Leather Pen Case Group Buy

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Jan 1, 2004
Reno, NV, USA.
Just so everyone knows, the 4% is not an increase in what you have already paid. it is one of the many things I have already added to the cost of the cases. The only issue for me was the 12% Taxes that they where asking me to pay half of. They have agreed to fill the order at the quoted price and basically agree with my statement that I have given them more than enough opportunity to discover any such costs.
I will not be asking for any additional payment from anyone at this time. I also have no reason to think I will need to.

The order is going to be processed in two parts. not sure why but am pretty sure it has to do with just how large it is. I will not be completely at ease until the order is in my possession. at this moment I am suspicious that they will try to short the number of cases in the order. We will see.
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Jul 30, 2007
Franklin, NC, USA.
The only issue for me was the 12% Taxes that they where asking me to pay half of. They have agreed to fill the order at the quoted price and basically agree with my statement that I have given them more than enough opportunity to discover any such costs.

Well that seems to be good news. It looks like a show of good faith. I know how scary it is dealing over seas for a first time unknown dealer and I commend you for taking this on. Try not to stress it too much I know that pucker feeling when the cash leaves your hands and till you get the product back in your hands. Have faith it will all work out.

Go have a beer and catch a few fish for me. I used to do a trout fishing when I lived in Colorado. So go do some fishing catch that big rainbow and post a pict.:beer::wink:

Thanks for all your hard work


Jan 1, 2004
Reno, NV, USA.
Just an update that is mostly just general interest in the process. I received an e-mail over the weekend that said the Leather for our order has been made. They will start cutting out the patterns as of today.

Just so you all know the leather making did not take nearly as long as it may seem. there was a huge delay in getting the money sent to India. We tried Pay Pal no go, We tried sending directly from bank to bank but with my limited mobility that was not happening. I then tried to send it online via Western Union...No go. I finally took the money to a Western Union office and got the order paid for. Well half of it anyway.

I have always said when a group buy goes well it goes really well, when they go bad they are really really bad. this one is not playing nice at all. I sort of get an attitude of revenge when that happens and just get more determined to pull it off.

By the way just some personal info. Since the group buy really has not taken up much of my time this last week. I strayed far off the path and built myself a custom fishing rod. My home computer died but when I get it fixed I will post a picture of it. I am pretty proud of it for a first time attempt. Think pens are expensive. try $100 for a fishing pole that you have to put together.

hope you all have a great 4th. Say hello to all your friends and family. I'll be thinking of you all.


Jan 1, 2004
Reno, NV, USA.
For those wondering how long til the cases get here. (I've gotten several e-mails the last couple of days)

I have posted before that I was told to expect 30 days to make an order of 500 cases. longer for a larger order. Our order was 1000 cases (expect as much as 2 months) This clock starts from the time payment was made which was the last few days of June. This means that the cases are not expected to be shipped to me until mid August at best, most likely late August.

Some additional info is that the 2 pen cases and most of the large pocket single cases are finished as of an e-mail I received last Saturday. That e-mail also stated that these cases would be shipped to me in one or two shipments this week but I have not heard anything further on them. Evidently the manufacturer is planning to ship the cases in batches as they are completed. Don't ask me why this is just as unusual to me as it would be to anyone else. At any rate the production is in the process and it is way to early to be wondering if cases are being sent out yet.


Jan 15, 2009
Rancho Cucamonga, Ca.

Thanks again for running this super job communicating. Did you recieve the 100 case trial order? If so how were they?

Thanks, Manny
(NOT Monty/Mannie/CA guy) :biggrin:


Aug 27, 2007
Adamsville, TN, USA.
Now we just wait for Yak and Yettie courier and cartage to cross the Himalayas and then to get the cases loaded on to a replica of the Kon Tiki (minus the Late Thor Heyerdahl) and a strong tradewinds to blow the raft here and were all set.:wink::wink::wink:


Jan 1, 2004
Reno, NV, USA.
Oh Lord Ken, that brought tears to my eyes. It is good to know that I am accurately conveying what I am dealing with though.
By the way, Yes the large pocket cases came in and they are perfect for the large pens.
I am not selling them yet or sending them out. I didn't think it was right since all the orders cannot be filled.
I got an e-mail this last weekend that sounded like all cases will be here in the next couple of weeks. I will be much more at ease when I actually start seeing some of them though.
I always seem to learn something new or be challenged by something with every new buy, but this one takes the prize. I have lost track of how long it has taken but I seem to remember snow outside at some point. I want to thank everyone for there trust. this sort of delay could have gotten real ugly on any other group.


