I have been turning pens for a couple months now and my efforts include a few fountain pens. When they write well I really like them. However, it seems that most of them dispense quite a bit of ink and the result is thick lines and sloppy writing. I understand many people here replace the fountain nibs right off the bat and I should probably take that route as well. However, is there something else I am doing or not doing that could be causing the issue? Or should I just not worry about it and get some new nibs? I would prefer a line on the thinner and more delicate side. Should I opt for a fine nib? What do most people prefer? The pens in question are generally Majestic Juniors, though I have since bought some Jr. Statesmen and Jr. Gentlmen that I am going to be turning in the next few weeks. If new nibs are in order I would like to buy several and stock up.