2012 Casting Contest Heads Up

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Sep 13, 2009
Aiken, South Carolina
Hi Folks! This year will be introducing a new contest into the birthday bash: CASTING :biggrin:

I've been asked to head up the contest this year and my hope is that it will become a long lasting tradition of the IAP Birthday Bash!

Here's a quick heads up as to some of what will be going on for the contest so supplies can be acquired. When the contest starts there will be a new thread with ALL of the rules and guidelines so be sure to read through them carefully!

There will be 3 seperate categories in which anyone can participate:

Pretty self explainitory. Each contestant will have to make a blank using pigments of any kind. I'm going to put a limit on the number of colors to make it easiest to judge! 3 distinct colors. No more, no less.

This would be anything and everything that is cast in resin. Examples: Cactus, Pine cone, Pepper flakes, etc. Get creative!

This will cover anything and everything that is first attached to a tube and then cast in resin. Examples: Feathers, Scorpions, Coins, etc.

Each category will be looked at and judged individually, so there will a top winner in each category.​

I am going to rule against any type of laser engraving for these contests. We want to see some creative & unique blanks done by YOU :).​

So start brainstorming ideas! Do remember that this is a PEN turning forum. So each submission will need to be made into a pen! Do note that any pen shown publicly prior to Feb 1, 2012 will be ineligible for any contest.​

A full list of rules and guidelines will be made on opening day: Feb 1, 2012. This thread is just to give a heads up so everyone can be prepared. However, if anyone has a question or would like clarification please either PM me or post here in this thread.​

Let's make the first year of the casting contest the one that will be the standard of years to come! :biggrin:​
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Not at all Charlie. I don't have anything against lasers or the people that own/use them. Maybe we can add a contest next bash specifically for those types of applications.
NOOOOOOO!!!!!! Givers other a chance. If you come up with something better than your quarters I am scared. Maybe do a bunch of dimes and wrap a tube w/ that.

thanks for the compliment, but there are some much better casters out there than me, just sayin'.....
......but have a few interesting things to pull out of my hat!
I encourage EVERYONE to submit something to each category. Chris has it right, you might just surprise yourself! Also Chris, you'll be judged on the pictures you take. You don't have to worry about whether or not they're pro quality. As long as the judges and myself can see what's going on we'll know the work that was done. The rules and submission thread will be public tomorrow so everything shoud be cleared up by then. Otherwise feel free to PM me with any questions. Have FUN!!!
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