New Front Page

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Wow haven't been by in a while, raising 3 teen age grandkids takes time for us oldtimers. Really nice makeover easier to read. Need to start spending time navigating but look like it will be easier
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I'm about ready to switch over to the new front page. Check it out HERE

Before I make that the default, I thought I'd ask again if there are suggestions or issues that need to be addressed. I've incorporated a couple of the suggestions, such as not autoscrolling the photos. Other issues, concerns, suggestions, VERY WELCOME.

Tell me what is in the wrong place, what needs to be added, etc.

Here's a brief rundown on what you'll see if you check it out.

The menu structure is exactly the same as it is now.
Left sidebar is the 5 most recent posts from the SOYP forum
The right side bar has blocks for online members, new vendor forum posts, birthdays, and statistics
The upper center section has a featured pens scroller, random album photos
The center also has "The latest from our forums" with tabs for new posts, recent threads, and sale/trade posts
I like it, Jeff !!! . Thank you !!!

I really prefer the non-scrolling "Featured Pens".

The layout is really good, IMHO !

BTW, I am using the dark gray background all the time now ..... it is a great boon to the eyes for me !!!!

Have you reversed the 3-column decision ? . I am seeing 2 again . . I prefer 3, FWIW. . Oh ... maybe the view with 3 is just a trial pending "approval" .... well you have my approval ! :)

Also FWIW, since you asked about post and thread count .... I don't see much point in displaying those.
And, in addition, I don't see too much point in displaying a member's message count either .... in fact, I think my number is way too high !! . Weird error ?
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Yes, the 3 column is not yet "live".

Once I turn it on, that's what you'll see when you come to the site home page.

This software doesn't have the ability to hide the post count on a per user basis. The old forum didn't either - I had to code that feature. I might get around to that here, but I have to admit I have no idea why someone would want to hide their post count.
There is no way that my post count is correct !! . . I mean .... look .... jeff has fewer than I do !! . . Get real, Curly !! :oops:o_O:rolleyes:
I wasn't even very active for the first 5 years. Then I had my post count hidden for a couple of years before the recent software change, but when the new software came along there was a huge increase compared to previously. . I got the shock of my life !! . I am not really a chatty guy in real life !!! . Seriously
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I've heard a concern that there are too many photos on the proposed new home page.

Yes, there are quite a few, and they're there because over the last 15 years I've gotten the distinct impression that we love photos.

Perhaps there are too many, and I'm certainly willing to reduce the number, but I'd like to get your impression just about the photos. Specifically, are there too many? Are they in the wrong spots?

Jeff being you are asking yes way too many photos. The featured Photo was always the main attraction on the home page and was a big deal to make it there and it meant something. Now it is the smallest photo there and gets drowned out by the large photos on the left that are to me distracting. Why do we need the members photos on the front page if you are going to have random photos that I assume will roll or change somehow make them smaller. You asked and that is just one opinion. Make the center portion larger and take space away from the left side.
I like the 5 recent member photos on the left , but perhaps just a slightly larger featured photo in the center , if you plan on having a featured photo . However , I have no problem with it the way you have it now . I think you are correct - people like photos , judging by the `it didn`t happen if there isn`t a photo`comments , and the admonishments to new members to post photos of their work .

The wide variation in photo quality might be a concern in deciding what gets shown on the front page . I seldom am happy with my photography , so my pictures usually won`t be posted . Please forgive me for exercising a small degree of editorial control on the front page by doing that .
Jeff being you are asking yes way too many photos. The featured Photo was always the main attraction on the home page and was a big deal to make it there and it meant something. Now it is the smallest photo there and gets drowned out by the large photos on the left that are to me distracting. Why do we need the members photos on the front page if you are going to have random photos that I assume will roll or change somehow make them smaller. You asked and that is just one opinion. Make the center portion larger and take space away from the left side.
So you'd recommend a layout like we used to have. All text except for one featured photo?
I like the 5 recent member photos on the left , but perhaps just a slightly larger featured photo in the center , if you plan on having a featured photo . However , I have no problem with it the way you have it now . I think you are correct - people like photos , judging by the `it didn`t happen if there isn`t a photo`comments , and the admonishments to new members to post photos of their work .

The wide variation in photo quality might be a concern in deciding what gets shown on the front page . I seldom am happy with my photography , so my pictures usually won`t be posted . Please forgive me for exercising a small degree of editorial control on the front page by doing that .

That's why I like the photos in the left hand sidebar. Previously I posted about 20 featured pens a year. That meant that lots of pens went unseen. I thought that the sidebar was a good place to give everybody a chance for some front page time.
I like the layout OK but was wondering if:
1. the sidebar photos could be reduced by about 25%.
2. Could the Front Page Photo be about 25% larger,
3. and the "Member Photos" be shrunk a tad.

