Thank you

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Dec 2, 2009
Thank you to everyone for yesterday's meeting and making a first timer feel so welcome.

I learned a lot from the presentation, and it was nice meeting everyone face to face, being able to place folks with their screen names, etc.

Looking forward to the September meeting!
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I also would like to thank Todd for a great photography presentation. I learned some things that I didn't have a clue on and hopefully it will improve my pictures.

Also, I would like to say thank you to Ken at Kallenshaan woods for the laser pen kits that he was so kind in donating to the group.
I second the thanks for Todd and Ken. I sent Ken an email thanking him, I think everyone who got a kit should!

What is happening with the "local vendors" so we can "shop locally?"
I also would like to thank Todd for a great photography presentation. I learned some things that I didn't have a clue on and hopefully it will improve my pictures.

Also, I would like to say thank you to Ken at Kallenshaan woods for the laser pen kits that he was so kind in donating to the group.
Thanks for the kind words, I'm a very nervous speaker and go off on tangents easily, so I didn't get to half of what I planned and did get to all sorts of stuff I did not... I'm going to take the next rainy Saturday (after the bathroom remodel is done..) and force myself to use the wife's Point/Shoot and come up with some tips specifically to those cameras...

I'll certainly send Ken an E-Mail thanking him, but it's a VERY smart move on his part. LOML had it given away before I got the package open, and instantly wanted to see what other ones were available and started making a list of who "we" could make which ones for...

It was great seeing everyone for my second meeting and checking out all the great work that is being done by all!!!

Plus, I managed to get a shot of Jerry "before"...

And congrats to the unanimously re-elected leadership. Todd did an excellent demo. I like that he broke it down in what to look for in the picture and how to correct it. The prizes are always a great bonus.

Mathieu and I both enjoyed it and Mathieu also got some real nice pieces of cherry and maple. Thanks for those donations also.

Jerry, that picture is just........YOU! Wow, it truly captures the essence. I think. :biggrin:
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