one of three

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Jan 1, 2004
Wichita Falls, TX, USA.
An interesting subject:D. This pen is made from Australian Sea Snake and the blank was cast by my friend and one of our IAP members, Serge. The resin was bubble free, crystal clear, and was a dream to turn. Maybe Serge will share with us how it was cast. I'm quite certain the resin is polyester resin. Thanks mate for a beautiful blank. Serge has a pen from this skin, I now have a pen from this skin (and a piece to cast myself) and we are waiting to see pen #3. Hey 3, you still around? Turn yours and show us #3. I'll let you wonder who #3 is...maybe he's still on the golf course or at the car auction, or maybe living in the car he purchased after his wife found out. Enjoy the pen and THANKS again Serge! Get busy #3!
Do a good turn daily!

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I look forward to seeing this in person tomorrow at Bubbasville! Don...Are the road conditions in your area still good enough to make it?
We are on the dividing line between freezing and non freezing. It is raining and the news just predicted we would be close to freezing aroung midnight or 1 am. I think I will stay home...I'll probably regret it and all will be okay...and I'll have regrets on the side of caution. I'll make the next one. [:(]
do a good turn daily!
Originally posted by Ron Mc
<br />I look forward to seeing this in person tomorrow at Bubbasville! Don...Are the road conditions in your area still good enough to make it?
very nice pen, Don. A fine casting job. What is a sea snake, from what see anyway?
What a difference from Downunder where they are canceling tennis due to the heat, eh. You are getting worse weather than we are here in Michigan. I havent even had to shovel snow this winter and I'm not complaining.
I don't know what a sea snake is...It is from Australia is all I know. Maybe Serge will see this and answer. He did the tanning and casting.
All I did was turn it.
Do a good turn daily!
Originally posted by oobak
<br />very nice pen, Don. A fine casting job. What is a sea snake, from what see anyway?
What a difference from Downunder where they are canceling tennis due to the heat, eh. You are getting worse weather than we are here in Michigan. I havent even had to shovel snow this winter and I'm not complaining.
Well done Don, look great another pen to add to your personal collection, Yes the casting is polyester resin I add 4 drops of mekp per ounce as our ounce here is a tiny more than the US ounce, as to explain the process of PR I think you did a good tutorial and members should read it, the only difference is that you vacuum the PR at the first stage, I pressurized the PR, it return the same no bubbles then pressurized at 25 psi, may be #3 will chime too[:D]

oobak, Thanks for the comment, here's something for you to read

as to cancel a Tennis match is alright when we have 44 degree who is 111.2 F, Sea snake skin I got was in length of 1.5 and 1.8 meter ( 54" and 60" less now [:D]) thickness of the skin is nearly twice the rattle snake skin at 0.52" if you need more info pm me off line

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Sorry forgot, the only things I see after casting is that the scale patten of the skin darken with the PR I think the mepk as to do something about it, it happen to my fish skin too
No problem John. I thought maybe if I too thought I were Ron I could make a really <s>nice</s> amazing segmented pen. It hasn't happened yet.
Do a good turn daily!
Originally posted by johncrane
<br />Sorry DON! l called you Ron fixed up now.[:D]

edited to make me not feel so bad about calling Ron's segmented blanks nice...they really are amazing with a capital A
And if some one can call me DonRon I may think to make an amazing segmented snake skin pen blank[:D][:p], Jhon still here just waiting from you to give me your address like that I can come to visite you.

BTW oobak you will have a 90 minutes show from Steve Irwin our croc hunter is about to air in the US on the Discovery and Animal Planet cable TV channels.I think is handling a Sea Snake in is doc.
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