Jan 6, 2009
Sandston, Va
That stinks Hank

You spend all that money and you can't even play with it. That reminds me of an old saying my father always use to say " #@^%&@@##$" not politicly correct to say in mix company though he was from the old school. :cool:


Jan 1, 2004
Reno, NV, USA.
One more update. I received all of the 2 pen cases last Friday. so far all is well. The package with half of the single large pocket cases is out for delivery according to India. They did not provide me with the tracking number. The other half of the order is just now starting to be made. They expect it to take 15 days to complete it. I still don't expect to have all of them until mid August though. There is simply way to much delay for this and delay for that stuff going on.



Jan 1, 2004
Reno, NV, USA.
Hello Everyone, It has been a while since I posted an update. Mainly I have been holding my breath and trying to figure out just how to write everything and not get long winded.
In anut shell it is going anything but good.
The supplier has decided to ship everything 1/2 at a time. that means half the single cases, half the 24 pen cases etc. so far I have received 2 of a total of 6 packages. the third is being held by TNT and I have not been able to find out why yet. could be that they cannot read the address could be that we will be hit with customs and duties. no idea at this time.

Also shipping the packages this way has caused the shipping to cost nearly 3 times what I had expected.

I am also starting to get worried that the supplier may not even fill the second half of the order. (it has not been paid for yet either) Bu tthat does not help alot when it comes to trying to sort this whole mess out.

Anyway, about all I can say for the moment is there are problems and not many answers at the moment. that will change and i will let you all know what I know when I know it.
It is looking like mid August is not going to be long enough to get this buy finished.



Jan 1, 2004
Reno, NV, USA.
Is there anyone out there that is a liscensed importer that can receive the second half of this entire order?
please PM me if you can help out. basically the supplier will ship the entire second half of the order in one shipment if it is to a liscensed importer that can pay for it by bank transfer. this has to do with government credits they get in India and not legality of getting the cases into the US. I guess they pay penalties if they do not have the proper paper work to show the officials.



Jan 1, 2004
Reno, NV, USA.
As far as I know the 500 single pen cases are still in New York. I get a letter from the shipper that I owed them $30 in custom fees and thought that woudl settle it. I paid that $30 last Monday but tracking still shows that cases in New York. At this time I am considering those 500 cases as lost.

At this point I am pretty much certain I am going to cancel this buy and refund everyone their money. but there are a few problems.

First of all is how do I know everyone that is in the buy even sees this post. Not very likely.

second is that I am $1800 short of being able to refund all the money that was paid to me.

third is that I am past the grace period for making pay pal refunds. this means everyone either looses 3% of what they paid me or, I have to come up with that 3%. At this time I am planning to refund with the 3% so that you get a complete refund. keep in mind that this is only about $120.

Trust me even if those seem like big problems, they are a relief compared to what I am trying to solve. yes I am taking the easy way out...finally.

as for how to make sure eveyone knows what is going on. I can't fix that. people will simply get refunds with a note as to why.

Second, how to come up with the extra $1800 plus all the extra money I have thrown in to this buy. I have about 450 cases at this time that I will put up for sale to recover that $1800 plus nearly $1000 of my money that I put towards extra shipping.

I have already thought about allowing those that have orders int eh group buy to go ahead and get there orders but it simply becomes far to complicated. I cannot fill any of the roders completely except maybe one or two so it becomes a situation of partial roder partial refund. way to much tracking to do.

I do not think it will take a long time to get the money but some refunds will not be made until the cases do sell. at this time I have no idea what the prices on the cases will be.

I am also going to use any mooney from sales of Pen Mills and Pen stands toward refunds.

Just a side note that is not in regard to jsut this buy. I am in the process of closing all the buys I have been doing. It has nothign to do with this buy. Simply that conditions have changed in regard to being able to manage them in several ways this last year and I am no longer able to do it the way I used to.

The alternative to the above plan is to complete the second half of the order (provided the first half actually gets to me). this means I have all the cases to fill all the orders, But do not have the money to mail them. I have already used up any extra money I have and will come up about $800 or so, I am not really sure. how to devide that extra costs is a huge problem I am not sure I am willing to take on. I will not have items to sell to generate more money etc. basically to go forward with the order means I am walking knowingly into a dead end with no way to get myself out. without being ablet to get every persons agreement to pay a little more for there order (on average $16). The proibelms in even trying to get into contact with every person in the buy is beyond reasonable.

So far I have not really heard anything from anyone. Not sure if people jsut have not seen these posts or have nothing to say. but for th emoment I am not doing anything one way or the other. I am waiting for the other 500 cases to reach me.


Jul 30, 2007
Franklin, NC, USA.
Well I know I am getting the updates. I think most are and like me are holding there breath hoping this will work and feeling your pain.

What a pain maybe the cases mite still show. Not sure what shipping you used but USPS stinks especially international. Tracking isn't worth a darn. Now UPS that's a another story.

What ever you decide I am with you. I say go do some fishing for a week and hope there's a package when you back.



