January '10 Meeting

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final recap of what we're bringing:

darcisowers: BBQ pork for sandwiches
atsowers: herringbone pieces. :eek: (No, you shouldn't eat them!)
avbill: potato salad
dangre: dessert
tbroye: dessert
gketell: table, chairs & broccoli slaw
nava1uni: buns & fixin's (with the menu change, not many fixin's needed Cindy)
ldubia: mac salad
ratto: drinks
wes (plus 2): fruit salad

Andy cut out almost 1000 pieces for the herringbone demo. He says that he's itching to play a game of scrabble now.

I hope that the weather will be a bit drier on Saturday, even though we need rain... it will be nicer if we aren't SOGGY. :thunder:

See you all on Saturday.
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I'm bringing a cinnamon butter pound coffeecake and some brownie bites. They must be good because I gained two pounds just looking at them.:biggrin:

Sorry guys,
Can't make the trip today. Bummer for me, but I just have too much on my plate right now. It's been a crazy week.

Wanted to express my thanks to Darci and Andy for their hospitality. It was a really good meeting with Greg showing how to make blanks with curves, which have show on all sides, hard to explain, but they look really good.
Then Andy demonstrated herringbone blank glue up. He graciously cut up all of the pieces for us before hand and then we began the glue up process. We each have the slices to complete our blanks. Ken Kallashan graciously sent kits and two t-shirts, as door prizes, for our meeting.
Thanks to everyone for the great food you are brought. I had a great time and as always learned a lot. Missed Lanman, who had to not come at the last minute, Nolan and others who could not make it.
Thanks again!
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Thank you so VERY much, Darci and Andi for opening your home to us. I had an absolute BLAST!! Learning how to do the herringbone was very enlightening. Now I can say I've made my first (and probably only) herringbone pen. :rolleyes: It just confuses me immensely. :confused: :frown:

All the food was Wonderful. The company was awesome. It was fun meeting all our new members today. Conversation was fun. (Darci, Andy, sorry we took so long to give you your home back. :redface:)

had a GREAT time!!!

Thanks to everyone for a fun filled day. We had an excellent time. Thoroughly enjoyed meeting everyone and sharing all things pen related. The food was great too. (but REALLY, some of these desserts needed to leave the house, cause it's TOO MUCH for 2 adults to eat. REALLY!!!!) I guess it's pie for dinner. :biggrin:

Here are the pictures I managed to capture. Taking photos is always the last thing on my mind when I attend these kinds of things!!!

clockwise from left:
Larry, Dan, Greg, Cindy, Bill, Dave, (back of Tom, Wes & Nick)

clockwise from left:
Tom, Wes, Nick, Larry, Dan, Greg

Dave, Bill and Greg assembling their herringbones

Andy helping Cindy with hers

Nick, Wes and Larry working on theirs

Let me know if I got the names wrong...I'm TERRIBLE at those kinds of things.

Can't wait to see the herringbone pens that are the result of the meeting. If there are enough pieces left, I'm going to try to do one for myself. ;-) And I'm looking forward to turning my Kallenshaan kit!!

Recipe for the pork (SUPER EASY!!)
Sear peppered pork roast (I got boneless, but bone in is just as easy) in oil for ~5 minutes per side, then put in the crockpot with a can of chicken broth and a can's worth of apple juice. Slice an onion. cover and cook until it falls apart (or you can easily pull out the bone!) I think mine cooked for 11 hours on low. Take meat out, cool. (I tossed the onions, but you could keep them if you'd like)
Shred, then add your favorite BBQ sauce. We used the original version of Sweet Baby Ray's.

Greg, please post the Broccoli slaw recipe.

Thanks again for everyone coming here... it was especially convenient for the girls (and the pups!) to be home, so Andy and I could both visit with you all.
Thank you Darci and Andy for Hosting. Nik and I had a blast. It was a pleasure meeting all of you, and we look forward to seeing you all again. Enjoyed talking with all the pro's. Greg and Dave, thanks for letting me pick your brains. Special thanks to Andy, for cutting up all those little pieces. It may take me all week to finish putting it together.

This is a Paula Deen recipe, as modified by Kim.

Original recipe found here.


