What's the best paint for tubes?

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Apr 21, 2009
Grand Rapids, MI
I have been using basic acrylic paint to paint the tubes for the more transparent blanks, but it tends to be pretty soft and easily scratched. Sometime if I'm not really careful it peels off when inserting the tube. What do some of you use that perhaps will get better results? I also know painting the inside of the blank will give a more uniform look, but again, am concerned about peeling the paint out when inserting the tube.

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Have you ever tried mixing a little paint with CA glue and painting the inside of the blank with the colored CA? I tried that last week and it appears to have worked rather nicely.
I've seen a few people on here mention that they use brass blackener. From what I've been able to find on the subject, you should clean the brass with muriatic acid for like 10 minutes or so then throw it into some brass blackener until it's good and black, rinse it with water, then dry it off. I haven't tried this yet, but if you do a search for brass blackener, you'll find a couple threads.
Have you ever tried mixing a little paint with CA glue and painting the inside of the blank with the colored CA? I tried that last week and it appears to have worked rather nicely.

I have tried CA and paint many times. Every paint I used, the CA immediately turned to a "rock". What kind of paint works?????
I'll try the Testors. To echo what Ed said above, I just mixed some acrylic paint with CA and ZAP - Rock solid immediately.

Thanks all.
I found an old (very old) oil based model paint kit in my in-laws basement. That is what I have been using. The stuff probably has lead in it. :rolleyes:

I have tried CA and paint many times. Every paint I used, the CA immediately turned to a "rock". What kind of paint works?????

I now use epoxy, which can be tinted with almost anything. But, my experience with paint and CA was fruitless!!
I started working on a money blank from Ed last night. To color the tube I roughened it with sand paper and then used a cold blue used for touching up the bluing on firearms. After it's black wash it off with water and dry and your good to go. CA or epoxy will not attack the black.
I first roughen the tubes (all tubes, not just those that I paint). I then shoot them with whatever kind of spray paint lands in my hand at the store. Then I let them sit for at least a couple days to make sure that the paint is fully cured. As long as it's good and cured, the CA doesn't affect it. If it isn't completely cured, the CA will turn it to goo and all is lost.
I started working on a money blank from Ed last night. To color the tube I roughened it with sand paper and then used a cold blue used for touching up the bluing on firearms. After it's black wash it off with water and dry and your good to go. CA or epoxy will not attack the black.
I realize that this runs contrary to the feelings of several in here, but I often don't paint the tubes for money blanks anymore. I pack my mold very full of money so there is very little tube that shows, but the bits that do actually look pretty good, kinda moneyish, actually.

The only time that I absolutely make sure that I paint the tubes for money pens is if we are using a kit that ends up with very thin tubes. Honestly, I try to avoid using those kits with these blanks because I don't care for the look of the resulting pens, no matter how the tube is prepared.
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i will have to try the gun blueing idea. I am from Oklahoma, We ALL have a bottle of blueing in our gun cabinets. :)
I have tried CA and paint many times. Every paint I used, the CA immediately turned to a "rock". What kind of paint works?????

I have started using epoxy instead of CA when I can so I don't know about paint and CA. I have had success with testor's model paint (enamel) and epoxy.
I started working on a money blank from Ed last night. To color the tube I roughened it with sand paper and then used a cold blue used for touching up the bluing on firearms. After it's black wash it off with water and dry and your good to go. CA or epoxy will not attack the black.

i tried this earlier, and the black wrinsed right off. how long do you let the tubes sit in the blueing?
i tried this earlier, and the black wrinsed right off. how long do you let the tubes sit in the blueing?

The bluing I use is some I have left over from when I was working as a gunsmith. I don't remember the name of it but it's a light blue colored liquid not a paste. I scuff the tube up then put it in the bluing until it turns black, only takes a minute or two. I then let it dry before rinsing off with water. I think the key is to have the tube clean and dry. I'll try to find out the name of the bluing and post it when I find out.
Mine is Birchwood Casey "PermaBlue" It is a liquid as well. i scuffed my tubes, and dropped them directly into the liquid. then i pulled them out, and didnt wait before i rinsed them off.

I think i will try a brush on tactic and see what happens, so as not to color the inside of the tube as well as the out.
Mine is Birchwood Casey "PermaBlue" It is a liquid as well. i scuffed my tubes, and dropped them directly into the liquid. then i pulled them out, and didnt wait before i rinsed them off.

I think i will try a brush on tactic and see what happens, so as not to color the inside of the tube as well as the out.

Model train builders use this technique for making little brass parts look like cast iron. They typically muriatic (hydrochloric) acid diluted with water to clean the brass with before bluing. I wonder if that's the problem. You should be able to get muriatic acid at most hardware stores.
The bluing I use is some I have left over from when I was working as a gunsmith. I don't remember the name of it but it's a light blue colored liquid not a paste. I scuff the tube up then put it in the bluing until it turns black, only takes a minute or two. I then let it dry before rinsing off with water. I think the key is to have the tube clean and dry. I'll try to find out the name of the bluing and post it when I find out.

The bluing I use is 44/40. Available at Brownell's and other sporting stores like Gander Mountain.
My blueing is working MUCH better with the brush on application. thanks for the help! i have been fighting this issue lately as well.
I guess i'm lazy. I don't remember where I read it but I have several different colored sharpies and just cover the tube with whatever color I want. I have never tried it on a completely see through blank, just on the swirly ones that you can barely see through when they are real thin. so far it works fine for that.
I guess i'm lazy. I don't remember where I read it but I have several different colored sharpies and just cover the tube with whatever color I want. I have never tried it on a completely see through blank, just on the swirly ones that you can barely see through when they are real thin. so far it works fine for that.
CA doesn't affect the dried sharpy ink?
Be careful about using a sharpie for coloring. Sharpie pens aren't permanent (regardless of what it says). The ink will fade over time. Just think of all those people getting sports jerseys signed by pro athletes!
I use several different kinds. If I'm preparing a big batch I'll thread all the tubes on a wire and shoot white or gray or black primer or whatever paint I have. I have also used paint sticks so I could blend colors for effect on semi-transparent casts. Q-tips and paint for the inside of the blank.
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