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Sep 10, 2017
Dallas, TX
So I have used the GluBoost system to do several pens and love the finish. However, I was wondering if anyone had tried a different accelerator with their CA and what your results were. I ask as while it seems like the CA part is a reasonable value, the accelerator doesn't seem to go that far for its cost. Thanks in advance for any feedback / advice.
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Hi David, I'm new to using GluBoost and like you I'm enjoying the finish and I also feel the accelerator doesn't go far. I've found that if I wait about a minute or so between coats I don't really need the accelerator. I now use the accelerator after the very last coat of the orange.
If I remember this topic came up recently and someone was suppose to talk to someone who made this stuff about that and get them to increase the size of accelerator sold with it. Did that happen?? Or was that just a lot of talk??
The owner of Glu-Boost stresses the "need" to use the accelerator. The company is proud of the "lack of blotches and white spots".
Personally, I have made a couple dozen pens using gluboost and it's accelerator. SUPPOSE each pen costs a dollar (I think this is much more than it will really cost), don't you think the improved final product is worth a few bucks more than a lesser finish?? GluBoost was introduced to penmakers about a year and a half ago. So, the history is short, so far. I have had comments on difficulty in applying, which I believe revolve around high humidity conditions--avoid doing any finish when the humidity is over 70%!! As far as finished pens, we have had no comments about the finish "cracking" or "turning white" as we have read about other "CA-type finishes".

IF you choose to change the application regimen that they suggest, your results MAY vary. Because we obey the policies of the USPS, shipping of the accelerator adds significantly to its cost, so I recommend buying a couple--the "glue" can be shipped normally. Again, I would suggest you figure out a "cost per pen", then decide if you prefer saving a few cents and achieving a second-rate result.
If I remember this topic came up recently and someone was suppose to talk to someone who made this stuff about that and get them to increase the size of accelerator sold with it. Did that happen?? Or was that just a lot of talk??

Yes, I did ask Rick. He said he would look into it, but they have sold the product in this configuration for a long time and with proper, sparing application, the 2oz. accelerator will last a long time.
Yes, I did ask Rick. He said he would look into it, but they have sold the product in this configuration for a long time and with proper, sparing application, the 2oz. accelerator will last a long time.
well either there is alot of people using it wrong or there is a problem because this seems to come up alot. Facebook as well.
Nothing stopping the customers from expressing their opinion to the manufacturer by mail, email or telephone!!

For your convenience, here is a link to their "contact us" page:
The owner of Glu-Boost stresses the "need" to use the accelerator. The company is proud of the "lack of blotches and white spots".
Personally, I have made a couple dozen pens using gluboost and it's accelerator. SUPPOSE each pen costs a dollar (I think this is much more than it will really cost), don't you think the improved final product is worth a few bucks more than a lesser finish?? GluBoost was introduced to penmakers about a year and a half ago. So, the history is short, so far. I have had comments on difficulty in applying, which I believe revolve around high humidity conditions--avoid doing any finish when the humidity is over 70%!! As far as finished pens, we have had no comments about the finish "cracking" or "turning white" as we have read about other "CA-type finishes".

IF you choose to change the application regimen that they suggest, your results MAY vary. Because we obey the policies of the USPS, shipping of the accelerator adds significantly to its cost, so I recommend buying a couple--the "glue" can be shipped normally. Again, I would suggest you figure out a "cost per pen", then decide if you prefer saving a few cents and achieving a second-rate result.
I'm certainly no expert, nor do I claim to be, and I've only turned about 52 pens with the last 10 being finished with GluBoost. Using the accelerator only after the final coat of orange wasn't based on cost or trying to save a few pennies. I've been experimenting trying different things to improve my finishes. I'm still learning. I switch from MM to Zona and have found that to be an improvement, at least for me. I haven't noticed any difference in my finishes with GluBoost using the accelerator after each coat of CA or waiting to the end to apply the accelerator. Maybe in the long run - durability of the pens might make a difference but so far, no issues.
The owner of Glu-Boost stresses the "need" to use the accelerator. The company is proud of the "lack of blotches and white spots".
Personally, I have made a couple dozen pens using gluboost and it's accelerator. SUPPOSE each pen costs a dollar (I think this is much more than it will really cost), don't you think the improved final product is worth a few bucks more than a lesser finish?? GluBoost was introduced to penmakers about a year and a half ago. So, the history is short, so far. I have had comments on difficulty in applying, which I believe revolve around high humidity conditions--avoid doing any finish when the humidity is over 70%!! As far as finished pens, we have had no comments about the finish "cracking" or "turning white" as we have read about other "CA-type finishes".

IF you choose to change the application regimen that they suggest, your results MAY vary. Because we obey the policies of the USPS, shipping of the accelerator adds significantly to its cost, so I recommend buying a couple--the "glue" can be shipped normally. Again, I would suggest you figure out a "cost per pen", then decide if you prefer saving a few cents and achieving a second-rate result.

If you limit your finishing to those folks who experience < 70% relative humidity in their shop, you are telling a whole bunch of folks not to finish their work. On a very good, rare day, the RH in my shop may drop to ~ 65 - 68 %. By being very particular about technique, it is possible to successfully finish wood products in the range of 70% (normal for many) to 80-85%. My rear problem is rust, not finishing.
If you limit your finishing to those folks who experience < 70% relative humidity in their shop, you are telling a whole bunch of folks not to finish their work. On a very good, rare day, the RH in my shop may drop to ~ 65 - 68 %. By being very particular about technique, it is possible to successfully finish wood products in the range of 70% (normal for many) to 80-85%. My rear problem is rust, not finishing.

A rusty rear can be quite irritating.o_O
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I find regardless of the humidity level that I use more than I have seen demonstrated. My shop is air conditioned. I am just resigned to have to use more. I will experiment with a BSI or Mercury Adhesives accelerator and then see how it performs and ages. I have tried the one or two shots of accelerator per application, but find it needs a 3rd or 4th - especially with Blue bottle.
Ed, you make a valid point about spending a little more for a good outcome. However, if you spend a little more to get a quality kit, a little more to get a quality blank, a lot more to get quality tools, etc., pretty soon you are talking about real money lol. I guess I am a bit sensitive as to what I spend as I only make about a hundred pens a year for family / friends / charity auctions, and as such I only give my pens away.

Just for a quick comparison, one can get a 7.5 oz can of Stickfast activator for $11.39 on Amazon, with free shipping (Prime). The GluBoost activator for a 4 oz can is $12.00, plus shipping...

Tony, thanks for offering to do some comparisons, I look forward to seeing your results

Thanks, David
Ed, you make a valid point about spending a little more for a good outcome. However, if you spend a little more to get a quality kit, a little more to get a quality blank, a lot more to get quality tools, etc., pretty soon you are talking about real money lol. I guess I am a bit sensitive as to what I spend as I only make about a hundred pens a year for family / friends / charity auctions, and as such I only give my pens away.

Just for a quick comparison, one can get a 7.5 oz can of Stickfast activator for $11.39 on Amazon, with free shipping (Prime). The GluBoost activator for a 4 oz can is $12.00, plus shipping...

Tony, thanks for offering to do some comparisons, I look forward to seeing your results

Thanks, David
My results will take months of everyday handling. I am going to do though.
I am following this with great interest. I heave seen nothing about the InstaBond CA promoted by CSUSA. What is the consensus about InstaBond CA?
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