How long have you been making pens?

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How long have you made pens?

  • I don't make pens, but hope to some day.

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • I have been making pens 1 day to six months

    Votes: 17 5.7%
  • I have been making pens 6-12 months

    Votes: 26 8.8%
  • I have been making pens 12-18 months

    Votes: 29 9.8%
  • I have been making pens 18-24 months

    Votes: 22 7.4%
  • I have been making pens 2-3 years

    Votes: 63 21.3%
  • I have been making pens 4-5 years

    Votes: 53 17.9%
  • I have been making pens 5-7 years

    Votes: 35 11.8%
  • I have been making pens 7-10 years

    Votes: 23 7.8%
  • I have been making pens 10-15 years

    Votes: 12 4.1%
  • I have been making pens 15-20 years

    Votes: 13 4.4%
  • I have been making pens 20+ years

    Votes: 2 0.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Local Chapter Manager
Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.
Simple enough!

Just wondering how this will break down, among the IAP population---so please answer, the more answers we get, the more statistically reliable the results will be.


(poll results are displayed, as soon as you vote, so you can see how this develops!!)
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Hmmm I started making pens in the mid 90s but made less than 40 pens before i quit for 10+ years. I took it back up when I joined Iap in July 2009 but have yet to make more than 40 pens since. I voted 2-3 years.
I commented to Dawn that there were four other guys (besides me) in the 15-20 category and I was surprised.

Her reply: You all need to go out and

Yes, she was kidding, but I am, nonetheless "hurt to the quick":biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
A whopping 4 months or so...maybe a bit longer I really don't remember when I really started but I am pretty sure it was after turkey season this year.
I usually make pens between 5 and 6 inches long...mostly kits, so that's where they fall....

sorry...couldn't resist

LOVE IT!!!!!

For those that are interested, been turning since December 2006 I believe - FUNNY - it sure doesn't seem like it at all. Made a lot of good friends here on IAP since we joined - a while after we started.
First pen I remember :biggrin: making was 1983, the year my daughter was born. It was basically bic pen guts in a read oak sleeve.

Around 10 months. I was going to try making a few pens for Christmas presents last year...I'm still trying:biggrin:
80,s makes about thirty years for me it still remains a very pleasant hobby, any thing happens to me SWMBO threatens to use my blanks for a parquetry floor.

Changes have been accellerating over the years supplies initially only from America now from all over.

Makes me happy sharing as well.

Kind regards Peter.
I started woodturning in the mid 90's, 1995 or 1996. I almost immediately began making wooden pens. I sold a few but stopped quite soon. Not the kind of pens (24K and chrome ones) I was proud to exhibit. I only offered some to friends and relatives. After stopping woodworking/woodturning for a while, about 2 years ago, I began to import kits from the US and then began a new life/addiction. As "Aris pens" I'm now participating to craft shows.
I had to think about it. I checked the 7 to 10 year box but am not sure I am not in the 10 to 15 tear category. I know it has been at least 7 years because I predate the IAP by quite a bit. I would have to go see when my first post to the yahoo penturners group was if it can even be found. But I am thinking I started a couple of years before this group was founded.
I started this hobby (addiction) 18 month ago with a Sat. afternoon class at the local woodcraft. Without the information available from the contributors on this site I would probably have made a couple pens and been done with it …
Want to know how long I've be making presentable pens :wink:eek:r ones that have never see the light of day?:redface:Many years difference:rolleyes:
I am the one "I don't make pens, but hope to someday. " I am in the process of researching what lathe and equipment I need to get. I have a basic workshop that I mostly do scroll work in. Plan on ordering by the end of the month. I found a wood store in Pensacola but they are only open during the week and I of course work during the week. I have been leaning towards the Turncrafter Commander 12" VS. I will post my first pen when I complete it - no matter how it looks - have to proud of your first born...
About 2-1/2 years. What happened within the last 5 years? Over 60% of respondents answered 5 years or less. I hope this doesn't reflect the life expectancy of pen turners. If so, I guess I should up my life insurance.
About 2-1/2 years. What happened within the last 5 years? Over 60% of respondents answered 5 years or less. I hope this doesn't reflect the life expectancy of pen turners. If so, I guess I should up my life insurance.

Another take on that might be that the IAP is useful to turners until they have about five years experience, then they are less likely to come to a forum.

Don't know--but there are usually many ways to interpret data.
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