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Jul 14, 2010
West Hills,CA
How dio I remove my name from this group. I questioned my association after reading the rant and answers about the pen in the hat. I then have looked at several forums and in some of the members signatures are extreme referrals to a specific religion. I thought that I could get some good information from this group, but I have found members questioning and rationilizing about other members and proselytizing.
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How dio I remove my name from this group. I questioned my association after reading the rant and answers about the pen in the hat. I then have looked at several forums and in some of the members signatures are extreme referrals to a specific religion. I thought that I could get some good information from this group, but I have found members questioning and rationilizing about other members and proselytizing.
Um, welcome to the world of internet forums?

In general, this is a pretty good forum. The folks here are always willing to answer questions and share their knowledge. From time to time, with people being the way we are, tempers flair and things are said that are not always nice. That is life. If those things bother you, ignore them.

As for proselytizing, I think you are over reacting just a bit. I like that on this forum people can ask for or offer a prayer when appropriate. But I have never seen anything that would be considered proselytizing.

So welcome to the forum! Relax a bit, get to know people, learn something new and have fun!
There are thousands of members on IAP.

Like society itself, we are a diverse group, but we share a common interest in penmaking.

We welcome everyone to stay. But, if you feel you need to leave, just send a PM to "Jeff", the site owner, and your name can be removed.

If you find a place where everyone thinks exactly alike,

:eek::eek::eek:DON'T DRINK THE KOOL-AID!!!!:biggrin::biggrin:
No one is forcing you to come to come to this site. Just dont visit if it isnt to your liking.

However, I see as I type this you are perusing a forum - hopefully something interesting and/or useful. I encourage you to not judge this site by one thread that got out of hand. This is not typical, and I think you will find the people here a good people and very helpful.

As for the proselytizing, every on-line community has some of that. I'd be surprized if you found one that didnt.

And by the way, I personally find this one of the tamest forum sites I've ever participated in.
prosely? what!? I just had mine checked! Hey this forum aint that bad!
One more for goolge - I would suggest that you stick around and just ignore the comments that are offensive. There is something on every site that someone can find offensive but life must go on - don't get stressed out about little things.
What you will find nice here is there is no pushing of beliefs on to another member no matter what you believe, religion and politics can be strange bedfellows but I do not sleep with either one. Anyways stick around and I guarentee you will always find someone willing to help out.
How dio I remove my name from this group. I questioned my association after reading the rant and answers about the pen in the hat. I then have looked at several forums and in some of the members signatures are extreme referrals to a specific religion. I thought that I could get some good information from this group, but I have found members questioning and rationilizing about other members and proselytizing.

I must not be very observant. I've never noticed any of these. Maybe I'm just to focused on reading pen making related topics:rolleyes:.

You can get good information from this group. Are you saying you haven't found any?
I don't recall reading any signature lines that violate the Acceptable Use Policy; the AUP dictates that religious signatures are permitted, but one cannot belittle or demean the religion or POV of someone else. If there is a signature that you think violates this rule, report it to Curtis (Mesquiteman), and he'll see if it violates the AUP.

Judging a group of people by one small thread doesn't give you the entire picture - we don't argue often on here. Why don't you stick around for a while and give the forum a second chance. If you don't agree that it's a nice place to be, at least you gave it a shot.

Otherwise, you can contact Jeff at any time, and he'll delete your account.
How dio I remove my name from this group. I questioned my association after reading the rant and answers about the pen in the hat.
Welcome aboard. Wow, you found some of our cantankerous members. :eek:
Are you sure they aren't long-time friends just razzing each other?
That'll happen. Or, it could've been a real disagreement.
See below for an example of said disagreement:

pakuma1 said:
I then have looked at several forums and in some of the members signatures are extreme referrals to a specific religion. I thought that I could get some good information from this group, but I have found members questioning and rationilizing about other members and proselytizing.

Pot, kettle, black.
And, by the way, it's rationalizing. Amazing.

If you can't survive in a world wherein your neighbor might have an
"I Love Jesus!" bumper sticker on his car, you've got more serious issues
than learning about pen-making.
Gonna shield that grandson so he only gets to know, see, and hear about other people just like him
or is he allowed to see what the world has to offer and make his own, intelligent decisions?
Just curious.
I've been on forums that banned all content related to politics, religion and other specific controversial topics that aren't covered by those 2, and IMO, the topics came up just as much (there's always someone who comes to the party just to break a lamp or 2 over someone's head), were hotly posted about for a few hours, and then disappeared, leaving only a bunch of people with a vague memory of disliking another member, but not really remembering the specifics of the situation (since the threads were gone...) Having been on this site for close to a year, I have to say that the PITH was a VERY unusual situation on this forum, and having been on other forums, it was also a VERY tame "controversy". Now I'm sure everyone who weighed in felt very strongly about their position, but it also never degraded into the mud slinging flame wars that I have seen on other places. If that is as nasty as IAP gets, then this is pretty close to the Internet version of Utopia...:wink:

Having come from said forums that had banned anything religious, I noticed it hear for the simple reason that people felt comfortable enough to put it out there, and nobody felt the need to slam them about it every time they posted. There are many people around the world that have very strong beliefs and a strong drive to let others know, and share them. That should be their right as much as it is for anyone with differing beliefs.

