My first attempt with captive rings

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Sep 6, 2011
Plymouth U.K
Hi everyone, I have just finished these two pens with captive rings for a customer, this is my first attempt so go easy on me, sorry for the picture quality as I only have a camera phone, all comments are welcome either good or bad, cheers!!!:rolleyes:


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Thanks for the positive feed back everyone, the ring itself is suprisingly strong but the difficult part was putting on the ca finish, I had to keep the ring moving in between coats or it would stick to the pen, cheers!!!
They look great. Hard to write with?

That was my concern as I couldn't put the captive ring on the upper part of the pen because the ring would prevent the clip from sitting correctly, but as it is situated on the upper part of the bottom piece it just clears the fingers so as to not to get in the way when writing, cheers.:biggrin:
Amazing. I've done quite a few captive rings on goblets, but never had the nerve to do any on pens.

Look on the bright side... even if the rings break, the pens are amazing enough that they'd still look awesome sans rings.
Great looking pens! I love captured rings, but never thought of putting one on a pen.

I hope you realize that I (and probably others) am going to shamelessly steal this idea.

Could you go into some more detail on how you did not CA finish? What has me stumped is how you finish the inside of the ring and how do you keep the ring from sticking?
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