Best of IAP Contest

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Dec 12, 2003
Blackfoot Idaho
First of all, here is the link:

The "Best of IAP" Pen Contest

I hope you all took our hints a while back seriously, and got started on your High End pens for this contest.

Please take a look at the rules, and then post any questions here. The descriptions for the various categories are arbitrary, and are for purposes of this contest only.

The deadline is only one month away. Sorry, but we have a time schedule to fit within. I wasn't specific on the prizes. There will be prizes. The prizes are still evolving. And besides, this isn't about the prizes. It's about the recognition.

This is the contest for all you very accomplished penmakers. Please note the rule about not posting photos or descriptions of your entry pens before the contest deadline of September 21st.

There will be other questions and answers, but the rules are pretty simple and explanatory. Please look at them. If you intend to enter a pen, please read and understand the rules.

Now, let the contest begin!

The "Best of IAP" Pen Contest

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Whoo hoo thanks Scott

I only have one question why 4 catagories and only three submissions allowed?
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Not that I think for a moment I have a shot in hell but I am out. August and September are way too busy for me to turn much beyond covering my orders.

Hope this is an annual thing.
Rule says: Note that the judges will open your pens and possibly even write with them.

If we submit a fountain pen, should it be inked?
Rule says: Note that the judges will open your pens and possibly even write with them.

If we submit a fountain pen, should it be inked?

Hi Bruce!

No, I wouldn't ink a fountain pen. If they want to try it, they know enough to dip it. I imagine they would do this to see how the pen balances and feels in the hand.

OK for those of us say less than 6 months into this penturning world what would be the least expensive kit to use to get into the game? I have read the rules and just trying to gain a little insight. I don't remember seeing the thread about getting everything ready ahead of time.

I am not qualified for kitless(YET) so thats out. I am definately not in the open class. So that only leaves segments and casting which I consider myself a beginner at both. Buying a couple of nice kits to play is worth it if I can eventually expand into those. I am just trying to see where the starting line is.
Seems like a good idea!

There just doesn't seem to be much of a timeframe to work with, if you wanted to make specifically for the comp then only a couple of weeks. If your inetrnational like me, then it would require over two weeks for postage time just to be sure it got there!

OK for those of us say less than 6 months into this penturning world what would be the least expensive kit to use to get into the game? I have read the rules and just trying to gain a little insight. I don't remember seeing the thread about getting everything ready ahead of time.

I am not qualified for kitless(YET) so thats out. I am definately not in the open class. So that only leaves segments and casting which I consider myself a beginner at both. Buying a couple of nice kits to play is worth it if I can eventually expand into those. I am just trying to see where the starting line is.

Hi Phil!

It's not about the kit. It's more like what you can do in spite of the kit! Have you ever had some wild idea for a pen? Something you're not sure would really work? This is the contest for that. And while it is the place for those wild ideas, don't forget that it is not just mere competency in pen making that will get you through. Your fit and finish will have to be spot on.

I encourage you to jump in and let your creative juices fly. If you get down to the deadline and decide not to enter, you'll save $20, but you'll also have pushed your pen making up a notch.

And ultimately it's not about how long you've been doing this, but about what you produce. And don't count out the Open category. That's where you can enter a pen that meets your specifications, rather than one that meets ours.

Seems like a good idea!

There just doesn't seem to be much of a timeframe to work with, if you wanted to make specifically for the comp then only a couple of weeks. If your inetrnational like me, then it would require over two weeks for postage time just to be sure it got there!


Sorry Phil!

The short time period is my fault. I had wanted to get this started much earlier, but it just didn't come together until now. Next year will be better. Still, I bet you have some wonderful ideas floating around that could come together in the next week or two.

Will they put an acrylic (PR) pen in a woodturning magazine?:confused:


Even mainstream Woodturning encompasses a wide range of media now. And pen turners know that we are hardly "mainstream", especially when it comes to what kind of odd junk we'll try to make a pen out of! So don't worry, whatever you want to make your pen out of, it should fit right into this contest, and also into Woodturning Design Magazine!

