Never know what tomorrow holds...

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Sep 24, 2010
Knoxville TN
I have not been on IAP for several months. Actually I haven't even been in the shop or turned a pen in several months.

I began having some aches and pains back in February that I thought was old back surgery and some overuse. It kept getting worse. Tried Chiropractor then tried Physical Therapy. Seems I would take a step forward and two steps back. Went back to the doctor June 23rd and have been diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica. It hits about .7% of people over age 50. It is extreme inflammation of the muscles and connective tissue in your shoulders, back, thighs, and gluts. You have trouble walking, standing or lifting your arms. AND it is hard to sit long or sleep very long.

The good news is it is treatable and goes away after a year or two. It is treated with a steroid which takes away most of the pain. Now I just have to build some stamia back up and get back to some turning.

So just be thankful for each and everyday. Looking forward to getting back, learning more from everyone. and sharing.:)
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I've noticed your absence and welcome back. Hate to hear of your illness but glad it is treatable and that you will be back in the shop soon and become a regular visitor here again soon. Have a great 4th of July weekend.

Do a good turn daily!

I have not been on IAP for several months. Actually I haven't even been in the shop or turned a pen in several months.

I began having some aches and pains back in February that I thought was old back surgery and some overuse. It kept getting worse. Tried Chiropractor then tried Physical Therapy. Seems I would take a step forward and two steps back. Went back to the doctor June 23rd and have been diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica. It hits about .7% of people over age 50. It is extreme inflammation of the muscles and connective tissue in your shoulders, back, thighs, and gluts. You have trouble walking, standing or lifting your arms. AND it is hard to sit long or sleep very long.

The good news is it is treatable and goes away after a year or two. It is treated with a steroid which takes away most of the pain. Now I just have to build some stamia back up and get back to some turning.

So just be thankful for each and everyday. Looking forward to getting back, learning more from everyone. and sharing.:)
Hey Richard! Glad to hear its treatable, and with "roids"!! So i can expect you to start working out and get buff too, right?! Hey, just trying to make light of the situation! LOL. Hang in there buddy, thanks for the update too!!
Growing older ain't fun, the body seems to do some nasty tricks on you, and the "pain" becomes your everyday "partner", that is a 24/7 partnership that we could do very well without...!

Is good to know, what you've got is treatable within a fairly acceptable time period so, best of luck with it...!

I've noticed your absence and welcome back. Hate to hear of your illness but glad it is treatable and that you will be back in the shop soon and become a regular visitor here again soon. Have a great 4th of July weekend.

Do a good turn daily!

I have not been on IAP for several months. Actually I haven't even been in the shop or turned a pen in several months.

I began having some aches and pains back in February that I thought was old back surgery and some overuse. It kept getting worse. Tried Chiropractor then tried Physical Therapy. Seems I would take a step forward and two steps back. Went back to the doctor June 23rd and have been diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica. It hits about .7% of people over age 50. It is extreme inflammation of the muscles and connective tissue in your shoulders, back, thighs, and gluts. You have trouble walking, standing or lifting your arms. AND it is hard to sit long or sleep very long.

The good news is it is treatable and goes away after a year or two. It is treated with a steroid which takes away most of the pain. Now I just have to build some stamia back up and get back to some turning.

So just be thankful for each and everyday. Looking forward to getting back, learning more from everyone. and sharing.:)
Me too I was just thinking about absentee people on IAP today..
Nice to hear from you Richard.
I'm sorry Richard! I hope the treatments can keep you pain free until its done and gone.

Thanks Jonathan. When this started I actually thought of you and your back issues. I thought well mine have "awaken" again. 3+ months out of commision of doing almost anything has left me somewhat weak. Just beginning to get back to a routine. Not quite ready to try a pen yet. Pain is being controled so the other will come with some work.
Well.... it's taken me MUCH longer to get back than I thought it would. Things continue to improve SLOWLY. I made one pen in December for my granddaughter. What should have been a 20-30 minute job ended up taking 3 hours. Just not enough stamina.

But I have been bound and determine to complete pens for my doctor and nurse who have been so wonderful during this time and a way to say THANK YOU. Completed them a few days ago and hope to deliver them tomorrow.


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Yes sir wonderful pens all of them. They will really love them and appreciate your efforts.
Glad you are on the mend and back to turning. Please keep getting better.
Unfortunately, many of the maladies we"older" ones experience are not really treatable. It becomes a 'just deal with it' situation. In your case, you have something quite severe, but by your description, treatable. I am glad for you in that respect, and look forward to your report that all is well. At least, as we get older we get wiser...right? Get well rapidly, and enjoy turning and enjoy IAP!
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