Match the Pen to the Penmaker Contest

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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
Welcome to the 2016 Pen / Penmaker Match-Up Contest. As the name implies, all contestants need to do is look at a photo of a pen and identify the member who made it from the list provided. Simple!

Last year I was told that this contest was too easy. I tried to make it a little harder this year. Pictures can be from anywhere on the IAP. Nothing has been done to alter the appearance of any pen but orientation of the pen within the photo might have changed and photos may have been cropped.

In addition to the Universal Contest Rules, the contest rules are as follows:

Here is how this contest works. Photos of 100 pens and a list of 100 names are accessible by clicking the links below. Each of the pens pictured was made by someone on the list and posted somewhere on the site during the year 2015. Your job is to match the pen with its maker. Each correct entry (All 100 pens matched to the correct penmaker) will be assigned a number. Entries will be accepted until 11:59pm on February 21st. On February 22nd I will go to and randomize the list of numbers 5 times. The entrants whose number corresponds with the 1st, 2nd & 3rd number on the list produced by will win 1st, 2nd or 3rd place accordingly.

In the event that no one correctly matches all pens to their makers the entries with the most correct matches will be used to determine the winners.

There is a limit of one entry per member. Enter by placing the number of a pen next to the name of the person who you believe made it. Save the form and attach the form to an email. Send the email to In the body of the email place your IAP screenname, your real name and your mailing address.


Penmaker Pic#

Peter Penmaker 63
Billy Ballpoint 3
Roxie Rollerball 67
Nellie Nib 58

In the above example the entrant thinks pen #63 was made by Peter Penmaker, pen #3 was made by Billy Ballpoint, and so on.

As I receive and open the emails I will send a reply acknowledging that I received the email or notifying that I am disqualifying the entry along with the reason the entry is being disqualified. Emails received that do not contain the required information or that do not follow the format described will be disqualified. Time permitting, entries that are disqualified may be corrected by the contestant and resubmitted. No entries will be accepted that arrive in my mailbox after the stated conclusion of the contest.
The Prizes:

1st Place - $100 Gift Certificate from Exotic Blanks, Subscription to Pen World Magazine valued at $45.
2nd Place - $75 Gift Certificate to Carter Tools, $25 Gift Certificate to Robutacion.
3rd Place - Sierra Watch Part Blank from Indiana Parrot Head valued at $60, Packet of 10 Lever Action Pen Kits from Bear Tooth Woods valued at $22.

Pen Photos (Once opened start the slide show by clicking "Present" at the upper right.)

List of names
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The Match the Pen to the Penmaker Contest is now open. If anyone has any questions or difficulties with the links please post here. Have fun and good luck. :biggrin:
Can't open the link. I'm using my phone, Samsung Galaxy Note 4.

After 3 tries of trying to open it, the link opened. I can see names but no pics
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There are two links. The photo link is above the name link. Photo link is black instead of blue so it doesn't stand out as much.

In case anyone has gotten that far.......

There was a problem with photos 80 & 81 that has been corrected.
There was a problem with photos 86 & 87 that has been corrected.
Another error has surfaced. Photo #59 has been removed. Also, mmyshrall has been removed from the penmakers list. So there is one less match you will need to make.:wink:
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Last year I posted 50 pens and penmakers on 2/7/15. I had 4 entries returned to me on 2/7/15. I was told it was Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay to easy. So I made it a little harder this year. :devil:

If it proves to be too hard maybe I'll extend the time or drop some hints. :rolleyes:

Or maybe I won't! :eek: We will just have to see what type of mood im in! :biggrin:
I hope you get up on the nice side of the bed

Last year I posted 50 pens and penmakers on 2/7/15. I had 4 entries returned to me on 2/7/15. I was told it was Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay to easy. So I made it a little harder this year. :devil:

If it proves to be too hard maybe I'll extend the time or drop some hints. :rolleyes:

Or maybe I won't! :eek: We will just have to see what type of mood im in! :biggrin:

Hope you are in a good mood and woke up on the right side of the bed. I know your puzzles are killers. Think I made it through the first 3 last year. I don't think any of my pens are there so that is one person I do not have to check. LOL
I live about 2 hours south of Mike. I just stuck my head out the back door. I am pretty sure I heard his evil laugh rolling over the state.
He must be sitting at home, drinking a 7up and laughing every few seconds as he realizes there are quite a few people, right at this moment, that are pulling their hair out trying to match a pen to the penmaker.
He has laughed 3 times just while I was writing this.
Piece of cake - 1 PC to browse the Pen Pics, 1 to browse the list of Names and 1 to search IAP :bananen_smilies035:. Add in five pots of coffee :eek:, a bottle of No Doze :bulgy-eyes: and a padded room. :hypnotized:

Good thing I'm ineligible! :rotfl:

Pure evil! :devil:
Well I woke up in a really good mood and decided to throw out a couple of random hints.

#15 can be found in the "Member Photo Album" of a Grandma who loves turning pens!

#73 was made by a salesman from somewhere in either England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.
Let me know which ones have you really stumped and MAYBE I'll throw out a hint or two about SOME of them
I think the people who said last year's was too easy should be banned from the site and never return:biggrin:


Are all the pens shown in the year 2015 and not 2016 or 2014??? Can a pen be shown by more than one person??? Are all the pens made by that person and just shown by someone else AKA Ed Street????

About half done. The ones that are hard are the ones that can only be found as follow ups in someone elses questions. I think anyone who gets all correct should get some kind of prize even if it isn't first second or third place. That is alot of computer time. This is what my eyes look like now. :eek:
I found one particular instance where a pen was made by another turner, and 2 people had posted the same picture of it.

but upon further investigation, I found another pen made by the other guy - so that eliminated all doubt!
Are the links for pictures and maker list down? I can't get into them.

It's weird. I can get to them on my iphone but not my PC.
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Are all the pens shown in the year 2015 and not 2016 or 2014???

Yes. All of the pens are from 2015.

Can a pen be shown by more than one person???

No. (If any one pen is shown by more than one person I don't know about it. I did not go looking for that situation.)

Are all the pens made by that person and just shown by someone else AKA Ed Street????

We are trying to match the pens to the person who made the pen, regardless of who is showing it. For example, If one of the pens was part of a contest then it might have been shown by the person who ran the contest. But that is not the name we are looking for. We want to know who made the pen.


Hope that helps
When a contest is as easy as this one was, didn't see much reason to even worry about sending in my response, just deleted it and moved on to admiring the Pen Stand pens up for a vote.

What a waste of 3 minutes:bulgy-eyes::bulgy-eyes:


Well Phil, your entry must have got lost in cyber space because it is not in the contest In-Box yet.:tongue:
Have fun with this one, boys! :)

This is reason #72 why you should become a contest chair:

I get to sit back, have a few beers and let you guys lose sleep, hair and a few brain cells over this!:biggrin:
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Hey Mike - are the two lists, photo and name, 1 to 1? I other words, did each person listed make one of the pens displayed?

This statement is a little vague ....
"Each of the pens pictured was made by someone on the list"

I'm asking since I believe I found one person that made two of the pens.
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