January '10 Meeting

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Local Chapter Leader
Dec 15, 2006
Pleasanton, CA, USA.
I know it is a really hectic time of year but it is about time to start planning our next meeting. If we follow our normal (to date) schedule of every 4 months we should be getting together in January.

Any input on where? Last was Pleasanton; before that Oakdale; before that Fresno. Anyplace new? As usual, my place is available again if no one else wants to host or if we want to keep it "centered".

Thoughts on location? Date? ((I'm busy on the 9th.))

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Sadly we don't have enough room to host (unless it was a very small meeting!!)... also, Feb might provide better timing for both of us to be able to come... but either Andy or myself could come in Jan, especially if it's at Greg's or anywhere else that's under an hour from San Jose. :biggrin:
Sounds good tome, but I think we should make it January 2010. My place is also very tiny so it would be limited in numbers. And just to be selfish I want to see the big yellow monster that has been the recent subject of postings.
January is going to be a crazy month for me, but I'd like to be there if time permits. I always learn a lot for you all.
OK, so this is why we discuss dates. Would it be better to move it to February??

Post up your "good dates" and we will try to select the best date for the most of us.

Sounds good tome, but I think we should make it January 2010. My place is also very tiny so it would be limited in numbers. And just to be selfish I want to see the big yellow monster that has been the recent subject of postings.


Be sure to bring your pressure pot. We will get it assembled for you finally.

Either January or February will work for me. Ah yes, the pressure pot. I keep trying to get to Livermore, but something keeps getting in the way. Sounds good I will bring it.
Late Jan to April 15 I am unavailable. I guess we won't be working around my schedule. I am the tax manager in a CPA firm. My horrible boss makes me work weekends thru 04/15. If we have it in the next few weekends, I would love to come and meet a few people.

Still very green when it comes to making pens but am always up to learn more.
Late Jan to April 15 I am unavailable. I guess we won't be working around my schedule. I am the tax manager in a CPA firm. My horrible boss makes me work weekends thru 04/15. If we have it in the next few weekends, I would love to come and meet a few people.

Still very green when it comes to making pens but am always up to learn more.

Hey Chris,
Another turner from Clovis. :biggrin:
as far as I know, we could do the weekend of Jan 23rd... (maybe even both of us...assuming our sitter is available...) and Andy said that he probably could do a herringbone demo, if there is interest
Any input on where? Last was Pleasanton; before that Oakdale; before that Fresno. Anyplace new? As usual, my place is available again if no one else wants to host or if we want to keep it "centered".

Thoughts on location? Date? ((I'm busy on the 9th.))

I will be out of town aroun d the first week of February. I am taking my wife to Wyoming for her B'day.
As for location,. I would be interested in something near San Jose or environs. I live in the Santa Cruz Mountains.

Anywhwere is good BTW Greg the blades arent in yet but as soon as they are I will call yah so we can take care of the matched blank stuff.
Logistically speaking, between our 2 little girls and a litter of puppies that won't be going home till the start of Feb, only one of us would be able to attend the meeting.

So that said, Andy and I were talking it over yesterday, and we'd like to offer up our house (in San Jose) as the next meeting location.

Let me know if this sounds like a plan, and we'll get to cleaning up the garage!
Weekend of January 23rd doesn't work for me, I'm going to Vegas for a trade show. In general, Sundays are the best day for me, since I work Monday through Saturday.

I don't have much of a wood-turning setup, being a newbie, but you folks are always welcome to meet at my picture framing store in San Mateo when I'm here.
Mmmmmm new victim errrrr host. :biggrin:
Sounds fun to me.

Cindy you could take the long way home and come see my mustard monster.

Marci, what can I bring? I have folding tables, chairs, pop-up, foods, tools, etc. What do you want/need?

I know Andy has offered to show how to do the 360 herring bone. What else do we want to see/do this time around? Anybody got anything fun?

So to recap - we're looking at the weekend of the 23rd, here in San Jose. I'll send you our address if you PM me.

which do you prefer: Saturday or Sunday? We'll go with whatever works best for the majority.

Since Andy will have a go at teaching the Herringbone 360, please let us know if you want to do one, so Andy can prep enough pieces ahead of time...

we'll have some kind of potluck lunch (to figure out the details later)

any other requests/suggestions?

Greg - chairs would be great... not sure what else we'll need. I'll get back to you.:wink:
So to recap - we're looking at the weekend of the 23rd, here in San Jose. I'll send you our address if you PM me.

which do you prefer: Saturday or Sunday? We'll go with whatever works best for the majority.

I know this won't help but I'm available both days.

Since Andy will have a go at teaching the Herringbone 360, please let us know if you want to do one, so Andy can prep enough pieces ahead of time...

