Mr. Anonymous Game #28 @ 8/10/2015

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So to continue in the same vein , perhaps more light would be shed by the Yellow lantern banksia , cross cut , stabilized in dyed cactus juice , cast in epoxy with pearlescent pigments , 80x55x55 mm
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But with your usual degree of skill , you hit it into the Marsh banksia , cross cut , stabilized in dyed cactus juice , cast in epoxy with pearlescent pigments , 80x55x55 mm

( And that`s what you did with just 5 of about 3 dozen WA species )
So, I'm guessing Wayne thinks it is some sort of banksia.

Just a hunch.:wink:

Well , he hasn`t said it isn`t , Kelly . I just couldn`t resist teasing him a bit with those very descriptive names .

Yep well..., sorry my friend, I'm saying it now, it isn't a Banksia...!:wink::)

I did however enjoyed being reminded of the strange names some Banksia's


PS: What I used, came from this, timber preparation 054_(1).jpg

Bottle Brush root
Stabilized and dyed with different colors
cast in PR.
150 x 40 x 30 mm Resifil blank cut in half to be 75 x 40 x 30 mm in size each.

Read post #9, please...!


OK, maybe it's

Bottle Brush root
Stabilized and dyed with different colors
cast in Resin
150 x 40 x 30 mm Resifil blank cut in half to be 75 x 40 x 30 mm in size each.

But Warren probably got here first.

Hummm..., interesting...!

So, what was the name of the new resin I'm using...???, the blanks are not to be cut in half, they will be used as it and, look at the blank's physical scale, what were those measurements, again...???

Bottle Brush Root
Cross Cut, dyed and Stabilized and resin cast.

Size is 130x42x32mm

OK so, what resin did I use, what else was done to the wood and what were those measurements, again...?


Ok researching deeper on resin, looking at size ratios and robbing guesses came up with......

Bottle Brush Root

dyed with different colors and Stabilized and epoxy resin.

Size is 80x55x55 mm

And if this is right I owe Kelly and Wayne!
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Bottle Brush Root
Cross Cut, dyed and Stabilized and resin cast.

Size is 130x42x32mm

OK so, what resin did I use, what else was done to the wood and what were those measurements, again...?


Ok researching deeper on resin, looking at size ratios and robbing guesses came up with......

Bottle Brush Root

dyed with different colors and Stabilized and epoxy resin.

Size is 80x55x55 mm

And if this is right I owe Kelly and Wayne!

Using someone else's guesses to complete the questionnaire, is something that I always encourage participants to do so, its perfectly acceptable in my books and I believe no one here disputes that, huh..???:)

I'm though, not satisfied with the measurements given, I can tell you that, the correct sizes do include many of the numbers you have in this last post, we have a 8, and 2 x 5's...!:confused::biggrin:

PS: For AU$100 prize value, I want more than this:cool:

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Bottle Brush Root

dyed with different colors and Stabilized and epoxy resin cast.

Size is 35x54x87mm
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Bottle Brush Root

Outside bark shaved down or smoothed, dyed with different colors and Stabilized in epoxy resin.

Size is 80x55x25 mm
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Bottle Brush Root

dyed with different colors and Stabilized and epoxy resin.

Size is 80x55x26 mm

Am I the only one trying to gauge the size in the picture with my thumb and pointer?:biggrin:
OK, here I go

Bottle Brush Root

Outside bark shaved down or smoothed, stabilized and dyed in cactus juice with different colors and cast in 2/1 epoxy resin.

Size is 80x55x26 mm
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Bottle Brush Root

Outside bark shaved down or smoothed, stabilized and dyed in cactus juice with different colors and cast in 2/1 epoxy resin.

Size is 80x56x25 mm
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Bottle Brush Root, cross cut

Outside bark shaved down or smoothed, stabilized and dyed in cactus juice with different colors and Cast in 2/1 epoxy resin.

Size is 35x54x87mm
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Bottle Brush Root, cross cut

stabilized and dyed in cactus juice with different colors and cast in 2/1 epoxy resin.

Size is 80x55x26 mm

I need to go to bed :yawn:
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Bottle Brush Root, cross cut

Stabilized in dyed cactus juice with different colors and cast in 2/1 epoxy resin.

Size is 35x54x87mm

Off to bed now.
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Lastly , Bottle brush , rooted or knot , cross cut , stabilized in dyed cactus juice , cast in epoxy with pearlescent pigments , 65x65x28

Got to quit before I have a brush with a bottle ! Good night George
Lastly , Bottle brush , rooted or knot , cross cut , stabilized in dyed cactus juice , cast in epoxy with pearlescent pigments , 65x65x28

Got to quit before I have a brush with a bottle ! Good night George

Hahahha, I can see that, we got some very keen people here, trying to get the prize, they would be silly not to however, I have to clarify something, no vinegar and or any other "intoxicating" products were used in the making of these blanks...!

I reckon, the pics give some strange visual effects as most of you are well under the blanks thickness, not everyone, though.

In the length, well..., most are still short, the width has been the closest one, on some guesses.

It was 1964...!:confused::biggrin:

I know that, we have a time difference and that, when I'm up, you guys are down (sort of speak) so, I let you guys have a good sleep and have some more "goes" tomorrow..!

By the way, there is no funny business done to the wood used in those blanks, what you see is how the root looks like when dry...!

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