Hey Hans!!

Scott stopped by the IAP this morning and left this message on the other thread:

Originally Posted by hewunch
Any idea when they would announce the winner?

Good question! A lot depends on how long it takes to ship the pens between the judges. I'm thinking we'll be able to announce the winners by November 1st. Maybe a little sooner. Shipping the pens around is going to be a lot of work and will take some time. But it's the only way to really judge pens of this caliber.


Not real specific, but we can sure understand the problem!!
Yes, I really can't set a date to announce when I don't have hard dates for the judging to be done. It will be done when it's done. And don't forget that not only mailing between judges being a time consideration, but also two magazines doing photographs of the pens. I think I'm being pretty optimistic about mentioning November 1st!

As for when the pens will be returned, that will happen as soon as I get them back from the last judge.

I hope this helps!

Did you ever think you asked a question, and then couldn't find it? That's me. Thanks for the answer in both threads!
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The judges all seem to be on the East coast. You could just jump in the ol VW and take the pens for judging!!:eek::eek:

FIELD TRIP!!!!!:biggrin::biggrin::rolleyes::rolleyes:
The cat won't let me get near him after I held up a cigar tube to his tail while holding a pair of lawn shears. :eek: It was the neighbors cat and I bet that now he will stay out of my shop.:biggrin:
Seems like a good idea!

There just doesn't seem to be much of a timeframe to work with, if you wanted to make specifically for the comp then only a couple of weeks. If your inetrnational like me, then it would require over two weeks for postage time just to be sure it got there!


Sorry Phil!

The short time period is my fault. I had wanted to get this started much earlier, but it just didn't come together until now. Next year will be better. Still, I bet you have some wonderful ideas floating around that could come together in the next week or two.


I like that part "Next Year" :wink:

Scott can't take all the blame; I was a little slow on the draw as well. I should have given this a higher priority than I did. I wish we could have given you all more time to plan your entry. Hopefully this will be a regular event with the same or very similar rules every year, and you'll have plenty of time to refine your design for a winning pen.

Let me add my personal thanks to those of you who can tolerate our growing pains with the first version of this contest and make an entry. This is a chance to establish some partnerships that could be mutually beneficial for many years, as well as to raise our visibility to a point where we can get some very mainstream publicity. Good participation this year virtually guarantees that we'll be enjoying this contest for many more years to come.

Good luck to you all, and I can't wait to see another amazing group of pens!
Thanks Jeff and, Scott for putting this together. I may not have a snowballs chance in the fires below but, I'm going to try my best to make the finals :biggrin:
Have you ever had some wild idea for a pen? Something you're not sure would really work? This is the contest for that. And while it is the place for those wild ideas, don't forget that it is not just mere competency in pen making that will get you through. Your fit and finish will have to be spot on.

I encourage you to jump in and let your creative juices fly. If you get down to the deadline and decide not to enter, you'll save $20, but you'll also have pushed your pen making up a notch.

And ultimately it's not about how long you've been doing this, but about what you produce. And don't count out the Open category. That's where you can enter a pen that meets your specifications, rather than one that meets ours.

Started mine today. Something I've never seen before and haven't a clue if I can make it work, but it'll be fun trying.
Is the nib a "kit" part? And who is paying for shipping from you to the judges and back? Or is that coming out of the $20?
I know all the judges and other people involved and have taken care of all the bribes. Don't bother sending in any pens, just send the $20.:tongue::tongue: :biggrin:
there is still hope - 4 contests, only 3 submittals allowed. Unless your alter ego (the big one) also enters, you can only win 3, so 1 is still up for grabs. Now, so we can save some money, which 3 did you bribe for?
I received the first entry in the contest! It's a beauty!

Come on everybody! Let's get some good participation in this event! We want to show the judges what we can do. Also, the best way to assure we will have this contest again next year is to have an overwhelming response to this contest!

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