Attention contest chairs....

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Retired Head Moderator
Oct 18, 2005
San Marcos, TX, USA.
If your contest will be using an entry form, please PM me an e-mail address that you would like to use to receive the entries ASAP. Basically what will happen is that when someone enters a contest via the form, you will receive an e-mail with all of the relevant information for that entry. You can then either save it or delete it. At the end of your contest, I can then send you list of all entries with the relevant data.
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When you have the data completed, I would appreciate a copy, so I don't have to duplicate the effort. I need to send addresses to the contest prize donors (except the sponsored contests).

When you have the data completed, I would appreciate a copy, so I don't have to duplicate the effort. I need to send addresses to the contest prize donors (except the sponsored contests).


ABSOLUTELY, Ed! Maybe the contest chairs can help remind me to send it when their contests are finished. I will have addresses (for those who choose to provide them) as well as e-mail addresses. I will do whatever I need to do to help. It may be best, though, for the contest chairs to send this on when their contest is finished and winners announced. That way they will provide the appropriate winner info with places. If that does not happen, I can certainly provide it.

Can you just attach Ed's email to all the forms so that a copy of the forms will go to Ed when submitted?

I need the forms for Creative Mug Shots and the Turn-Tex Woodworks Photo Contest sent to me. I'm going to set up a separate mailbox for those. I'll give you the address once that is done, later today.

Can you just attach Ed's email to all the forms so that a copy of the forms will go to Ed when submitted?

I need the forms for Creative Mug Shots and the Turn-Tex Woodworks Photo Contest sent to me. I'm going to set up a separate mailbox for those. I'll give you the address once that is done, later today.

I certainly could but I doubt Ed would want to receive 2-300 e-mails to have to wade through to figure out who the winners are.
I was going to ask to have them all sent to me also so I could check eligibility. But then I thought that there will be quite a few of them, so I didn't. :biggrin: I'll leave it up to Ed as to how he wants to receive the information he needs.
Good suggestion, Andrew.

I already have "IAPBash at" that I used last year, you can forward whatever you have to that address, Curtis.

I will set up a new address for this year (using 2013) if I need one for the bash.

Thanks for your help!!

You could make the gmail shared, so that Mike could check on the naughty list names.

Gmail is pretty good at search - don't know how they got so proficient at that...:)

I still have CreativeMugShots(at)gmail(dot)com. The Creative Mug Shot entries can go there.

Can you just attach Ed's email to all the forms so that a copy of the forms will go to Ed when submitted?

I need the forms for Creative Mug Shots and the Turn-Tex Woodworks Photo Contest sent to me. I'm going to set up a separate mailbox for those. I'll give you the address once that is done, later today.

Mike, Please is TurnTex Woodworks, not Turn-Tex Woodworks!
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