Contest Chairs & Prize People Please Read and Respond

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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
Would it a big PIA for you guys to adjust your dates so that pen entries are not due until March 4, or maybe the evening of the 3rd? This would give participants an extra weekend to work on their stuff. Judges could narrow selections by the 6th, post needed polls on the 7th and announce winners on the 15th. Is this too short a notice for this? Will it cause anyone any problems?
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Will it cause ME a problem? NO
HOWEVER, one of the complaints was prizes that were awarded in the early days of the contest were not delivered for a month.

SOME vendors want ALL their prizes on one spreadsheet and they will not ship the first until they receive that spreadsheet with ALL on it.

So, it may require a little more work for Mike Redburn's group to be certain the prizes that will be awarded in mid-March are not from a vendor who also had a prize awarded early in the month, for a different contest.

I'm sure Mike can express his own thoughts, but he may not be as acutely aware of this problem as I. Whatchathink Mike???
What if we posted a disclaimer up front, when the BASH begins, explaining that in some cases receipt of prizes could take up to 2 months. I've always found that people only get mad when something that they expect to happen doesn't. If they are not expecting to receive the prize for two months they are less likely to get tcked off. If it shows up earlier then they are happily surprised.
I'm fine with that Mike!!

Honestly, I (try to) tell anyone who is going to have to wait, yet the complaint was posted at the end of the last bash. (In fairness, some waited a LONG time for some deliveries--unrelated to anything we could control).
I personally don't like this at all. The bash has always been in February and now you want to extend it all the way to March 15th? Remember, not everyone is interested in the bash and dragging it out half way into March is going to **** some folks off. A month seems like plenty of time to get stuff done. Folks are going to procrastinate until the last minute anyway so why give them even more time to do so? Wasn't the reason for announcing the rules for various contest early to allow folks more time?

Again, I am totally against this idea. Sorry! I like the bash but also like March 1st when it is over!
I understand what you are saying Curtis. The Bash itself would not be extended until March 15. The Bash would end by February 28 when all the entries are in. The only thing that would happen during the first two weeks of March is voting.

You've made some predictions and they may be right, or not. Someone is always going to be ticked off about something. I have feedback from previous Bashs that ask for longer periods of time to work on the contest pens. Some specifically asks for all four weekends in February to work on the pens. I'd like to hear a more substantial argument against it than I don't like it, we have never done it before, or some people will get mad.
The prize allotment for the last bash did not take into consideration the dispersion factors of the donor.
I understand what you are saying Curtis. The Bash itself would not be extended until March 15. The Bash would end by February 28 when all the entries are in. The only thing that would happen during the first two weeks of March is voting.

You've made some predictions and they may be right, or not. Someone is always going to be ticked off about something. I have feedback from previous Bashs that ask for longer periods of time to work on the contest pens. Some specifically asks for all four weekends in February to work on the pens. I'd like to hear a more substantial argument against it than I don't like it, we have never done it before, or some people will get mad.

This is still extending the bash in March, Mike! If voting and announcements are going on in March, then the bash is going on in March!

I believe you ARE giving more time by having the contests announced before the bash begins.

Also, if you notice, I was not making any kind of argument for or against it! I was giving my own personal opinion which is, "I don't like the idea of having the bash extend into March". Why stop at March 15? Let's go all the way to the end of March to give folks even more time.

My argument against it is bash boredom or bash weariness. Again, just my own personal opinion.
With 3 weeks left to Kick off you now have more time than ever to plan and execute your entries. Part of the problem in the past was lack of rules until the 1st to design and build a pen. For my first bash I had a pen thought up and was ready to build it when the rules were posted I found out my pen wouldnt even be able to enter that competition. I was one of those that advocated earlier posting of rules. You could end your competitions on Monday the 18th at 11:59 and they still have 6 weeks from today to make a pen. You just need all the pen making competition rules up and posted.
Pictures go up on Tuesday the 19th and judges make their selections. Polls up and done by the first of march.
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I don't see the compelling reason for extending the Bash into March, whether it be through voting or ending a contest...I like the firm deadline of the end of February to finish all business, other than prize delivery...

OK. But do you have a compelling reason for not doing it?

The reason I have for doing it is because I have been told that is what the members want. I consider the BASH to be for the members enjoyment. For what reason should we not do what they have asked for? (I know, I sound like I did when I would lecture my officers about what the term 'Public Servant" really means and how it is about THEM, not US.)

I'm not saying that I want to do this because "I want to" so please, someone give me a better reason to not do it than, "I don't want to".

The only reason I can imagine is that it would place too great a burden on the contest chairs due to the short notice. If that is the case, or if there is another valid reason please tell me.

With all due respect my are the one proposing the change so I believe the duty to argue why lies with you. Your argument of giving more time is negated by posting the rules early which is what the majority of folks asked for in teh feedback thread.

Why do we need to extend it into another month if the contests are announced earlier?

Again, I post this with utmost respect and not to be a smartass or trouble maker!
With 3 weeks left to Kick off you now have more time than ever to plan and execute your entries.......

You could end your compititons on Monday the 18th at 11:59 and they still have 6 weeks from today to make a pen. You just need all the pen making compititon rules up and posted.

OK. No overtime for any of you.

Everyone make sure you have your contest rules posted by the 15th. Mike R's aren't posted yet but he has sent them to me. The rest of you running contest that involve buying supplies and making things, please get your rules to me ASAP.

Thanks for the discussion.
You guys type too fast for me. By the time I type one post three more are up.:eek:

Curtis, and everyone else too. No offense is taken to anything offered in response to my request for opinions. When I ask for discussion then that is what I want. Arguments for and against; pros and cons. Do not worry about hurting my feelings or ticking me off. Won't happen. I've been abused by far better than any of you!:eek::biggrin:
If it's early March this year, it'll be mid-March the next...and I just really like keeping the Bash in February, to avoid 'Bash weariness'. If more games are wanted, we can add a Summer Festival later...we might have the prizes delivered by then.

Personally, I think a month is plenty for the contests to wrap up, especially with an extra month of advance notice for the crafting contests...
In my prelim announcement I put:
All entries must be received by 9:00 PM EST* on Feb 24th. [FONT=&quot]

[/FONT]*9:01 is too late.[FONT=&quot]
[/FONT]Please do not wait until the last minute.[FONT=&quot]
The poll will be posted on Feb
26th, and voting will end on March 5th and the voting results will become public at that time.

[/FONT]This does fall slightly into the next month but it was the only way I would have time to finalize things and get the members an extra weekend in FEB. I can change it no problem either way but with my schedule it already gave them an extra weekend from my original plan to end things a week earlier, that coupled with the FULL month advance notice of the rules, I felt was good enough.
Those of you who have already written your rules, and have them with the winners being announced on the 5th, go ahead and leave them alone. No need to cause you more work by rewriting them now.

Those of you who have not already written your rules write them so that the winners are announced by the 28th. I'm interested to see what, if any, feedback we get on those contests that are already scheduled to have winners announced on the 5th.

Sorry for all the confusion on this. I do wish we could have had this discussion back in late December when I posted my intention to run the BASH into March here, in post #1.

Please, lets have as many rules posted by the 15th as possible, especially those that require members to obtain supplies that may have to be ordered and shipped to them. Also, I need everyone's time table so I can plug it into the Calender I am working on.

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