Pen Turning Lore XIV - Edison's Cube

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mark james

IAP Collection, Curator
Sep 6, 2012
Medina, Ohio
Pen Turning Lore, Myths and Fables - XIV

Edison's Cube

The "Wizard of Menlo Park," Thomas A Edison was born in 1847, and continued until his death in 1931 to revolutionize countless industries, disciplines and fields of study. As the holder of 1,093 patents, Edison pointed the way of the future for electric power generation, mass communication, sound recordings, motion pictures, lighting, storage batteries, mining, and many others.

A tireless researcher and inventor, Edison was also a gifted businessman, and is credited with establishing the first industrial research laboratory. The Menlo Park research facility attracted some of the most gifted scientists at the time to collaborate, learn and resulted in a wide range of research projects.

A key material that was crucial to many of these products was copper. During a six year period at Menlo Park more than 400 inventions were created. And Edison used copper in almost all; electrical inventions, relays, inside phones, motors, generators and electromagnets. And as these inventions became commercially viable and available to the public, the demand for copper increased exponentially. The copper industry became very wealthy, and was very indebted to Edison.

In recognition for the debt they owed Edison, representatives of the copper industry asked Edison for a gift that they could give to him at an award ceremony.

As the story goes, Edison humbly asked for a perfect cubic foot of solid copper. The representatives all came from manufacturing facilities with countless resources. But they were curious and asked why such a plain gift. Edison replied that he simply had never had one before.

Edison was assured that his request would be granted. Forthwith, casting of a cubic foot of copper was undertaken. After eleven attempts to produce a true one-foot cube, one without blow holes on the surfaces and internal voids, it was determined that for reasons not yet known, it was not possible.

However, at the The New York Electrical Show of 1911 from October 11-21 at the Grand Central Palace, A 486 lb. cube of copper was presented as a gift to Edison.

Edison was informed of the flaws and the failed casts, and that this cube was that which most closely approximated the specifications. Edison replied,

"You did well, I myself was never able to cast one myself.
Casting… can be a tricky process."

So, Advanced casters, you are in good company.
Let's see some amazing stuff in the Casting Contests:
Advanced Casting Contest; Pretty Resin Pen Contest.

Pen Turning Lore, Myths and Fables I - John Hancock's Signature
Pen Turning Lore, Myths and Fables II - Elon Musk and the Chase for his Roadster
Pen Turning Lore, Myths and Fables III - The Scribe, the Master Segmenter and World Peace.
Pen Turning Lore, Myths and Fables IV - The Path to Pen Turning Enlightenment.
Pen Turning Lore, Myths and Fables V - The Tortoise and the Hare.
Pen Turning Lore, Myths and Fables VI - The War of the Roses.
Pen Turning Lore, Myths and Fables VII - The First Marathon
Pen Turning Lore, Myths and Fables VIII - The Fountain of Youth
Pen Turning Lore, Myths and Fables IX - Banjo O'Leary and the Call of the Kookaburra.
Pen Turning Lore, Myths and Fables X - Pandora's Box.
Pen Turning Lore, Myths and Fables XI - Leonardo da Vinci.
Pen Turning Lore, Myths and Fables XII - Einstein's Pen.
Pen Turning Lore, Myths and Fables XIII - Hans and his Satchel.

Addendum: The Four Little Penturner's
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Great story. Probably unknown to most, Montana was a very big copper producer. Just outside Butte is the Berkeley pit. It's a super, super fund site and is the largest toxic site in the world that you pay to see. To keep birds off the water they use compressed air to create a shotgun type noise. So if you're ever in Montana check it out, but don't drink the water!
Mark, most of these guys you have been writing about have been proven to be totally indisPENsable for much of our modern life style, including this group's particular activities.

(... now I don't know why the spell checker is flagging that word ... capitalization I think ?)
Mark, most of these guys you have been writing about have been proven to be totally indisPENsable for much of our modern life style, including this group's particular activities.

(... now I don't know why the spell checker is flagging that word ... capitalization I think ?)

A BASH Bump. :wink::cool::wink:

Hi Mal, yes, as you noticed, my sources are "very suspect."

They are likely to be indisPENsable for our current state of affairs, but we can be hopeful they are more dePENdable for future constructive endeavors. (May our chosen leaders walk down a path of logic and temperament. PLEASE.)
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