  • 2 bags (12-ounce) bags broccoli cole slaw (in the bagged salad section of the grocery store)
  • 1/4 cup sunflower seeds
  • 1/4 cup slivered almonds
For yesterday I used two bags of Costco Broccoli Salad mix. I removed the Broccoli florets and the dried cranberries keeping just the shredded broccoli and the seed packet.

  • 2 bags (3-ounce) Ramen Noodle Soup in Oriental (other flavors will work, too)
We used Chicken flavor and added some soy sauce. We prefer the oriental flavor but haven't been able to find it recently.

  • 3/4 stick butter
  • Chopped green onions, for garnish
Didn't have any so....

Dressing Mix:

  • 3/4 cup canola oil 1/4 cup
  • 1/4 cup brown or white sugar
  • 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1 ramen noodle seasoning
    packet 2 packets


Put the ramen noodles in a bag and crush them with a rolling pin while melting butter in a large skillet over low/medium heat. Add the crushed noodles and slivered almonds to the skillet and saute, stirring occasionally (keep temperature at low/medium heat). Meanwhile, whisk together all the dressing ingredients in a small bowl. Place the shredded broccoli into bowl and toss with the noodles, almonds, and sunflower seeds. Pour dressing over salad and toss to coat. Garnish with chopped green onions.

Yesterday it got to marinate for 4-5 hours.
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Oh Well

OK, I can say I've made my first 360-degree herringbone.

It didn't turn out the way I envisioned. I was thinking of a rotating pattern going down the blank but I was having such a difficult time envisioning how to put it together I decided to just go with straight columns of color.

I bandsawed off the ends then did "spindle" turning to get one end down to 3/4" then put it into my collet chuck and drilled it out.

I can also say I blew apart my first 360-degree herringbone. I over heated it during the drilling and...

Oh Well. I'll have to try again... someday!

Andy, thank you VERY VERY much for teaching us how to make these.


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Darci and Andy

Thanks for the great time and your hard work cutting all the wood for the Herringbone Blanks. The Demo was excellent and I think I can do it. Don't worry Darci, I won't call at 3:AM it will be closer to 4:30 am, have to make the coffee and feed the dogs first. Cindy glad you are recovering. Sorry I left a little early but, I don't like driving at night in heavy freeway traffic, guess that's part of getting older. Should have stayed took 3 1/2 hours to get home. Got stuck in a huge traffic jam where they narrowed the freeway from 4 lanes to 1 south of Fremont on 680, due to emergency road repairs. If I have had some glue I would glued all the little squares for the Herringbone blank. Greg to bad about your blank, my wife looked at them and said your going to do what?
Great to meet the new member of the group and see some of the original ones also. It was nice to win one of Ken's kits so I will do that one on Monday. Looking forward to the next meeting
Darci and Andy,
Thank you for opening your home to us and allowing us to have our meeting there. I had a great time meeting everyone, enjoyed a great lunch, learned some good things, and got to make some great friends with the same interesting hobby/addiction. I am still struggling a bit with the herringbone but keep at it. I can't wait to turn the Kallenshan but it will have to wait until I get back from Wyoming.

Thanks again for the great hospitality and the great food. And of course the recipes from those who shared them.

Larry and Bill,

If you would like to post your recipes too I'd love to have them.

Hey Greg,

Macaroni salad:
Family (or whatever size you need) of salad macaroni
relish to taste
mustard (preferred style) to taste
6 to 10 hard boiled eggs sliced
Miracle Whip

(black olives if preferred
onions if preferred)

Boil macaroni until firm. Drain and cool with running cold water.
add relish, mustard, mayonnaise, Miracle Whip. Stir thoroughly. Add pepper and sliced hard boiled eggs. Stir in until well mixed.
Chill in refrigerator (the salad, not you) until cool.
Serve and enjoy.

I think that about covers it. I may have added some secret ingredient. But if I told you, I would have to kill you, LOL. Sometimes I add seasonings form steak, chicken or whatever just to test the waters. I use the Mrs. Dash seasonings for this. I have also used white wine in this salad to give it a slightly different flavor. Experiment and have fun.

Thanks again everyone for a very enjoyable time. I am still clashing with the HB and losing. I keep getting these big gaps. I will be trying it again after I get back from Wyoming. We are on a quest to see how long it takes to freeze our butts off. :biggrin: I say a couple of hours. She says longer. :biggrin:

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

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