Passed Away Dec 28, 2021
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Mar 8, 2006
Richmond, VA, USA.
I for one would be happy with a partial order, no refund if that's simple. Calculate the actual cost per unit with all your costs, shippng to me (can be lowest cost method) and send me whatever number of cases qualify - even if it is only one. If its less than one, don't worry.


Jan 6, 2009
Sandston, Va
I would not mine paying a little more to get the cases i ordered. Just try to get a reply from everyone i am sure everyone understands your pain. You have been a trooper in trying to pull this off. :bananen_smilies104:

tim self

Oct 2, 2008
Atoka, Oklahoma
Daniel, I am glad I am not in your shoes. I do not mind paying more for shipping on a partial. But then again if it is completely canceled, I've thrown a lot more than this away. You deserve a HUGE pat on the back for bearing al this mess.


May 17, 2006
Costa Rica
Daniel, I for one applaud your efforts. I think I might have one of the bigger orders and am not in the least bid concerned as you told us from the beginning that there might be problems. If you decide to refund make mine one of the last, if you decide to go ahead with the ND half what the hell is another $16-$30. Do what you think is best and I think most would be OK with that .


Feb 5, 2006
Brownfield, Alberta, Canada.
Agree with the others . Don`t sweat asking for additional postage if needed , had figured on that anyway . Take Bruce`s advice and go fishing for a week - the shipment will probably show up . Also have zero problem with waiting another month or two for order completion if you want to go that route .


Jan 1, 2004
Reno, NV, USA.

Well, at least a fairly decent return in comments is indicating to move forward (if i am up to it) which I am. I am sort of at the point I can salvage everyone's money and stop risking it. let me see what happens with the 500 case order. if at least a majority of people are willing to take a small hit for additional postage. i will carry on with the buy.
I have been contacted by the supplier as of today that they have a person on New York that will acts as a go between and solve there problems. I need to find out more details because so far every problem they needed solved has cost me more money. I prefer to keep my word to everyone including the supplier and do not take backing out lightly.


May 17, 2006
Costa Rica
Daniel, Only you know what your going through so in going ahead with the buy might cost us a few more $,.......big deal ........Guess we'll see you in a padded room after this is over.


Apr 19, 2008
Shawnee, OK, USA.
My 2 cents worth. I'd rather pay a little more and get the order but it seems it may be a gamble that the rest of the order even makes it to you. My order wasn't big enough to make a huge difference either way so do what you think best( best for you as well best for the buy ) and I'll be good with it. I'd rather have a partial refund than have you be big bucks out of pocket to make total refunds.


May 31, 2008
Pilot Point, Texas, USA

The essence of a group buy is shared gain, or on rare occasions, shared loss. I don't think you should be left with a loss. Please do as you think best and ship me what you can. If there is money left send me a refund. If more money is needed, let me know my share.



Jan 7, 2008
Port Orchard, WA.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said:

"I am a man of principles, and one of my principles is flexibility"

So do what ever works best for you...

and thanks for keeping at this on our behalf


Apr 1, 2008
Chandler, AZ, USA.

I've not been replying because I didn't feel it was necessary- you seemed
to be dealing with the issues better than I could.

As to continuing or scrapping the buy. Either's fine with me.

You've done a superb job trying to pull this together.
From day 1 you told everyone this could fall apart or run into hidden costs,
so it's not like you're springing anything on us. The updates have been
frequent and I'm sure only shown a glimmer of the frustration this has caused you.

If we do scrap the buy, would you write up / copy your notes and put it
in the library so others could learn from your experience?

Thank You for all your effort- no matter how it turns out.
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Jan 1, 2004
Reno, NV, USA.
I want people to know, this is not so much work on my part, as it is worry. Your comments are very helpful and encouraging. Basically I am in a spot that my next decision could be the wrong one. I know you all want pen cases, and would not want your money lost. So basically my call at this point is do I take the risk for one more round?
The supplier is going to send the second half of the order in one shipment to an agent in New York (provided I choose to go on) this eliminates any other problems but increases the chance of Customs fees. Customs is very complicated and even I do not come close to understanding it. but basically the higher the value of the shipment the greater chance it will get charged. But it is still a random thing. Certain things stand out and will cause them to open your package, such as undervaluing the package. that is what happend with the 500 pen case shipment I am trying to get now. they had it valued at 150 and it's value according to Customs is $400. all this did was cause customs to hold it and require that it be signed for to be released. well with the package in New York and me in Reno signing for it has been a little tricky. I did it though and hopefully the package is on the way.

In short if you all are willing for me to roll the dice on your money one more time, I am game. The bottom line is this would all be a lot easier on me if it was only my money at risk. I know all of you have been in some situation simular to that. Otherwise it is more a matter of being a stearn heartless jerk and that comes naturally to me, lol
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