Chameleon powder first cast

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Jan 2, 2008
Indianapolis, In.
Had some Chameleon powder "Carribean Blue to Green" left over from painting the El Camino so, I got some Silmar 41 and used it to cast my first blanks. I think this will make a nice kitless soon. Thanks for looking!


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Chuck, I'll bet it looks fantastic under sun light, it's really hard to show some of the pearls and flip flops in a picture, the dumb camera just doesn't see things quite the way our eyes and brains do.
Chuck, I'll bet it looks fantastic under sun light, it's really hard to show some of the pearls and flip flops in a picture, the dumb camera just doesn't see things quite the way our eyes and brains do.
Thanks Ken, that's the reason I took these in the sun. But, because the pen is round, the blue is always there. The flip flop comes out better on a flat surface. I still like it.
Nice work Chuck. I like the color.

Jonathan Better watch out......:wink:

Oh and Chuck, about the Camino, No Pics didnt happen......:biggrin:

Cant wait to see your next kitless creation......
Nice work Chuck. I like the color.

Jonathan Better watch out......:wink:

Oh and Chuck, about the Camino, No Pics didnt happen......:biggrin:

Cant wait to see your next kitless creation......
Thanks Lupe! Yeh, I was holding off on posting the EC pictures 'til I get the chrome back on it but, that might be next year:redface: Maybe take some tomorrow. Yeh, a kitless WILL be nice. Stay tuned! :biggrin:
Good looking pen Chuck. I told you I could come down to sunny Florida for a few weeks and paint the Camino:biggrin:. Heck I still got to paint the hood on the Jeep. It looks more redneck with primer red!!!
Good looking pen Chuck. I told you I could come down to sunny Florida for a few weeks and paint the Camino:biggrin:. Heck I still got to paint the hood on the Jeep. It looks more redneck with primer red!!!
Thanks anyway Ernie. I figured a year and a half of trying to get paint on it was long enough and, did it myself.

Very nice pen.
Very cool Chuck. I really like that blue. I'd like to see one of those blanks in person.
Thanks Mike! I have one for you.
El Camino

Here you go Lupe! :biggrin: It DID happen :tongue::biggrin: Thanks friend!


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Hey Chuck,

Pen and EC looking good. I just thought of a whole new sales avenue. Contact some custom paint shops and offer to make pens to match their custom paints. Have them supply some paint from the shoot, cast the blank, turn pen of their choice. No need to thank me, glad to help:biggrin:.

I've heard of matching handbags, but matching pens? That's going a bit far!

Looking good Charles (both ute and pen).
Thank you Fred! I did consider painting a pair of shoes to match it :biggrin:
Hey Chuck,

Pen and EC looking good. I just thought of a whole new sales avenue. Contact some custom paint shops and offer to make pens to match their custom paints. Have them supply some paint from the shoot, cast the blank, turn pen of their choice. No need to thank me, glad to help:biggrin:.

Thanks Carl! And, that IS a great idea :biggrin: I'm glad you thought of it. THANK YOU !
That looks real good Chuck.

Didn't know you could shoot a coat like that. It's been a long while since I pulled out my pick hammer and dolly. I'd probably get fish eye'if I tried that.
That looks real good Chuck.

Didn't know you could shoot a coat like that. It's been a long while since I pulled out my pick hammer and dolly. I'd probably get fish eye'if I tried that.
Thanks Lupe. Don't worry, it has flaws in it but, we don't want to get into that right now.:redface::biggrin:
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