HOT STUFF~Casing Pen Entry

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Feb 23, 2010
Phenix City, Alabama
Collaboration with CaptG and myself he sent me the casing and I did the rest. Both colors in the flags are red/white and blue. Took me 1 week to come up with the design, 1 week to finally make the dragon I was going to use on the casing and 2 days to make him/her.

Bet you all thought I was flowers and butterflies..LOL

WAAAAY outside the BOX!:eek:


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That is just totally awesome Toni . Now I don't feel so bad not entering the contest , there's no way I could compete with that . That is not only thinking outside the box , it's trashing the box and throwing it away .
If you ever get back here to Jersey , you really should think about teaching PC . You could make a fortune doing PC seminars .
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That is just totally awesome Toni . Now I don't feel so bad not entering the contest , there's no way I could compete with that . That is not only thinking outside the box , it's trashing the box and throwing it away .
If you ever get back here to Jersey , you really should think about teaching PC . You could make a fortune doing PC seminars .

Butch I did teach back in the states. Its always an enjoyable experience for everyone, cant stop making jokes and crack up:biggrin:

Thank you Jennifer!!
WOW! Fantastic job Toni! I do not like casing pens at all, but this one.....I will make an exception!
HOLY SMOKES!!!:eek: That's amazing!

One it comfortable to write with? It looks a bit top heavy.
I had not really thought of you as a flower child, but I guess I had had you pegged as canes and slices thereof applied to things. It had not occurred to me that you did sculptural effects. The whole thing is great, but the wings are amazing.
Collaboration with CaptG and myself he sent me the casing and I did the rest. Both colors in the flags are red/white and blue. Took me 1 week to come up with the design, 1 week to finally make the dragon I was going to use on the casing and 2 days to make him/her.

Bet you all thought I was flowers and butterflies..LOL

WAAAAY outside the BOX!:eek:quote]

Nice work on the pen but I am abit confused. Where is the flags???:usflag:
Not only should you share you methodology of this pen, you should also share those drugs that lead to its creation!

I love it! Reminds me of "the dragon of skiprat". I've never seen anything quite like this, but the dragon's face looks eerily familiar!
Thank you everyone!! No drugs where taken to create this pen or alcohol. Just my imagination and creativity. Flags? I thought we just had to use the COLORS of the flag.
Collaboration with CaptG and myself he sent me the casing and I did the rest. Both colors in the flags are red/white and blue. Took me 1 week to come up with the design, 1 week to finally make the dragon I was going to use on the casing and 2 days to make him/her.

Bet you all thought I was flowers and butterflies..LOL

WAAAAY outside the BOX!:eek:quote]

Nice work on the pen but I am abit confused. Where is the flags???:usflag:

Hi John, I will field this question, the rules stated a color theme that matched you countries flag colors. Red. white andblue for both NZ and USA. You nailed it Toni, She is the creator of this one, I just made the bttom half and told her to go wild. YES, thats my contest partner.
Hi John, I will field this question, the rules stated a color theme that matched you countries flag colors. Red. white andblue for both NZ and USA. You nailed it Toni, She is the creator of this one, I just made the bttom half and told her to go wild. YES, thats my contest partner.

Thanks for the explanation. I did not realize it was a contest entry. Good luck.
Toni, that's not thinking outside the box. You're thinking outside the box factory....That pen would have sold in a flash at the Renaissance Festival...

That is amazing.

The way that the blue fades/changes into a sort of blue-green on the tips of the wings is absolutely beautiful.

I'd like to see a pen done with the kind of "scales" --or whatever those would be called-- used on the wings.
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