Vertex Brushed Satin Click / Blackwood

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Aug 9, 2016
Long Island NY
Had a piece of Blackwood in the shop for a few years now I guess , turned it today . PSI Vertex Brushed Satin Click . The Blackwood was not as dark as I hoped but still made a nice pen .



And blank

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Terrific Pen, Herb.
The "Blackwood" Blank, looks pretty "Black" to me.
Just about every Country has a "Blackwood" Tree, Any Idea what the one you used was?
Excellent Fit and Finish.
Nice looking pen! It looks to me like your photos are a bit underexposed, which probably makes the blank look "blacker" than it really is.
Terrific Pen, Herb.
The "Blackwood" Blank, looks pretty "Black" to me.
Just about every Country has a "Blackwood" Tree, Any Idea what the one you used was?
Excellent Fit and Finish.

Thank you Brian , its African Blackwood , Dalbergia melanoxylon . I should have been more precise in my discription . I used a carbide tool to turn it start to finish and it worked a treat .

Very nice, indeed !!!!!

Thanks much Mal

Nice looking pen! It looks to me like your photos are a bit underexposed, which probably makes the blank look "blacker" than it really is.

Thanks Jim . You are right about the pictures , I just used my shop camera to take some quick pictures , the shop camera is just an old smart phone no longer used as a phone , but its so convenient to just snap the picture , upload to dropbox and so on. I really should get the good camera out and start taking better pictures .
Good choice of wood and kit finish....not so much on your lighting. Pull that lamp closer so we can ore appreciate your hard work and great choices.
Good choice of wood and kit finish....not so much on your lighting. Pull that lamp closer so we can ore appreciate your hard work and great choices.

Yes , the pictures are not good , smart phone pics in bad lighting . The only other picture I have is one of the blank on the lathe , not completely turned all the way , but the lighting is better . The pen itself is on its way to Phoenix as of this morning , a gift . In the future , I will get the good camera out and try to take better photos .

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