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Jul 4, 2011
Arnold, MD
i came home to find this box sitting on my porch today. really, this is not an internet joke. this box was delivered to my home.
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By golly, I can read that just fine, looks like some of the stuff I see around here.
Hope the contents are of better quality.
Ah, more victims of the economic downturn. Somewhere in the unemployment line is either a QA guy or a professional typesetter.
Let's see. DRDP is an observation tool for teachers to record individual progress toward the achievement of four Desired Results for children:
  • Children are personally and socially competent.
  • Children are effective learners.
  • Children show physical and motor competence.
  • Children are safe and healthy.
CAER is "The Center for Applied Energy Research" is one of the University of Kentucky's multidisciplinary research centers.

So a) it appears that someone sent you a kit the contents of which will determine if you are mature enough to develop a dilythium crystal powered roller ball pen.

Or b) somebody just screwed it up royally!
I vote for B.
You must work for the guvmint and they have sent you a top secret coded message package. They will probably have to come eliminate you and all who have read this thread since it has now been made public.
You buy a government furnished edumacation kit?!?!?

LOL, I like that one. What with illegal immy's and Obungler lowering education standards so the kiddies feel good about themselves being stupid, that could be exactly what is in that box!
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