What about this idea?

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Activities Manager Emeritus
Mar 18, 2004
Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA.
This is something I am considering pitching to Ernie of Beartooth Woods.

The Beartoothwoods Pen Contest.

Rules are: The pen and kit must be bought from Beartoothwoods. Any kit and blank that Ernie sells can be used. The judge to be chosen by Ernie if he likes (Robin his wife?)

Ernie would provide a prize for the winner, or prizes for the top 3, at his descretion.

I feel this to be very different than the sponsorship that Constant offered. This would not be an ongoing sponsorship, just an additional contest.

Please let me know if you feel this to be a good idea. It the consensus is to approve the idea, I will contact Ernie.


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My initial reaction is that this will have the "appearance" of IAP encouraging/supporting/favoring one supplier over others.

Not sure we should go there.

I wonder how others see it??
My initial thought was are we going to have a pen contest for all the other suppliers as well? Doesn't seem fair to highlight just one.
As I perceive this, it follows a model I introduced last year. We called it the "Alternative Ivory" contest.

I think if Ernie wants a contest, he should be running it. HOWEVER, it raises a good question: Does a contest NEED to be sanctioned by the IAP??? In the matter of the MVV we seem to shun the responsibility of "sponsorship". NOW< are we saying we SHOULD sanction all contests? I perceive this as inconsistent.

BUT, I would like a discussion of it before the bash. I had considered another "Ed Contest" with prizes that I donate (above and beyond those I have committed to the bash). But, I can EASILY be dissuaded if there are objections.

I agree with Randy.

This would be okay if we offer similar opportunity to all IAP supporters and members like CSUSA, AS, Ed :biggrin: etc.

As it is, I think the risk of it back firing is not worth it.
Dawn reminds me that I had to clarify last year that the Alternative Ivory COULD be purchased from CSUSA - or anyone ELSE!! Even though I was supplying the prizes, there was a "hue and cry" about the contest requiring my material.

I think you are wandering into a tar pit, Cav.

But, it WOULD be good to have a policy on these matters, before the BASH!!!
While Ernie has definitely been an excellent sponsor of the IAP in the past, if we allow him to have a contest that promotes only his company, within the bounds of the IAP, then we look a bit hypocritical in that we told Constant that he could not do the same general thing.

The IAP does not support direct vendor advertisements. Your proposal might start us down a slippery slope. As well, since Berea is giving a very large donation this year, and my indication from Ernie is that he cannot afford a large donation, shouldn't Berea be the theoretical first go-to in terms of IAP-sponsorship?

Since the IAP does not allow direct sponsorship, having the management team create a structure by which one vendor is praised and supported to the exclusion of all others is tantamount to direct advertising.

Therefore, I think it's asking for trouble...although if he wants to run one on his own site, we can certainly help promote it...
I agree with Andrew, "Therefore, I think it's asking for trouble...although if he wants to run one on his own site, we can certainly help promote it..."
People will complain and throw a fit. If for no other reason, just because they can.
Man .... this is a hard one. I'm thinking about it and seeing both sides.

On the one hand, it might be nice to have corporate (or private business) sponsorship of a specific event ... but, maybe not a contest in which you have to use just their products. The business would be responsible for a bunch of prizes and donate a sponsorship fee to IAP. On the other hand, why would a business want to sponsor a contest that did not involve just their items?

And then I'm thinking .... if we do have a business sponsor a specific event maybe we would be taking a wrong step leading us toward the Bash looking like its sponsored by just that business.

Or ... maybe we should avoid having a business sponsored event during the Bash but, instead, allow such contests to run during the year. The business would have to get IAP approval, coordinate with the Management Team, and actually run the event under the Management Team's watchful eye. This, of course, would be something for the Management Team to consider.

I reckon at this point, I lean toward not having a business sponsor a Bash event. However, I might be convinced to go along with the idea but only if they met the following requirements: 1. Make a significant donation to IAP; 2. not limit entries to just their products; 3. Set up the rules under our direction.

These are just thoughts off the top of my bean. I still have mixed feelings about it.
Just whistling here.

I think that the concept is sound. As a matter of fact, I like the idea! While the IAP doesn't accept any advertising, we do have a close relationship with all the suppliers. In the process of soliciting prizes, I would probably encourage any supplier who wanted to sponsor a particular contest. Two years ago Klingspor donated prizes for each day of the trivia contest. If the concept of sponsoring a particular contest makes a supplier think we are favoring the sponsoring supplier, then they can be invited to sponsor their own contest!

As a point of fact, I think we should be encouraging suppliers to hold special sales for IAP members honoring our Birthday Bash, and announce those sales on the Birthday Bash page. We did that last year for alumilite, and I think it would be grand if they all held sales!

Part of the purpose of the Bash is that we get people worked-up, excited! I think it would be great to get the suppliers worked-up and excited as well!

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