Also, I really see no need to cancel your account. If the behavior of a few members bothers you, just stop coming by. Your account will be here if you should decide to return some day, no harm, no foul, and you will always be welcome.
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I've been on forums that banned all content related to politics, religion and other specific controversial topics that aren't covered by those 2, and IMO, the topics came up just as much (there's always someone who comes to the party just to break a lamp or 2 over someone's head), were hotly posted about for a few hours, and then disappeared, leaving only a bunch of people with a vague memory of disliking another member, but not really remembering the specifics of the situation (since the threads were gone...) Having been on this site for close to a year, I have to say that the PITH was a VERY unusual situation on this forum, and having been on other forums, it was also a VERY tame "controversy". Now I'm sure everyone who weighed in felt very strongly about their position, but it also never degraded into the mud slinging flame wars that I have seen on other places. If that is as nasty as IAP gets, then this is pretty close to the Internet version of Utopia...:wink:

Having come from said forums that had banned anything religious, I noticed it hear for the simple reason that people felt comfortable enough to put it out there, and nobody felt the need to slam them about it every time they posted. There are many people around the world that have very strong beliefs and a strong drive to let others know, and share them. That should be their right as much as it is for anyone with differing beliefs.

Also, I really see no need to cancel your account. If the behavior of a few members bothers you, just stop coming by. Your account will be here if you should decide to return some day, no harm, no foul, and you will always be welcome.

I was kicked off of one of these type sites for being too aggressive (and using the word "Juggalo").

I have to agree with the general discussion on this thread. If you are here to learn about penturning, then dont click the link that says "Casual Conversation" It is rare to see a thread about pens on that board. All the rest of the forums are a mine of knowledge... All you gotta do is dig! To find the diamonds(knowledge), you gotta sift through TONS of dirt(arguing, acting up, juvenile behavior, Literal interpretations (sp), etc. etc.)

P.S. Some of the people arguing on that thread........ Are some of the best pen guys around anywhere! I guarantee you most of them have pages of threads that would be super helpful to you in your penmaking career!
Well, you did say other members trying to convert you (proselytizing.). You haven't seen the guys coming and knocking at my house door trying to convert me, but, the minute I 'd say I was born to a certain family then they run like there is no tomorrow. Not that I am any religious person. Just to run them off so I can go back doing what I was before the interruption. I'd suggest you do the same thing. Just run them off. I just wanted to tell you I was on another forum few years back then in the first few days after joining I was getting offers of Internet sex and God knows someone coming to my town for my pleasure and all kind of stuff. And, no it was not one of the canky sites either. Here, I have just learned and made some very good friends that I will cherish their friendship for as long as I am alive. There are people here that I wished they were my next door neighbor they are so nice.

We as members would love to have you around and show you what these guys can teach you. however, If you decide to go somewhere else, I wish you best of luck.
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While I have heard of folks being converted by something they read or saw on the internet it has always been their choice to make the change. The only ones I personally know met on internet date sites.
And it was their choice to make the change.
Same thing here.

God bless america. that is what makes us great. freedom of speech, All walks of life hang out here and if one don't like a post you can always exit out of it. This forum contains a wealth of knowledge. about pen making, that is why I come here. and I will extend a THANK-YOU to all here whom have helped me, no matter what or race or church they attend. I have found there are great people on this forum, don't let the other things bother you as to where you won't use this knowledge to advance your skills.................................
A gentleman on this forum just posted a prayer request for a certain young boy battling cancer and facing a tough surgery. He also suggested that we, as a group, produce pens to help offset the family's obvious expenses (surely you can see how THAT is relevant this site).

I personally would not be part of any forum that would ban this simple, yet powerful gesture from its pages on the off-chance that it may offend someone. If you consider that prossillytiziing, then I would suggest you simply not come here anymore. I don't think a cancellation is needed unless you're getting a magazine subscription that I was unaware of......Sheesh!

How 'bout them Cowboys?
How dio I remove my name from this group. I questioned my association after reading the rant and answers about the pen in the hat. I then have looked at several forums and in some of the members signatures are extreme referrals to a specific religion. I thought that I could get some good information from this group, but I have found members questioning and rationilizing about other members and proselytizing.

Too bad. With the sheer volume of talent and knowledge on this site it really is your loss. BTW....thanks for the important announcement..:rolleyes:...and yelling it no less. See Ya....
Sorry to hear that you have been put off Pakuma, We all have our beliefs and naturally it will come out in what we say, I am sure that no ill intent has been meant; occassionally we do say something that then gets answered roughly, and we quickly try to put the foot in the mouth again, and hopefully not repeat our mistake. Generally, and by far in the majority, this site has been extremely helpful to me, I have been taught and also encouraged in time of need.
If there is something in particular that we can help you with, just ask, I am sure you will be pleased with the answers- by the way you can ask me --i'm perfect!!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:, Amos:) (ps and he never told a lie -!):)
Sometimes when we join a site, we also need to consider what WE can contribute. What can we glean from that site. If I go to a site and read what I do not like, I do not return. If you have nothing to learn here or are so offended by what you have seen then Via con Dios. (oops, a reference to God)

Don't let the door hit you on the way out. gave me a pretty good definition! Still don't get where this is coming from, but I must be naive, dumb. I love this forum and the people are great, in my experiences. I have always received constructive criticism and excellent comments.

