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Feb 22, 2005
Here is a pen that got some notice with a magazine. I won 3rd place with it. It is a Baron with ebony black wood and aluminum dots. The cap is all aluminum. The ebony has 8 coats of med CA and the cap was spun and polished to a high shine. This pen sold almost imediately after I got it off the lathe. These type segmented pens are only the tip of the ice that I want to get into.

Thanks for looking. As always any comments or questions are always welcomed.


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Love the work you're doing these days, and this just shows a stunning ability to convert imagination into hand turned reality. Awesome
John, I think it's very striking and I like it a lot. However, I think you got a tiny error in the spacing between the rings of dots. Hope you don't mind me saying so but we both know that if anyone can get absolute accuracy with segments or spacing then it's you. :wink::biggrin:
John, I think it's very striking and I like it a lot. However, I think you got a tiny error in the spacing between the rings of dots. Hope you don't mind me saying so but we both know that if anyone can get absolute accuracy with segments or spacing then it's you. :wink::biggrin:

Thanks Steve.

Now I know your eyes are better than mine which are getting quite old, and being I do not have this pen any more to confirm that, I would go out on the limb and have to say they were dead on accurate because of the method I use to do these type pens. I know it is done on a wood lathe but the setup I am using is pretty darn close to being accurate as can be. I know sometimes indexing wheels can have some slop in them but I tried the best I could to account for that. Not saying you are wrong but I do not see it and hopefully it is just the photo distortion.
Okay, John. I see you ARE a pen guy. (re: my PM). Now I remember the Panache of yours I saw a few days ago. Brilliant work! Looking forward to seeing more!

Thanks Robert as I mentioned just do a search of my name and you will see lots of pens I have done in the past and shown here. before I left. . I do not put them in a album though so you have to see them in the Show us your pens forum. :)

I do have a few others that I will post that are more involved segmenting. One of them took second place in the same contest as I previously mentioned.
John, I've always enjoyed your work in pens as well as clocks glad to have you back and I don't care what Skippy says it's perfect to my eyes but remember he's looking through Welch fog.:biggrin:
John, I've always enjoyed your work in pens as well as clocks glad to have you back and I don't care what Skippy says it's perfect to my eyes but remember he's looking through Welch fog.:biggrin:

Thanks Roy. I don't know but Skipman has that very keen vision and that is why he can see into the future and some of his pens prove it. Mortal people here on Earth can not visualize some of his creations. :)
LOL, now I feel bad, TickTockman and Oklahomanic !!:redface::biggrin:

Don't forget that our Welsh fog has grid lines in it so we can see where we're going. Can't be bumping into any of our sheep:biggrin:

It could well be the pic John, perhaps when you resized it, but the ring of dots on the right appears to be closer. Maybe not. :wink: Maybe I'm just jealous!!:biggrin:


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Great pen. I can only imagine the fun you had turning with all those aluminum dots.

Surprisingly the dots did not make it any more difficult to turn. I do use a carbide cutter so that helps alot. They were a pain to glue in the holes though. I think I had more glue on my fingers than in the holes. No one would have been able to trace my fingerprints with all that CA on them:biggrin:

LOL, now I feel bad, TickTockman and Oklahomanic !!:redface::biggrin:

Don't forget that our Welsh fog has grid lines in it so we can see where we're going. Can't be bumping into any of our sheep:biggrin:

It could well be the pic John, perhaps when you resized it, but the ring of dots on the right appears to be closer. Maybe not. :wink: Maybe I'm just jealous!!:biggrin:

Now I feel really honored. Someone actually takes the time to grid out my photos to check my work. Boy I am going to have to step up my game just abit more. Anything is possible I guess. I can say that I used spacers to set up the router for each row of dots and they were all cut from the same piece of stock. Now was there a slight difference maybe so. But if we are talking that difference I would accept this for a hand made pen any day of the week.

I promise I will try to do better the next time. :redface::biggrin:
:biggrin: I promise I will try to do better the next time. :redface::biggrin:

Good, cos I'll be checking up on you!!!:tongue:

But seriously John, if jokers like me need to count pixels to find minute errors then your work is already exceptional and you have nothing to worry about!!:wink::biggrin:
John, All joking aside that is a great looking pen, but I think the third dot in the second row on the "back side" is smaller than the rest. :biggrin:
John, All joking aside that is a great looking pen, but I think the third dot in the second row on the "back side" is smaller than the rest. :biggrin:

Now Max you told me you were not going to say anything. Now Skip is going to measure the size of the dots too. :biggrin::biggrin:

The next group of pens I am going to show are all true segmented ones and I even know one has a mistake in it but I won't point it out. I am sure someone else will. At least I do know people are looking and for that I thank you all. And thanks all for the kind words. Hopefully some of these will spark some ideas for others. So much you can do to a pen blank.
LOL John, I learn from my mistakes, so it won't be me that points out any future flaws of yours. :biggrin:
I'll be making sure that I only post pics when you're not around too, for a while !!:biggrin:

Oh.....and Max, I have just crossed you off my Christmas card list !!!!:tongue:
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John do you know what the real deal is? When Skippy starts to pick on something he is just plain jealous! He wishes that he could make one that precise. :biggrin:
John do you know what the real deal is? When Skippy starts to pick on something he is just plain jealous! He wishes that he could make one that precise. :biggrin:

:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:I know you are kidding because he has no reason to ever be jealous of anyone here especially of anything I do. His work stands alone and no one person comes close to his abilities to think outside the box and then produce an outstanding pen that leaves us all with our jaws dropping. I just want to be invited to the party. To have Steve critique one of my pens is an honor and I welcome it any time.
LOL, now I feel bad, TickTockman and Oklahomanic !!:redface::biggrin:

Don't forget that our Welsh fog has grid lines in it so we can see where we're going. Can't be bumping into any of our sheep:biggrin:

I think we found the problem..


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John do you know what the real deal is? When Skippy starts to pick on something he is just plain jealous! He wishes that he could make one that precise. :biggrin:

:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:I know you are kidding because he has no reason to ever be jealous of anyone here especially of anything I do. His work stands alone and no one person comes close to his abilities to think outside the box and then produce an outstanding pen that leaves us all with our jaws dropping. I just want to be invited to the party. To have Steve critique one of my pens is an honor and I welcome it any time.

John please stop. We do not need his head bigger than his ears. :tongue:
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