I make shavings!

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This is what my lathe pretty much always looks like.


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Nobody likes a clean shop anyhow. I fill a 5 gallon box every month, stomped full! I wish I could recycle it but can't find anyone that will take it. They all want an entire truck load or else it's not a resin they can use. I had stored up 30 boxes over 2 yrs and ended up tossing it all in the trash. I can't store a truck load, I can't afford to sacrifice that much space.


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This is what my lathe pretty much always looks like.

Man....! you need a lot more "suction" in there...!:eek:

You may think this is bull but, a few times on my low roof area where I work the wood lathe, I had occasions where, the wood shavings were that many and that thick that, I would get higher and higher off the ground and only stop when I would hit my head on the tin roof.

The lathe is against a wall so, the shaving can only go one way, towards me...!:mad:

As for the Alumilite shavings, you may could get away with the space situation if you could find a way to melt it, the contents of a full box after melted, would be only a very small portion of its volume, you could then store it and sell it when quantities wood be sufficient...!

As per the process costs Zs returners, that I don't know if would be worth it...!

Lol. Yes it's a towel holder/dust collector. You can't suck this stuff up as it will just jam up the pipes. The ribbons coming off this lathe are more like shoe strings and it's much easier to wait until you have large piles then just put in a box by hand. That dust collector runs all through the shop inside the walls and is used for my bandsaw and sanders. Sanding dust is more important to collect than chunks of plastic. Far as melting it, I don't think it's possible. That's why the injection guys don't want it. Alumilite does burn though, seems to burn excellent but not melt into liquid. I used a few boxes back in a big storm to help get a huge pile of wet brush going.
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