battery froze

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Aug 4, 2007
middle of nowhere in the great, white North
you know it's cold when your car battery freezes solid.

Wife had to take the truck to work....ran it for a half hour before it would blow even lukewarm air so the window could stop icing up. Thank goodness I remembered to plug it in last night, or that would be stranded too!

They didn't even cancel buses's only a shade below -35 after all! :biggrin: (that's a balmy -33 in Fehrenheit)
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I feel your pain, the school buses stopped yesterday with a -46C windchill due to the light breeze. I drove my daughter to school where less than have of the kids showed up.

If i don't let the car warm up for at least 10 minutes I end up scrapping the frost of the inside of the windsheild at these temps : (

:wink:Time to move!!!!! maybe Florida!

Not so fast Roy I believe we are getting down in the 50s at night. Way to cold to be thinking about moving here. Its barely into the 70s now and I almost had to turn the heat on last week.
:wink:Time to move!!!!! maybe Florida!

Not so fast Roy I believe we are getting down in the 50s at night. Way to cold to be thinking about moving here. Its barely into the 70s now and I almost had to turn the heat on last week.

Mike you are just plain evil. The 50s is shorts weather for us northerners. I still plan on camping in Chuck's backyard. :biggrin:
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