Less than a week away !

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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
It's less than a week away and for the most part things are right on track. I haven't even gone through an entire bottle of Tylenol yet so things must be good! If any of you need anything from me let me know ASAP. I haven't heard from Curtis lately so I can only assume that the entry forms, crossword puzzles and photo contests will be done soon.

The Public Bash Forum has been created and each of you have your own sub-forums. Right now the general membership cannot see it but on February 1 Jeff will move it into public view. Go ahead and make your opening posts in there now (Welcome to the ___ contest, here are the rules, etc.) so they will be there when the Bash begins. We will just have to plug the entry forms in to the contests where they are needed later, once they are provided to us.

I'm racking my brain trying to figure out what, if anything, has not been done yet. If you see something that needs attention please let me know ASAP. Also let me know if you need anything from me. 614-774-7676 or PM. (I really don't check, email that often but you can go that route also but it would be a good idea to shoot me a PM telling that you sent an email)

I really appreciate all of your hard work and your willingness to assist putting this party on. I wish the average member knew what you all did to provide this month of enjoyment for them. THANK YOU!
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Maybe I missed it, but what is the status of the Russ Fairfield contest? Chairman? Rules?

You did not miss it. Ben Solsberg is the chairman. I contacted him a week or so ago and he was getting it together. I PMd him this morning and havebn't heard back yet.
Are we going to be able to see the entry forms before the contest starts? I'd like to be familiar with the verbage before posting my contest info incase I need to add anything.
Are we going to be able to see the entry forms before the contest starts? I'd like to be familiar with the verbage before posting my contest info incase I need to add anything.

I hope so. I am waiting on Curtis. He is taking care of the entry forms.
Here is the current forum order. The vendor contests are in alphabetical order by vendor name. A few of the others are grouped (like casting) the rest are randomly ordered. I put a description under each vendor contest with a link to the vendor. I am trying to give them as much exposure as possible.

Need to be rearranged at all? This forum will be turned into it's own category (main division, like "community forums", "the marketplace") once the bash starts. That will make these all top level forums rather than subforums as in years past.



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Curtis and I spoke on the phone yesterday. He told me that he would have the forms done this weekend so we should have them Sunday evening or Monday morning.
Here is the current forum order. The vendor contests are in alphabetical order by vendor name. A few of the others are grouped (like casting) the rest are randomly ordered. I put a description under each vendor contest with a link to the vendor. I am trying to give them as much exposure as possible.

Need to be rearranged at all? This forum will be turned into it's own category (main division, like "community forums", "the marketplace") once the bash starts. That will make these all top level forums rather than subforums as in years past.


We are going to need one for each of the Photo Contests. I don't know how many that will be at this time. We've switched gears on that contest because Turntex will be sponsoring. Therefore, Curtis can no longer chair it. I have several real good candidates for chair which I intend to contract later today.
So, the prize allocation team need not worry about any of the (traditionally) three photo contests? Turn Tex is sponsoring the event, in it's entirety?

Sounds good, the 2 prizes per day for trivia is looking better!!!
So, the prize allocation team need not worry about any of the (traditionally) three photo contests? Turn Tex is sponsoring the event, in it's entirety?

Sounds good, the 2 prizes per day for trivia is looking better!!!

Not necessarily. I envision it to be like casting. Each category is eligible for separate sponsorship.

If you have not done so, please go to the Public Birthday Bash forum, here:


This forum is not yet visible to the public. Jeff will make it visible on 2/1.

That means that right now you can find your contest sub-forum and make your introductory posts now, with your contests rules, procedures, and all the information people will need to know. When Jeff makes the main forum public the information will be there and your contests off and running!

emails and PM's have been coming in faster than i can read them and undoubtedly something has fallen through the cracks. I'm not ignoring anybody. if you are waiting on me to reply to something, and i haven't, please try again or call me at 614-774-7676.

Here is the current forum order. The vendor contests are in alphabetical order by vendor name. A few of the others are grouped (like casting) the rest are randomly ordered. I put a description under each vendor contest with a link to the vendor. I am trying to give them as much exposure as possible.

Need to be rearranged at all? This forum will be turned into it's own category (main division, like "community forums", "the marketplace") once the bash starts. That will make these all top level forums rather than subforums as in years past.



I have found that "ExoticBlanks" looks best in 60 point Helvetica, I'm sure no one would mind if you made that minor alteration.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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