I do have a problem with someone that joined our forum less than a month ago and has less than two posts. Maybe they didn't give this forum a chance. I would suggest finding another site that suits your needs.
Well, if nothing else...he's brought a lot of people together with a like-minded thinking?


Scott (Maybe a troll.........) B
I think if you didn't want special attention you wouldn't have started this thread. No on forces you to come here. To me that just puts you in the group that are just looking for something to whine about.
They say high school ends with the 12th grade but it doesn't those clicks that no one understands are now known as social groups, the popular kids still think their better than anyone else and try to flaunt it, but the point is that no matter where you go there will always be something that you don't like and sometimes its just better to just ignore it. Don't let yourself get upset over little things. There is a lot great information here that's just ready for the taking and all you need to is take advantage of it.
Over 9000 members and your going to let the views of a few run you off? Strength in your own beliefs will keep you going, letting others disturb you will bring you down. This is the best site anywhere for learning about making pens, that is all you need to pay attention to.
I don't agree with everything that is posted here (just ask Curtis) but I'm not going to let someone else's ideologies chase me away from something that can be beneficial to me. Relax and have some fun.
Well i got to agree. There is a lot of "proselytizing" around this site.

From lacquer to CA
From 24k to Titanium
From Allumilite to PR
From slimline to sierra
From sand paper to micromesh
From Rizheng to Dyacom
From casting my how to exoticblanks (you how me for that one Ed)
From mandrel to between center turning
From Ca glue to epoxy

And the list goes on. And you know what? I got the choice. And whatever the choice i make, some will agree some won't. But one thing is sure around here, whatever the choice i made someone will help me when i'm in trouble with it and no one care what my religion, my language or my beleiving are.
So make your choice, we will support you in it, but it will be easier for us if you stick around :)
I must not be very observant. I've never noticed any of these. Maybe I'm just to focused on reading pen making related topics:rolleyes:.

You can get good information from this group. Are you saying you haven't found any?

I don't think he has looked for it!! He joined the site a whopping two weeks ago. Either this is a joke, he is LOOKING for something to COMPLAIN about (Like the guy who complained about us using the word "guys" and offending women, remember that???) or he was just in the wrong thread at the wrong time.
Over 9000 members and your going to let the views of a few run you off? Strength in your own beliefs will keep you going, letting others disturb you will bring you down. This is the best site anywhere for learning about making pens, that is all you need to pay attention to.
I don't agree with everything that is posted here (just ask Curtis) but I'm not going to let someone else's ideologies chase me away from something that can be beneficial to me. Relax and have some fun.

Neil, your signature says "support your local Devil..." mabe that's what he is referring to with the religious comments!!! :biggrin:
Neil, your signature says "support your local Devil..." mabe that's what he is referring to with the religious comments!!! :biggrin:

:biggrin: If you know what proselytizing means, then the Devil Dog support is well within your understanding...
The IAP rocks. No doubt about it...:):):)
Over 9000 members and your going to let the views of a few run you off? Strength in your own beliefs will keep you going, letting others disturb you will bring you down. This is the best site anywhere for learning about making pens, that is all you need to pay attention to.
I don't agree with everything that is posted here (just ask Curtis) but I'm not going to let someone else's ideologies chase me away from something that can be beneficial to me. Relax and have some fun.

Amen!! Doh...Maybe I shouldn't have said that...:wink:

Well said Neil!
I have to admit I chuckled over this one.

When you buy a house, you can't select your neighbors.

When I moved into my home my boys were small. 2nd day there they kicked a ball over the fence. Knocked on the door, neighbor grumbles and growls about "kids" and gets the ball for them.

A few years later (yes years) he sends gifts for their graduations, asks for their help when he can't move something heavy, etc etc.

I am proud of my neighbor and my boys learned lessons that will stay with them forever.

You can leave if you wish, it's your choice, but I love my neighbors. They're my friends and they will help you when you ask.
I love to see someone join a site and after 2 posts nag about "items" WAY out in left field. The site is about PENS/Craftsmanship and thats pretty much it.
If you found religion here you are on the wrong site because it seems tha nobody else here knows what he's talking about. LOL
But hey..... I wont judge....
With the right pills, psycological disorders, general mental issues I guess you can see just about anything when looking at a computer.

TATA for now.
Over 9000 members and your going to let the views of a few run you off? Strength in your own beliefs will keep you going, letting others disturb you will bring you down. This is the best site anywhere for learning about making pens, that is all you need to pay attention to.
I don't agree with everything that is posted here (just ask Curtis) but I'm not going to let someone else's ideologies chase me away from something that can be beneficial to me. Relax and have some fun.

:clap: :clap:

Well said.
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