Intermediate Beautiful Pen Contest

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Sep 13, 2009
Aiken, South Carolina
Intermediate Beautiful Pen Contest

Sponsored by R&B Crafts

Here are the rules:

1 - It must be a kit pen. Any type of pen is allowed as long as it is a KIT. That means Ballpoint, Rollerball, Fountain, & Pencils are allowed!
Minor alterations such as custom finials, swapped out "pimp stones", custom center bands will be allowed. Do not go overboard on any alterations to the kit, this is not the modified contest. If you think it is possibly a questionable alteration, you had best not do it. Pens deemed "overly modified" will be disqualified. Please don't force this to happen, there are other contests to display those skills other than this one.

2 - The only restrictions on the types of blanks used are as follows.
  • No Laser, CNC, or Decorative lathes allowed to be used.
  • No decals
3 - Only one pen per person, so make it your best work. Take the best pictures you can because the quality of your pen will be based on what we can see. Keep your backgrounds and props simple so they do not distract the eye from your pen. A maximum of 2 photos will be allowed.

4 - The pen must be made for the contest by the person entering the contest and not have been shown before Feb 1 2014 on IAP or any other site. If it is determined that it has been, it will be disqualified and any prize won will be forfeited. Please do not post a photo of your entry ANYWHERE until the contest is over and the winners have been announced.

5 - Finalists will be chosen based on the fit, finish, and "wow" factor of your pen. The winners will be chosen by an open poll.
  • If there is an excessive number of entries a panel of judges will narrow down the field for public voting.
6 - To participate in this or any other IAP activity your public profile must contain your real first and last name as well as you place of residence (city & state or equivalent). Please be advised that information contained in the public profile is not viewable by non-members of the IAP. Members who have failed to successfully complete any previous IAP activities, and who have been notified by the Activities Manager of such, are not eligible to participate in any IAP activities.

7 - ALL entries must use the ENTRY FORM to submit their pen. There are a few requirements to be filled out.
  • The name of the kit.
  • A brief description of the pen/materials.
  • A maximum of 2 photos.
The contest starts Feb. 1st and will end at 9:00pm EST on Feb. 24th.
  • 9:01pm EST is to late! Please do not wait until the last minute.
  • Entries will be publicly made after the contest has ended. This will give all entries the same amount of time in the "Spotlight".
  • The public poll will be posted Feb. 25th
  • Public voting will end Feb. 28th
Prizes will be awarded for first, second and third places. All of the prizes have been generously donated by R&B Crafts. Thank you Richard!
  • 1st Place: $125 Gift Certificate
  • 2nd Place: $75 Gift Certificate
  • 3rd Place: $60 Gift Certificate
If there are ANY questions about the rules or your entry please feel free to send me a PM.
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I find my lathe to be rather decorative and sets off the bench it is on rather well. Does this mean I have to go find an ugly lathe to use?

Just a smart ass way of asking what a decorative lathe is.
I've started working on one today.I wonder if there'll be 50 or more entries this year? I sure hope so.

Haynie, I think a decorative lathe is like a beall pen wizard or others like it.
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I find my lathe to be rather decorative and sets off the bench it is on rather well. Does this mean I have to go find an ugly lathe to use?

Just a smart ass way of asking what a decorative lathe is.

Pretty lathes are good to use :wink:

I would categorize the pen wizard and rose engine lathes as decorative lathes.
Doh!!! Thought I had to defend my title... :p

You probably can. After all, it might take more than one year to move from intermediate to advanced. - seriously.

A good friend of mine is a strongman competitor and promoter. I even competed in a novice decision once. Anybody can compete as a novice until they win a novice show, then no more.

We all have our own ideas about how we and others fall. Which makes sense to leave it up to people's self assessment.

Nice pen last year by the way! I looked through the archive earlier.
Yeah, don't want any ill feelings from others, but I only make kit pens. Personally I don't think a standard kit pen stands a chance in the advanced category. Many here, probably fall into the intermediate category and never really move beyond that. Me included.
Yeah, don't want any ill feelings from others, but I only make kit pens. Personally I don't think a standard kit pen stands a chance in the advanced category. Many here, probably fall into the intermediate category and never really move beyond that. Me included.
Good point! Ok - you have to win 3 years in a row. ;-)

Some of the advanced are kit pens, but the winners don't seem to usually be.

I'm hoping to break into being considered intermediate soon after a year in but once so I'll probably live there until I die!

In all seriousness, I was kidding with the initial comment I made. I think you should feel free to place yourself where you feel you really are.
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I'm going for it.. Mostly because my kit of choice bounces me into the class :)

I have a few ideas to try that will push my limits. Time to fire up the lab and get busy.
Many blanks will be turned.. Only one will be entered.
Still in the works but she startin to come together.Bring your A game ladies and gents cause I'ma comin for the title.
It was tossed around for awhile about needing to move up but it is not written in stone. As a competitive trap shooter for several years the B class is the largest. Thats around 95% average. Its harder to win than A or AA. You possibly could win in The Advanced Pen Competition but one of the strong factors for the judges for the cut is originality. I however dont want to discourage people from trying. You never know.
Hey I can play in this one. I have a kit, I have made less than 60 pens and I just barely out of the beginner circle!:biggrin: I cant enter the one Im running and they changed the Freestyle!:eek: Fortunatly for you guys I havent any time to make one this year!
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can't be using any of that fancy CNC stuff.Then again I bet wiith your talent that it won't hamper you a bit. I don't know if any of us have a chance unless we make you do it with your teeth.
Hey I can play in this one. I have a kit, I have made less than 60 pens and I just barely out of the beginner circle!:biggrin: I cant enter the one Im running and they changed the Freestyle!:eek: Fortunatly for you guys I havent any time to make one this year!

YOU've made less than 60 pens?? Really:rolleyes:
Ed,From what I seen in your other thread,there's quite a bit of manpower involved in making kit parts.Didn't see alot of automation in those factories.
Really, I only made 1 pen last year. I made pen 54 for the December Pith but didnt make it until January. I could not honestly enter this contest as an intermediate.
When I won the Intermediate, the next year the rule was to move up to advanced. Doubt I will ever win it, but it sure does push my level of concentration going into a pen.

I believe you are correct Phil, I dont think I paid that much attention to it since I was running the Advanced contest and the Youth and Russ Fairfield dont enter into it.
Remember folks, there isn't a limit to the # of pens made to be eligible for this contest. It's strictly your own self assessment. If you feel you belong in intermediate whether you won last year or placed high then that's where you should enter.

The main focus of the bash is to have FUN! Don't stress over where you think you belong.
So far we've only had 1 entry. So they're guaranteed 1st place if not all 3 prizes! Don't wait till the last minute to get yours in. R&B Crafts as donated some very generous prizes and Richard has always gone over the top for the Bash!
When I won the Intermediate, the next year the rule was to move up to advanced. Doubt I will ever win it, but it sure does push my level of concentration going into a pen.


I think you underestimate yourself Phil. That light saber pen could hold its own, and since you didn't hold it back for the contest I'm guessing you have something even better in mind.
I got it finished earlier today.Got around a little while ago to take some photos and found a problem.Had an outgassing issue that ruined the front section.I got a new one so you'll have to wait for pics.
"Ah hahaha,getting in too big a hurry,Classic rookie mistake,better luck next time."

Come on guys,do I have to give myself a ribbing?
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lol...I think everyone's too busy trying to get in their own submissions.

They're slowly starting to come in! Anybody's competition so far. Keep'em coming!
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