Cigar Slim #3. I think I am getting the hang of it!

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Sep 15, 2010
Woodstock, Ga. U.S.A.




I know, I know. No closed-ended goodness yet. I'm still trying to get the hang of gluing the labels down. I took a little ink off the label during glue-up, but since I don't smoke cigars at all, useable labels are few and far between. The burl is unknown, I think it came from a blank fairy package. Either way, I'm happy with the overall result, and it took SOOOOO many coats of medium CA to do this. I wound up with some imperfections buried under some layers that didn't go away as planned, so there they are. At least now I have a second pen to show when I head to the cigar shop out here that the friend that kick started me on this project has been trying to sell on the idea of these pens for a week or two now.
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I reeeallllyyy like the look of that. I may be wrong but my gut tells me that its amboyna. In any case seeing this makes me want to find some labels to slap on some of the amboyna I have. Any chance there's a tutorial on this out there?
I reeeallllyyy like the look of that. I may be wrong but my gut tells me that its amboyna. In any case seeing this makes me want to find some labels to slap on some of the amboyna I have. Any chance there's a tutorial on this out there?

To be honest, I have NO CLUE. I guessed my way through my first two, and this one was still tricky. I scrub 2 labels for every one that sticks. Look at my other cigars to see how extremely convincing black walnut is.
You know me, and I consider you a friend. You know that I know no other way than brutal honesty.

I've hated these pens since the first time I looked at them. BUT, THE IMPORTANT PART IS, I CAN'T STOP LOOKING at them. It's sorta like eating fresh roasted peanuts, I JUST CAN'T STOP!

Now, I think about these cigar pens, often. My first thought was "what was he thinking?", My next 5,000 thoughts were "how can I make this better?" THEN, I just thought "this is seriously strange and I REALLY LIKE IT, WHAT's WRONG WITH ME"

I think I may be calling you "boss" someday! You had me at "Clinton".

You know me, and I consider you a friend. You know that I know no other way than brutal honesty.

I've hated these pens since the first time I looked at them. BUT, THE IMPORTANT PART IS, I CAN'T STOP LOOKING at them. It's sorta like eating fresh roasted peanuts, I JUST CAN'T STOP!

Now, I think about these cigar pens, often. My first thought was "what was he thinking?", My next 5,000 thoughts were "how can I make this better?" THEN, I just thought "this is seriously strange and I REALLY LIKE IT, WHAT's WRONG WITH ME"

I think I may be calling you "boss" someday! You had me at "Clinton".


Thanks! The thought crossed my mind that thses things were either going to be amazing or be worse than that time I got a Capri Sun without a straw on it. I'm glad they've been turning out like they have. I get the feeling that too much refinement of the idea will kill the concept, as I was looking for a fast, cheap and dirty Cigar Illusion type pen. It surprises me that no one seems to have tried this on a Slim before looking at it in retrospect.
I'd almost bet that if you boxed one of these with a blue stained maple "pencil" with a white blotchy CA ghost error on it called " Bill and Monica" in an El Presidente cigar box, you'd be a rich man!

I could sell 'em here:)
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