Anyone know Terradax?

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I also sent a friendly PM.

I suspect he is on some gaming sites, so I sent my son (and his buddies) searching. A signature from Indianapolis came up, but nothing more specific; no address or phone number. Warhammer and Warseer. And not the one in Norway.
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I too just read this and sent a friend request. John is going through some health issues with his knee when he fell actually trying to finish a pen he started. I hope this is not true. Life is too short as it is. There is help out there.
To all those members who, are concerned about John. Looking through his posts, I was able to locate a vendor who, sent John some blanks and, got the address where the blanks were sent. I called the local police dept. and, they sent an officer to that address. A lady answered the door and, told the officer, he doesn't live there and, never has. The officer called me with this information and, said they needed more information about John. Jeff, was able to find his date of birth he provided on his membership application. So, I called the police with that and, was told that still would not be enough to locate John. They wanted his SS# and, anything else we could give them. I have no way of going any further with this. I think all we can do is, wait and, hope John is OK and, comes back to the forum in better spirits.
Yes, sometimes we go through rough times and that may cause us to have horrendous thoughts that can be spoken out loud without us realising that or intended to come out as it did, leading those willing to help to be taken to the wrong direction.

I sincerely hope that John, speaking those words/thoughts is no more than a cry for help and not the realisation of the words content, life is too precious to be wasted, even when we suffer and, so many of us do or know well how it feels...!

I'm still waiting to see the pens that John made with the blanks he got from me so, lets hope that John, as Chuck said, "hope John is OK and, comes back to the forum in better spirits."

George, do you still have the address you sent the blanks to?

It appears from what I'm reading, they are still trying to locate him.
George, do you still have the address you sent the blanks to?

It appears from what I'm reading, they are still trying to locate him.

Yes mate, the only address known is the one I supplied, based on the "possible" seriousness of the situation, others peoples address are a confidential thing to me and not to be shared unless, I'm given good enough reason to do so and in this case, I believe, was justified...!

Well if that is the address that Chuck has talked about they contacted and there was no one there by that name, where did the blanks go??? This is getting a little weird now. Something is not adding up.
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