First time in 35 years

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May 17, 2006
Costa Rica
Diane and I will be seprated for 2 weeks.:( In all our married life we were never apart for more than 2 days. She and my oldest son and his family took my motor home and left for Florida this morning so if at 3AM I start posting you'll know its because shes not here to tell me get the hell off the computer and get to bed.;)
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I'm thinking of taking naps :Dduring the day and in the shop at night when its cooler :cool:but really I'll miss her:(.
Ahh, sweet freedom! Enjoy it while it lasts and stay up all night posting if you want to, heck, I bet you could get away with running the bandsaw 'till 3AM :)

Man, you had me a bit scared there for a minute, I thought you two were "legally" separating (the way that first sentence reads).

Last time my wife was out of town for a weekend (a month ago) I made 20 pens in one day. :D:D:D

That's the good part. The bad part: I ate junk food the whole time (and ALL the time!), leading up to a nice mess of digestive issues--- and just know I'm married to a licensed dietitian. I call my wife SWKMS (she who keeps me straight).

I didn't do any of the routine things that needed done (dishes, cat litter:mad::mad::mad:, etc...) until the last minute. You married guys know exactly what I'm talking about. You single guys, well, if you marry, you'll figure it out soon enough!
In 35 years, the only times I've been separated from my wife, was when one of us was in the hospital,most of the time it's been me. This last time she slept curled up on a tiny couch, I think she only stays with me to see what the heck I'll do next.
Just remember Roy, "that which does not kill us makes us stronger!"

I write this on my 6th night away from my family, A wife who loves me, and 3 kids who are really too young at 5, 3 and 10 months, to know why Daddy hasn't been there to put them to bed lately. At least I get to fly home tomorow.

Keep busy, and try to think of something special for when you get back together :)

We will expect to see some extra cool pictures from you with all the free time you will have on your hands.

I hear you Roy. When the wife is here I want her gone and when she's gone I want her back. Working at night, that's always the most productive for me..not before I go to bed, I just get up really early. Congrats on the 35 yr marriage too! I'm only 36, so chances are, I couldn't even walk while you were walking down the isle!
Roy so what you are saying is in 35 years she is getting brave enough to trust you alone for more than two days? Or it took her 35 years to train you to survive on your own for more than a couple of day?

Why oh why am I not so lucky. My wife also goes away here and there, but the children STAYS WITH ME (yupiiiii - not. This december I am writing to Santa Clause for 3 free days in 2009. We shall see.
I've been away for a week but never more than that in almost 33 years. 2 weeks is a long time when you're not used to it. But I like the weekends with 3 days of alone time. She'll be back before you know it.
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