cats and cacti

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Jan 1, 2004
Wichita Falls, TX, USA.
The jr gent FP is made from one of Ed's cat blanks...its the leopard I think. I must say that the cat resin is the finest I've ever turned. It turns like a dream, sands wonderfully and polishes to as much of a shine as is desired. Thanks Ed for giving me this opportunity to experience this great material

The Gent rollerball is made from one of Curtis' cactus blanks. It has been in my "to turn" stack since last October and I finally decided to use it. It was a clear one and I painted the inside black. I've turned one one of the black resin blanks and I must say the clear really allows the depth of the cactus to show. I like the depth and dimension that the clear gives. I was a little dissappointed in how much work it took to get the Alumalite to polish and shine. I think I need to visit with Curtis before I make the next one, or do some searching in the archives.

Enjoy and comments welcome...whatever they may be.

Do a good turn daily!


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Nice work Don. Love the cactus! I'm going to have to get up the nerve to try one of those before long. Always enjoy your work.

Really nice looking pens. I would be happy to share my technique for easily polishing the Alumilite if you are interested. Give me a shout or shoot me an e-mail.
both pens look really good mate!
l have only done one cactus pen and found it too finish ok painting the inside of the barrel gave me some probs the first lot of paint would not stick! any way l have since found a clear plastic undercoat spray pack can, which is designed for plastics l will be using it on the next one.[:D]
Don, you done well again with those 2 blanks, I been all way happy with EPR Ed do a great work on is blanks, now will have to think to try some of curtis made blank if he can make some pink for the pink ruban
Thanks for the comments. Curtis, I'll give you a call soon. Thanks..I knew you would help out. I love the cactus blanks.

The cat blank is not one of Ed Davidson's EPR blanks. It is a resin from Italy, I think, and available from Ed Brown, aka Ed4copies. I will be turning the ocelot blank today. Ed imports these from Europe and has just recently posted info on a new order that has arrived. Also, there is a catalog of his cat blanks but I couldn't find it. It's probably right under my nose! Someone give a link to the catalog, please. Thanks Ed for a great blank.
Do a good turn daily!
Originally posted by johncrane
<br />Don!
both pens look really good mate!
l have only done one cactus pen and found it too finish ok painting the inside of the barrel gave me some probs the first lot of paint would not stick! any way l have since found a clear plastic undercoat spray pack can, which is designed for plastics l will be using it on the next one.[:D]

Can someone provide information on the steps to paint the tubes black prior to gluing them into the blank? I have a couple I will be turning soon - I would rather not make any mistakes.

Also - is the black more difficult to polish? What is alumilite?

I have both kinds to turn - so any help in advance would be greatly appreciated!

Best wishes,
Roger Garrett
Originally posted by RogerGarrett

Can someone provide information on the steps to paint the tubes black prior to gluing them into the blank? I have a couple I will be turning soon - I would rather not make any mistakes.
Roger,I paint the surface of the hole in the blank and not the tube. Painting the tube allows the glue to show between the blank and the tube. That's worse looking than the brass tube showing a little. Painting the inside of the blank's hole has worked much better for me. I use model airplane paint and the cheapest artist brushes I can find. One of our "dollar" stores has a pkg of 15 artists brushes guessed it....$1. I use and clean them until I forget then toss'em out.

Also - is the black more difficult to polish? What is alumilite?
The cactus pen I posted is clear alumilite (I spelled it incorrectly in my original post). Alumilite is a urathane resin. It polishes nicely but I've just not turned one or two alumilite blanks and wasn't familiar with the best way to sand and polish it. Read more about alumilite here: Several who cast their own resin blanks use alumilite and others use polyester resin and epoxy resin. I usually sand to 1000 then swithch to micromesh and wet sand 1500 - 12000 and buff with a swirl and scratch remover such as McGuires #7. The resin type and color don't seem to matter. When using micromesh be careful with heat from too much pressure. The heat melt the MM and marr the blank. This mostly happens when using MM dry. I've been getting much better results with using it wet. If MM is not available, then use the wet/or/dry paper available at most auto parts stores.

I have both kinds to turn - so any help in advance would be greatly appreciated!
By both kinds I assume you mean clear and colored. Search the archives for finishing acrylic or plastic or resin blanks. Watch the videos in the library by Ed Davidson, aka YoYoSpin. I think he has one on turning and finishing resin blanks...especially polyester resin. He calls his EPR: Ed's Polyester Resin. Good luck with the blanks.
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Thanks for trying the "cats" Don!!!

