1st neg. feedback on Ebay in 5 years!!!Rats

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Jul 9, 2007
warren, michigan, USA.
Well I got that cutomer that can't be happy unless I guess it was all free.He claimed he could have went to his local lumber yard and got better pen blanks,LOL.He bought a starter kit I sell for less then 50 that includes 3 slimlines/glue/a set abranet/9/32 drill bit,and you also get about 130 pen blanks in about 22-25 types depending on what I have.Less then $50 and hes claiming the lumber yard is better,my lumber yard only sells boards not pen blanks.Oh well just gets me a litle angry as I have made real mistakes a few times while doing this and everytime the costumer was very understanding.He didn't give me a chance to make it right,and that would have been nice to talk with him first.Thanks for listening to my rant,lol,Victor
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I think some people just wake up p!$$ed off at the world and want to bring everyone else down. I know I have purchased boxes of blanks from you a few times and was extremely pleased with what I received. No, your not going to get the high dollar burls, but you get good blanks.
As soon as I get to turning again I will be buying more
Lets just hope people are smart enough to look at the listing he bought. All the the wood listed is of the 'plain' variety. Not sure what he wanted when he spent $50 for 130 blanks!

Some customers really have learned that if they complain etc., they will get a refund or discount. The old adage of "The squeaky wheel gets greased."

When I was manager of a retail store and a customer began to complain loudly that they could get XYZ at our competitor for a better price. After several loud outburst, I finally told him (loudly) that they should go and take their business that our competitor deserved his attitude and mouth. The other customers in the store began to applaud :) Lost sale??? Nope, dedication from the loyal customers that were there and rid of a problem.

Bottom line- Don't worry about it. You cannot please everyone.
I had a woman that wanted a "Steelers" colored blank, after 2 times I told the guy I am sharing the office that I was not going to try for a steelers one anymore. Because she is one of those people that there would be no satisfying. The 2 that were the steelers blank were sold the same day I brought them in though!

There are just people that would win 100 bucks in bingo and complain that it was 2 50's....
Is there any way for you to appeal this with Ebay? You provided everything just as shown in your auction.

Of course, I also fail to see his reasoning whatsoever.

Define "better lumber". Does he want straighter grain, better figure, what? He's going to pick through all the wood the have and buy 25 of the best ones then cut a few pen blanks off of each and then what? You provided the service of cutting them to size and kept him from having to buy whole boards for a couple blanks.

When you deal with a lot of customers there will always be an occasional(sometimes more than occasional) one that just defies reason.
Some people are idiots. This guy obviously just started turning and does not know that this was a steal. It would have been a great price if you sent plain ol' Poplar. The fact that he gave neg feedback before reaching out to you shows he has no social skills and was likely a spoiled brat growing up.
Had he contacted me I would have done something for him to try and make him happy.I would have sent a hand full of nice blanks if that would have helped,but nope right to ebay with the feedback.Thanks guys makes me feel better hearing your comments on it.Victor

Customer service is very important to me,sometimes its a few days before I ship but this is a secondary job for me one that helps me through these bad economic times.But my wood is always as descibed or pictured I don't try to fool anyone.I want to sell you wood a dozen times not once for some small score.
i've had one guy with a bug stuck somewhere, he bought one of my corian bundles and was very nasty because the blanks were listed as1/2 x 1/2 and the metric conversion of 12mm is 15/32 so I was falsely representing my product and his students didn't have any leeway when drilling the blanks( he was a shop teacher) I never got the chance to correct the situation offer a refund nothing and I get hit with negative feedback.. I told him If he was a school teacher and using it for students I would have sent him a box for free if he'd just asked.... and he sent back a nasty gram about I will never take his business ever again... WTF????

