MT1 to MT2 converter

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Nov 23, 2009
Milford, Delaware 19963
Anyone have the converter that will let me use MT1 tools on an MT2 lathe that they'd like to sell. I can buy one new but thought I'd try here first.
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It's called a sleeve. Unfortunately, I'm rather attached to mine.

Both Little Machine Shop and Grizzley have them at reasonable prices, but the shipping makes a standalone purchase unattractive.
"use MT1 tools on an MT2 lathe" - I take that to mean that he has an MT1 mandrel that he needs to install in a lathe spindle with an MT2 taper, and that requires a sleeve that has an MT2 outside taper and an MT1 inside taper.

I just bought one a couple of months ago from Little Machine Shop when I upgraded from an MT1 lathe to an MT2 machine, but wanted to avoid replacing a bunch of accessories.

I don't recall seeing an adapter that went the other way, ie, that would allow MT2 accessories to be used on an MT1 lathe.
"use MT1 tools on an MT2 lathe" - I take that to mean that he has an MT1 mandrel that he needs to install in a lathe spindle with an MT2 taper, and that requires a sleeve that has an MT2 outside taper and an MT1 inside taper.

I just bought one a couple of months ago from Little Machine Shop when I upgraded from an MT1 lathe to an MT2 machine, but wanted to avoid replacing a bunch of accessories.

I don't recall seeing an adapter that went the other way, ie, that would allow MT2 accessories to be used on an MT1 lathe.
I think there is such a thing but it is too long to use on a mini lathe, you wouldn't have enough room left for turning. Here's what it looks like.

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I tried to get into the shop to check, but the garage door is frozen down. -8 out there go figure.
I'll let you know as soon as I can
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