I have told many people I don't know what the material is, but it turns easier than any other plastic I have turned and I believe I have turned them all.

Patterns are cool, too!
Thanks again Don!!![;)][;)][;)][;)]
Don: I have a couple of those cactus blanks...the clear ones... but have held off on making them up because they didn't really appeal to me. OTOH, I really do like your black ones!! I have two questions for you.

1. The cactus skeleton (if that is what you call it??) has a sort of red/orange/yellow in your picture. Is that a photographic illusion or is that a real color? Is the cactus dyed to achieve the color?? The ones I have are apparently "natural" which is a sort of unexciting tan color.

2. In your picture, the blank looks very black. I'm guessing that some of the "blackness" (if not most) is due to the photography and that in person, the blanks are more obviously clear.

I would like to hear your comments as I really like the idea of a black pen with highly contrasting internal details. I'm thinking I should get some of the black blanks rather than the clear??


I am not Don obviously but since I made the cactus blank in question, I can certainly answer some of your questions.

I believe Don's photo is a little off color wise. The skeleton in the cactus pen is not dyed and is actually more creamy than his photo shows. Cactus skeletons do not take dye very well. I have tried just about everything I can think of and it just will not penetrate and change the color!

I don't think the blanks that you have were made by me since I don't recall ever selling you any so I can not really speak to what you have. I would try drilling them and painting the inside black with the blackest paint you can find and turn one of the barrels. If you still are not excited about them then abandon it!

Some people like the black resin cactus blanks that I make but most prefer the clear with black inside. The advantage of the black resin is you do not have to deal with painting the inside but the drawback is you loose the 3D effect that is most popular with this blank. Go to my website if you have a chance and you can click on each of the colors I offer to see an example of each. Let me know if you have any questions or if you want to try one of the all black ones.
Hi Randy,
I was answering your questions earlier this morn and had to leave before I finished. We had 95 mph winds with a heavy T-storm and I had a call from someone that needed help with a fallen tree.

Now I see that Curtis has answered your questions. And, yes the color did shift for some reason. The actual color is a creamy white/tan and the inside of the hole was painted black. I like the depth from the 3D effect instead of just the flat cactus on the surface of the black dyed resin. Do a Curtis suggested and take a look at his website to see the difference in the dyed and clear blanks. The clear ones rock! ... well, both do, but the clear ones rock a little more robustly. And, you can choose any color you like. I use model airplane paint.

Do a good turn daily!
Curtis/Don: Thanks for your comments. I did take a look at Curtis' web site and guess I need to visit the store and get some black paint and brushes.

Curtis: I think these blanks are probably some of yours. I won a pair as a prize on an IAP game/raffle/lottery of some sort. As to the issue of dyeing the cactus have you tried either the aniline dyes that woodworkers use or the Rit(?) dyes that are used to color fabrics??

Don: I guess we will be getting your storms later today?? We have had some pretty heavy weather locally for the past few days and have severe flooding that has killed 6 people. Sadly there was a family in Gainesville area who lost two little girls and a grandmother, I believe. And there was a 4 year old girl lost in Haltom City. It has been a difficult few days.

When did you win them? Oklahoman has donated quite a few cactus blanks so they may be his. If they were mine they should have been packaged in a paper wrap with a TurnTex sticker with the color of the blank listed.

As for dyeing...I have tried just about everything I can think of. I have used Transtint dye mixed with alcohol, water, and acetone (not mixed together!) with no luck. I have also tried rit and regular old wood stains. I even painted some skeletons flourescent orange. The problem iw that the dye will stick to the skeletons just fine. It just does not seem to penetrate so when you turn it, as you cut through the skeleton,you just re-exposed more cream colored, undyed material.
Originally posted by MesquiteMan
<br />Randy,

When did you win them? Oklahoman has donated quite a few cactus blanks so they may be his. If they were mine they should have been packaged in a paper wrap with a TurnTex sticker with the color of the blank listed.

I don't recall exactly. It was sometime within the past year. And now that you mention it, I think they are probably Roy's blanks. The ones I have are "NOT" wrapped as you describe.
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