You can't please everybody and you can't shoot them... soo such is life:(
Excellent Service

I have placed several orders with you and I received excellent service. The one thing that stands out is your willingness to combine orders when it is feasible. I really aprreciate it because a lot of people on Ebay charge high prices for shipping. You cannot satisfy everyone.
i think you should go to the buyer feedback and give him a bad rating, just P!$$3$$ me off that he had the gall to say that, I wished I had known about that sale when i first started turning! helluva deal ya got there!
There is a Resolve a problem area where you can check on unfair feedback. Check it out. They may remove it.
I used to be a very active seller on EBay and prided myself of no negative feedback ,until that one day.... Then I found out there are some people you just can't make happy. It's unfortunate when they find you but sooner or later one does. Thankfully most read that one negative post and know what happened. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it and thank God I don't live in the world like they do.
bad feedback

ill tell you how much your bad feed back bothers me please send me a quote for shipping to NOM1AO Ontario Canada say 25 blanks thanks Jeff
I have purchased that same starter package and I was very happy with what I got. So that guy would have complained if even if you had given it to him for free so just resolve it with ebay.
I wouldn't sweat it, Victor. These chumps come and go all the time. Whenever I do business on eBay as a buyer, I always look at the seller's feedback. And much of the time, I find that a previous buyer's negative feedback was totally off base! I NEVER put stock into one bad feedback. Ever.

Like the penny my dog once ate: this, too, shall pass. And also like my dog, he seems the sort to drop the occasional, steaming pile of opinion. You're a better man for not stepping in it. :wink::biggrin:
Victor, as bad as that customer was to begin with, in many ways, the method that Ebay uses to tabulate a seller's score is also bad. I too got that one bad egg a while back after a 100% score since 1998. Like you, my party would not work with me, or even specify what the problem was. Unfortunately, I had already given him a good feedback for quick payment. I went back through the system and was allowed to print an attached retraction to my feedback. The problem with Ebay ratings is that they penalize based on your most recent sales volume, so one zinger will cost you dearly if you only sell a few items vs power sellers selling hundreds of items. I know the math seems fair, but it is sure hard on the casual seller who is still trying to maintain a high level of integrity. Thank you for allowing me to vent.
Victor, How about this, I will "Buy" something from you... and Leave feedback as to... The person who left the Negative, is a retard Awesome Wood, Multi Purchaser here. ;)
I have close to a 600 rating on Ebay with 100% positives. I know how hard this is to maintain with the public. I just wonder what this person you are dealing with has as a rating and how many other NEGs he has left. You can check that easily. Ebay does not like chronic complainers.
I quite selling on Ebay as soon as they put in the asinine feedback system changes that allow buyer to leave negative and seller only neutral.
I for one have had nothing but a great experience with Victor. The 2 orders I have got from him were spot on and my customers like the woods. I for one like the fact that what he sells keeps good lumber out of the landfill and gives it an elegant life in pens and bowls and stoppers.

Don't let a bozo rain on your parade. Ya have a lot of good and loyal customers out there...
I received a negitive feedback one time on ebay because the guys package was wet when he received it.LOL I ask him was I suppose to follow his package around with an umbreilla-(spelled wrong).Anyway ebay refused to take it off because they said I am responseable for it until it gets to the customers door.So it took 12 months to get that off my record.Real BS if you ask me..
It's all mind over matter. Those that matter don't mind and those that mind don't matter. Just be glad it happened now. You got that pimple squeezed for free. No telling what it's going to cost if we get this new health care package shoved down our throats. He might have to be surgically removed, and medicare probably would not cover it.
What can be said that hasn't already been?

It's unfortunate that there are some people that would rather rattle sabers than first seek alternative solutions. How many time I've seen people complain about an employee on line to everyone without even so much as giving the manager a chance to rectify things.


Someone on here had a problem with what I once said, and contacted me through PM. He could have gone on the board openly about his/her grievance, but he instead gave me a chance to clear things up.

My very first on line sale (not ebay) was a problem customer, and I recognized it right away (even the postal employee told me they'd had too many problems with him). It was my fault as I transposed the zip code, and the package was sent to a post office six miles from his house, and as a result didn't go direct to him. After a couple weeks, I was able to resolve things and get him his package, but not after he continued to trash me on an open board, in spite of my efforts to make things right by trying to track down the package and get it to him. After getting my package he was all praises.

I could have lodged a legitimate complaint through the proper channels as he had violated the rules of the board with his actions. However, I decided to take the high road figuring that everyone would realize what was really going on.

I sent him his money back, and didn't say anything to anyone about it. Two weeks later I contacted him to make sure he got it (he could have at least said something to let me know he got it since he didn't even know or ask for a refund).

They used to allow responses by the seller. If they still do, you could post something alluding to your statements about desiring to make things right for him. You probably won't be able to (some people are never pleased), but then again, most people with probably see his comments for what they are.
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