I'm not sure if we want to/have time to build the blanks there. (Having not done it, it SEEMS like it would be a very long process.)

But definitely learning how to make the pieces and then seeing how they are assembled into a blank would be a great thing so we can then make blanks at our leisure later!

we'll have some kind of potluck lunch (to figure out the details later)

any other requests/suggestions?

Greg - chairs would be great... not sure what else we'll need. I'll get back to you.:wink:

you got it, I'll bring 6 chairs. Let me know if there is any thing else.
Kallenshaan Woods pen kit door prizes

I just received confirmation from :worship: Ken at KallenshaanWoods.com :worship: that we will again be receiving a few of his kits as door prizes. :highfive:

Be there for your chance to win!!
... But definitely learning how to make the pieces and then seeing how they are assembled into a blank would be a great thing so we can then make blanks at our leisure later!

Agreed. My calendar is clearing so Saturday is looking promising for me.
ok I was asleep at the keyboard and missed this posting and was Gently reminded...
now...with my wacky wprk sched, there are 2 months in 2010 that I do not have any weekend days off.....January and September....so unless I can get a vacation day or am "sick" I will miss this meeting.....
That's a bummer, Jay. How does one NOT have any weekends in a given month off? :eek: I was hoping to get another peek at some of your awesome blanks (other than the ones my hubby got me for Christmas!!)

just for record keeping (and because I'm horrible at remembering anything!), I got a message back from dangre who said that either day works for him, but if we need a preference, it's for Saturday.

Herringbone Demo

For the 360 herringbone demo, there certainly isn't enough time for everyone to go from rough stock to finished pen blank all in the span of one meeting!

My thoughts were to cut up a most of the segments ahead of time, and put some together in various stages of the assembly process. There's a fair amount of repetition involved in all the stages, which would get boring pretty quick if we were to try to do the entire thing from start to finish. But by having segments pre-cut, I figured at least everyone (who wanted to) could take a crack at starting to put their own blank together. Then if we run short on time, folks can take it all home to finish it up.

I've got plenty of maple, cherry, madrone, and walnut that we can use. I just need to have an idea of how many blanks to prep for. If you want to bring another kind of wood to demo, let me know and we'll see if we can figure something out.

So in the next week or so, if you're interested in assembling (or even partially assembling) a HB360 blank, shoot me a PM so I can prep all the pieces next weekend (don't worry Greg... already have you down!).

Darci, I work a floating 4/2 Four on 2 off...so I work every day of the week and off every day of the week....just depends on the week.....and there are some months that all of my days off are weekdays,still might be "sick"
It would be a massive bummer if you couldn't make it Jay!

I think a "sanity day" is in order!!


Darci, I work a floating 4/2 Four on 2 off...so I work every day of the week and off every day of the week....just depends on the week.....and there are some months that all of my days off are weekdays,still might be "sick"
As long as it is not raining, I think I can be there. I am looking forward to meeting everyone. I ride a motorcycle so I am very dependent on the weather.

Dave (Lanman), funny I will be riding to San Jose to meet another Clovis person. Looking forward to it.
Let's stick a fork in it and say that it will be Saturday the 23rd at Darci and Andy's house.

The usual "braggard's table; swap/sale of anything folks want to try to pawn off on everyone else; tutorial on Andy's 360 herring bone pen.

What else?

Now everyone can start planning their weekend and planning on attending our 5th? 6th? BBANC (Bubba'sville, Bay Area, Northern California).
Saturday it is. We would appreciate it if the first visitors arrived after 10:30, since Emily will be napping; in fact, I just remembered that one of us won't be home until 11:15 as Abby has her swim lessons starting back up! but come on anytime... :wink:

Darn, most of my brags were Christmas presents. :tongue: Might just have to get out there and make a new brag. I have one that I've been working on, but darn it if one JUST LIKE IT it didn't already turn up as the front page picture. :eek:

:eat: Whatcha want to eat? burgers are pretty easy (unless it rains!), if you guys want to do the sides, etc; or I'm up for requests/suggestions...

Looks like Greg's going to be the only one doing the herringbone... unless the rest of you let us know. Don't be intimidated - it only LOOKS complicated. Plus, Andy is gonna cut up the gazillion pieces for you, so it's really just gluing. and even that *I* can do.

what else? We're looking forward to seeing everyone!
The 23RD is fine for me, just give directions. Jay it sound like you might have Vision problem that day. You just can't see going to work on the 23RD (Old State Employee excuse) Would love to learn the 360 blank.
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Party Time

:) I will be there

:) I will bring my potato salad

:) I would like to try my hand with a 360 HB. Andy I have two pieces of wood pen size what are purple heart and maple would you want those for the demonstration? I can mail them to you at any time.

Will need address for party!

The little old pen maker
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