2 Ligero Rollerballs

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Mack C.

Passed Away Sep 29, 2018
In Memoriam
May 4, 2008
Brooklin, ON Canada

This one is done in Australian Lacewood.


This one is done in Australian Silky Oak.

Both were finished with 6 coats of thin CA applied with a Q-tip. Each were mm'd at 4000 between coats, then to 12,000 after the final coat was applied.


  • 178 Ligero Rollerball Pen, Australian Lacewood (Small).jpg
    178 Ligero Rollerball Pen, Australian Lacewood (Small).jpg
    33.3 KB · Views: 636
  • 179 Ligero Rollerball Pen, Australian Silky Oak (Small).jpg
    179 Ligero Rollerball Pen, Australian Silky Oak (Small).jpg
    31.2 KB · Views: 635
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Both look great! I was wondering if there was something wrong with my
computer, no pictures were showing up.

Have to log in .. oops! :redface:

I like the bands on that kit, too. Where do they come from?
Both look great! I was wondering if there was something wrong with my
computer, no pictures were showing up.

Have to log in .. oops! :redface:

I like the bands on that kit, too. Where do they come from?
Hi Charlie; The kits came from CS USA.

Nobodies commenting on the prices though!
Nice looking pens. There is a CS USA group buy going on right now with these kits on the list. Mike, your prices are very reasonable and should sell quickly.
Very nice pens. This kit is new to me...I like it a lot, and will try it myself soon. The barrels are also very nice...the figure is interesting. Your photos are also great. So good in fact, that it looks like you did not get the diameter of the barrels down to that of the hardware (minor flaw, but a place to improve). All in all, very nice pens. I will strive to do as well.
Very nice pens. This kit is new to me...I like it a lot, and will try it myself soon. The barrels are also very nice...the figure is interesting. Your photos are also great. So good in fact, that it looks like you did not get the diameter of the barrels down to that of the hardware (minor flaw, but a place to improve). All in all, very nice pens. I will strive to do as well.
Hi Steve; Your comments are well taken. There is a reason, in my mind at least, for not taking the wood down to the diameter of the barrels etc. If I had done so, the wood
remaining on the tubes would be so thin that it made me nervous with respect to it's wearability. (rightly or wrongly, that's my reason, and I'm sticking to it).

As a matter of interest to you, only the most respected of us as penturners would even notice that minor flaw as you put it. To the average consumer it goes unnoticed and really doesn't affect the operation of the pen in any way!:)
Cheap as in not expensive enough. I think those are $80+ pens. At least in the market I've been selling to. They're classy and beautiful.
Cheap as in not expensive enough. I think those are $80+ pens. At least in the market I've been selling to. They're classy and beautiful.
Castle Rock CO eh! I will be discussing with my wife us moving there.

My wife says I am free to move there. Her behind is stuck here in Canada. What's a guy to do?:rotfl:
"Nobodies commenting on the prices though!"

I'd be curious to hear how much one could make hourly with a pen like this one. I mean, the price of the wood, kit, shipping, little extras such as sandpaper, CA, wear and tear on the lathe belt, etc... Take all of this and remove it from the sale price, divide by the number of hours you've spent on the pen...

What do you all consider an acceptable hourly rate for pen making?

PS: It's so obvious that the pens are great that I even forgot to mention it :) Sorry. Excellent job and choice of wood for the kit.
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