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Nov 29, 2004
Dallas suburb, Texas, USA.
to the fifth day of this year's

We will aim to start each daily contest at 12 noon ET on a given day; but TriviaMeister schedules may necessitate earlier or later starting times. Regardless of the starting time, you will have until noon ET of the following day to email your answer for the contest question. Please be sure to include your IAP screen name with your answer so we know who you are.​

All entries "postmarked" before noon ET of the contest closing day will be placed in a hat(electronic hat, actually) and two winners selected. Winners will be the first two entries selected at random that are valid and have the correct answer to the contest question. The winners will be announced on contest closing day at 8 P.M. ET (or thereabouts as the TriviaMeister's schedule permits:wink:) and the decision of the TriviaMeister will be final.

Email your answer to: CLOSED

Please show the date and name of the contest in the subject line of your email entry i.e., 5 FEB Trivia. You can copy/paste the preceeding. (This saves time for the TriviaMeister in processing entries.) Also be sure to include your screen name with your answer!!​

The prizes you will be competing for today are:​

$25 gift certificate. Donated by Torne Lignum (Ruth Niles)


A dozen pen blanks. Donated by spiritwoodturner (Dale).

!!!!!***HAVE FUN AND GOOD LUCK***!!!!!

Question for day 5.....​

Finishing pens can be a problem as the shop temperature falls. At what temperature will a Centigrade and a Fahrenheit thermometer read the same temp? (To the closest degree)

Email your answer to: CLOSED

Please show the date and name of the contest in the subject line of your email entry i.e., 5 FEB Trivia. You can copy/paste the preceeding. (This saves time for the TriviaMeister in processing entries.) Also be sure to include your screen name with your answer!!​

Note: "Laundry list" entries that include several possible alternative answers are "NOT" acceptable. Submit only one answer per question or question part(if there is a multi-part question) unless the question specifically asks for multiple answers. Thanks.​

The TriviaMeisters have decided there will be "NO" limit on the number of times any one person can win a prize. If you know your stuff and are lucky in the draw, you could win as many as 28 prizes!!!:wink:
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at 21 degrees!!!

(the celsius thermometer is in the house, which is about 70 degrees fahrenheit, 21 celsius, the fahrenheit thermometer is in the shop - garage - which is 21 degrees and colder than crap.)

NEXT question!!!
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For those that might be tempted, I'll give you a hint.

The answer is not 11.

"Colder than crap" would have been an acceptable answer if I had not asked for a specific number.:wink:

He Dion.........what's the temperature in Kazakhstan right now?? No this is not a trivia question!!
A) I didn't realize thermometers could read :eek:

B) Even if they can read, the temperature will always be the same unless one is in Florida and the other is in Wisconsin :eek::eek:
As an engineering professor this is something I am not able to forget. Which is a good thing since the conversion function on my calculator doesn't work correctly for temperatures that low.

OK folks, this one should not be too difficult. There should be LOTS of correct answers this time. Unless, of course, you REALLY, REALLY want me to win again.:rolleyes:
Speaking of "CRAPPY" thermometers, you know how to tell an oral thermometer from a rectal thermometer?

One tastes crappy, the other doesn't.
Now that might be a good trivia question!!:biggrin:

Guarantee me one of the prizes and I will provide the answer.

My wife teaches High School Science. She had a veternarian visit her classes yesterday.

Believe it or not the is a specific type of thermometer they use for measuring that type of material. :eek:

(I knew there was a reason I became an Accountant.)
I am pretty sure you want to know at what temp would both thermometers display the same number. I am not trying to nit pick but the day one question sort of set things up to watch for curves and that is one that stood out to me fairly well. otherwise any two thermometers in any room are reading the same temperature. what they display is another matter
This talk reminds me of the time the nurse chased the doctor down the hall to get his signature, he reached in his pocket and pulled out a rectal thermometer and said "dam some assholes got my pen"!
No, he uses a hand made cigar.

And his name was "Clinton, Bill Clinton!"

But they just called him "Fast willie!"

(No, Doc, this is NOT political, it is FUNNY!!)
Or this one, from Mike Pittman. :eek:

If anybody knows how to get in touch with MikePittman, for that pen I'll trade him the Lincoln Memorial and a couple hunert dallors. Not only that, I'll take vacation, drive to Ohio to pick it up to boot! He can keep the Bridge though. Won't fit in the Bronco or I'd haggle for it too ! Well the man claims to be from Ohio, Looks like he's from Texas to me!
Actually Charles I was trying to hopefully steer a few e-mails away from Randy. just in case. The organizers have enough to do the way it is and it does not take much of a slip to create a lot of work for themselves.
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