Apprentice Jr. Gent question

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May 19, 2015
Columbia, Maryland
I know the saying is " you get what you pay for" but how cheesy are the apprentice Jr gents from CAUSA?

Chrome is still one of the stronger finishes. I was looking for an inexpensive kit that I can show fairly nice woods on that wouldn't be an expensive pen to sell at shows... I know the go to is the Cigaar pen, but I don't seem to sell that many and its a bit on the heavy side.

Other suggestions are welcome.
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I was hoping for two piece, preferable to be under $10 per kit.

Something that shows the wood and craftsmanship of our trade but not something that's $100+ pen on my table
Have you looked at the modified cigar?

I have been making a couple of batches, and find then attractive. Slimmer than the traditional cigar and with a double twist transmission, very smooth.
I was hoping for two piece, preferable to be under $10 per kit.

Something that shows the wood and craftsmanship of our trade but not something that's $100+ pen on my table

The Atrax comes in under $11.00 (10.95 or something if I remember, less if you buy more) and IMHO just a better pen that the Jr Gents.
I think Dan and I are talking about the Artisan kit. At least I was.

Yes - normally in practice we refer to the apprentice kit is the Jr gent 1 and the artisan as the Jr gent 2. Or at least I do.

The Atrax is a solid quality kit for sure but I've moved away from them because of the non postable end as well as the fact that the end doesn't taper at all like the Jr end does. Yes, you can buy the postable finial extra but then the kit Has a total less attractive price point. Frankly it totally baffles me hat Berea isn't offering the Atrax kit standard with a postable end.

For another solid value kit but less universal in appeal, check out the virage roller / fountain. I find it to be more attractive for the female market but some guys like it too. It is comfortable to hold.
I personally won't be making any more Jr Gent 1s or any of the similar versions most likely. I've had two clips break off and threads strip out on two. The price is attractive and I've used them for giveaways but even after I give them away I will repair or replace them if any issues.

All of the ones mentioned are very good. The Jr Morgan is another option similar to the Virage to me and TBC bushings easily available too which is a huge plus.
Have you looked at the modified cigar?

I have been making a couple of batches, and find then attractive. Slimmer than the traditional cigar and with a double twist transmission, very smooth.

Is this a kit? Where do you get them?
This is why I ask you guys... All of the experience without having to make a mistake on buying. They make them seem so nice in the catalog but I had a feeling on the quality.

I like the look of the Atrax, even though I find most people don't actually use the post of the postable pens, they like the option. If I were to do a non postable I like the taper in the Mirage kit. Or maybe the Panache.
Have you looked at the modified cigar?

I have been making a couple of batches, and find then attractive. Slimmer than the traditional cigar and with a double twist transmission, very smooth.

Is this a kit? Where do you get them?

The pen uses a standard cigar kit

There is a tutorial in the library

Don Ward also did an article in More Woodturning May 2015 with some good photos. PM your e-mail and I will forward a PDF of it.

Two forms -- one uses two long tubes and the other uses both standard tube but you need to trim the 8 mm activator tube that attaches to the finial.
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