This would give more prominence to the main photo; Other recent photos would be seen, and last, I like the random old photos popping up so that we get to see pens of yesteryear.
Jeff being you are asking yes way too many photos. The featured Photo was always the main attraction on the home page and was a big deal to make it there and it meant something. Now it is the smallest photo there and gets drowned out by the large photos on the left that are to me distracting. Why do we need the members photos on the front page if you are going to have random photos that I assume will roll or change somehow make them smaller. You asked and that is just one opinion. Make the center portion larger and take space away from the left side.
I like the layout OK but was wondering if:
1. the sidebar photos could be reduced by about 25%.
2. Could the Front Page Photo be about 25% larger,
3. and the "Member Photos" be shrunk a tad.

This would give more prominence to the main photo; Other recent photos would be seen, and last, I like the random old photos popping up so that we get to see pens of yesteryear.
There isn't a "main photo". What do you mean?
So you'd recommend a layout like we used to have. All text except for one featured photo?

No Jeff I am basically saying what Hank is saying. The members photos should not be there. (the ones you have under the feature photo) They are replaced by the photos on the left which I am guessing are random photos that will roll and change. They should be reduced in size because they overwhelm the page. The Featured pen photo should be made front and center and larger. As I said that was a feature that was looked at being meant something. I know we live in a everyone gets a trophy society now but to me it was cool to see a top rated pen on the cover. Now I am bringing the past up here but I believe we do not celebrate those pens that are truely outstanding and Wow pens or if you may Hall of Fame pens. Put the members photos on the Forum page top if you like. They can be the old system of random past pens.

As far as text goes I believe that an Introductory thread be the main topic and if you want list the forums available. To me less is better looking instead of trying to put so much info on the front page. Let the members whett the appetite and then roam around.

Jeff let it be known I am in no way trying to tell you what to do. You have done a great job so far and I am sure whatever you decide will be great looking and I will have no problem with it. We grow with the new look. You asked and I took the time to give an opinion which I am hoping other will too. I know you are trying to get others opinions because like you say it is the members site and they should have a say. But the other side of the coin is too many cooks spoil the broth. Do as you see fit. Your work is truely appreciated. I think your photo should be on the front page.:)
John, thanks very much for your continued contributions to improving our little corner of the world.

Just to clarity...

The member photos (in the center, under the featured photo scroller) are randomly pulled from the ~40,000 images in the photo albums. I hoped this would give a view into the archive of photos that have never seen the light of day. There are some gems in there that were never posted.

The photos on the left sidebar are the first attachments from the 5 most recent threads posted in SOYP. I intended this for two reasons (1) encourage people to post in SOYP because for some period of time they'll get a few minutes of fame, and (2) to whet the appetite of people who see those and want to dig deeper (they're all clickable into the thread)

The featured photos (top of the center column) are chosen by me and promoted to "featured status". There's also a Featured Pens Page that shows all the featured pens and would be sort of an archive of featured pens. The idea of the slider was to make it super easy for me to feature some pens (selfish perhaps -- it's one click), and get into a regular rhythm of adding a new pen once a week.

One of the other reasons for all the photos was to encourage people to take better photos and to post more. With more chances to get on the front page, my thinking was that people would want their own great photos up there. So my intent was partly to motivate people to post photos.

All that said, I'll delay getting the new page up and I'll see how I can provide interesting content while reducing the number of photos from various sources.

I'm in favor of eliminating the lh column of photos and replacing them with a second column of forum postings. One column of "What's New " my first view on the forum. Second column could be what you feel is required. RH column could be possibly reduced in width.
Asking for thoughts doesn't always give you preferred layouts. You can never satisfy everyone, it's the old 5% rule.
0.0005% here with my say. :)

I'm fine with what you are doing Jeff. My vote is to implement it as is and see how it goes for a while and revisit it when you feel it needs a tweak or two.

I was okay with the pictures scrolling by too, although would have liked them to be on a slower timer. With me having the option I tend to forget to look through them. It is nice to see different pictures when I come to the forum and when going back to the home page after looking at a thread.

I don't suppose there is a way for us to pick between manual and auto scrolling? Don't sweat it if it can't be done or is difficult to implement.

The nice thing as I see things now is that the Home Page is unlike other forums. I think it will encourage exploration of the site.

I'm in favor of eliminating the lh column of photos and replacing them with a second column of forum postings. One column of "What's New " my first view on the forum. Second column could be what you feel is required. RH column could be possibly reduced in width.
Asking for thoughts doesn't always give you preferred layouts. You can never satisfy everyone, it's the old 5% rule.

What would you like to see in a "second column of forum postings"? Today the proposed page has:

Center column tabbed section: New Posts, Recent Threads, New For Sale Posts
Right Column: New posts from the vendor forum


What's New isn't a feed, it's a block full of tabs (Latest Posts, New Posts, etc.)

I'll play around with some things and show some ideas.
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