Patriot finial cracking! What on earth?

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Feb 11, 2006
North Charleston , SC
I don't sell a lot of the Patriot/Carbara/Atlas type pens. I've had trouble with Berea's Carbara/Atlas jamming on the spring, so I don't use those much.

So when I wanted them, I prefered CSA-- their twist mech on these are much smoother than the Berea. Now I've literally made less than half a dozen of CSA's but I still liked them.


I picked one up today and noticed a huge crack on the finial. This pen has done nearly nothing but sit in my display case for several months. It has NEVER been used other than someone test-writing with it.

The crack was absolutely NOT there when I made the pen, I would have noticed that crack from the get-go. I've learned that you have to have an eagle eye inspecting these kits!

The crack is easily about 3/8" to 1/2" long and almost big enough for me to stick my fingernail in.

So what do you think happened? Has anyone else had this happen?


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I don't have any experience with this but it looks like it split along a seam. I'd send this picture to CSUSA and see if they will send you another kit.
I can't detect any visible evidence of a seam, but it may well be.

I'll be sending the pic, and maybe the pen, to CSA for inspection soon. But for now, gotta get some sleep!
Yeah, Ligget--- I've never even heard of such a thing happening. I haven't contacted CSA (busy taking LOML to/from the doc, baby stuff:biggrin:) but I guess I'll send them the broken finial if they can send me a replacement, since the pen is still in pristine shape.
I've made or rather have 23 in stock, and have never had that kind of problem, in fact I've had no problems with any of them I've ordered them fro Woodnwhimsies, and Beartooth woods and not had any problems once I figured out how to put them together correctly, and those finials are metal they shouldn't crack or split though I believe they are diecast/ potmetal
The finial is solid brass. CSUSA should be able to replace it.

Well, I thought that as well, but there's no way on earth solid brass would have split the way it did. It may be 100% brass but made from a couple pieces pressed together, if that's what you mean. The fracture looks like perhaps the dome on top was pressed onto the part with the knurled rim, and the stress from the press eventually caused it to fracture.

I haven't had time to send it back yet:beat-up:
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