Another unknown wood to me

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Jan 16, 2012
Aloha Everyone,
This weekend at the market a gentleman that always comes to my booth brought me a peice of wood he thought was the curliest koa he ever saw.He gave it to me and asked me if i can make him a pen and I could have the rest.I said no problem.I wish I took pics how it looked.It looked almost like a peice from th 70s loaded with shellack to hang on the wall.After sending it through the drum sander then cutting it,i smelled this nice aroma,as soon as I smelled it i understood that I need to find out more.Long story short,two bowl turners I showed it too said they were pretty sure it was sandalwood(Iliahi)but both have never seen it that curly.Came home searched the internet and came across a guy Chris that lives here localy and is a member of IAP. Sent him an email and he said he can help.That made my day,knowing someone busy has time to help.Thought I would post some pics and see what you think. One is close up of grain and the other is a blank and a turned petrizo peice.Enjoy
Aloha Thomas


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+1 for pyinma. I have a big block of it and it is spectacularly curly! That hunk you have is really nice. Its amazing what people turn up with.
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