Another Kitless cigar pen

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Sep 11, 2007
Laurence Harbor, NJ, USA.
This is another finial operated kitless cigar made with Teak , a cigar transmission and a cigar band from Peter . I'm having some fun making these and others based on this design , I'll post the others latter in the week . The Teak is a wonderful wood to work with but the grain is very open and took several coats of CA just to fill . The new CA method is working wonderfuly and I have yet to find a wood that I can't finish with it .

As always , comments are welcome .
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Looks good Butch. As to your new CA method, are you only wearing a yellow sock on your right foot?????
Butch swore me to secrecy, but I can divulge that he is telling the truth about the chartreuse socks. The real secret is that he is wearing nothing else.
Well whatever you did the finish looks Sweet. I got the heater fired up right now in the shop and my pink with purple polka dot socks on cause I got some pens to finish.
That is one swet looking pen and the finish is, well, WOW! I have to go to the store and but some chartreuse socks. Do you wear them or apply the CA with the socks and then wear them?
PS: Thanks for spelling "chartreuse" for me. I'd have never managed that word.
Butch swore me to secrecy, but I can divulge that he is telling the truth about the chartreuse socks. The real secret is that he is wearing nothing else.

now that I have bleached my eyes to remove that image.... I am curious what your "new" method is.....

and I always enjoy your Kitless presentations.....someday.....
I love your one piece cigars. That looks great. Thanks for the inspiration.

I've got kit pieces laying all over my work table, trying to figure out distances and what needs to connect to what, in order to maintain the twist feature and still have a one piece cigar. Next step would be kitless, save the tranny and tubes.
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