needing that tutorial after all:eek:

The article you linked says the Moriori were indigenous to the island archipelago east of NZ. This seems to indicate the Maoris were the original indigenous population in NZ, but we all know how reliable wikipedia is.

Shouldn't you be boxing up my order? :biggrin: I want a first hand look at your superior cane technique.
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What benefit would the members on here get from purchasing the blanks? curious? why not just buy a pen? more dumb questions:confused:

For most pen kits there are several plating options, and for some tube sizes there are several variations on kit.

So if you sold Sierra blanks, folks could pick from dozens of variations on the Sierra to use your decorated tube in. Similarly if you sold Slimline blanks, folks could choose from all the various plating options available.

Under this scenario, your investment would be the tubes (~$0.50 per set) and whatever it takes you to create this art. Given the artistry involved I would suspect you could sell blanks for more than you were charging for the whole pen.

What you need to balance is what you enjoy doing with what is cost effective. If as has been suggested, you can make a lot more for your pens then you were originally charging, you may be better off selling whole pens.

In your case, forming the blank is 90+% of the job so the extra time to assemble the pen is probably trivial compared to the time involved in making the blank.
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