Homemade TBC bushings

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Feb 8, 2004
Northern California
I want to try CA finishes, but was afraid of the bushings getting glued to the blank. So I decided to make some Delrin bushings. I got a piece of 1/2" Delrin rod from my local plastics supplier. Mounting pieces of the rod in a chuck, I drilled them through with a letter D drill bit. Then cut a taper with a skew, and cut them off. I think they're going to work well.


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Those look good! Now make a few more sets. You never know when a set will go missing. Be sure to wax your mandrel! CA sticks poorly to the delrin, better to mandrel
To remove excess CA from the bushings, toss into a small jar with some acetone overnight. Ready to go again.
I want to try CA finishes, but was afraid of the bushings getting glued to the blank. So I decided to make some Delrin bushings. I got a piece of 1/2" Delrin rod from my local plastics supplier. Mounting pieces of the rod in a chuck, I drilled them through with a letter D drill bit. Then cut a taper with a skew, and cut them off. I think they're going to work well.

They look nicer than the ones I made. I used UHMW rod. CA still stuck to it. Hope yours work out better.

Now I just apply CA turning between my live and dead center w/o bushings. No worries about sticking and allows CA to seal the ends so you don't get moisture contamination if you wet sand.

I've made some, and the home made ones are vastly superior to the store bought ones. If CA get's built up on them just clean it off with the skew. Also a bit of furniture paste wax will prevent the build up.

And the best part, after you buy a couple of feet from a plastic supplier (you might even get cut-offs for cheaper!) you have a lifetime supply.
Those look good! Now make a few more sets. You never know when a set will go missing. Be sure to wax your mandrel! CA sticks poorly to the delrin, better to mandrel
To remove excess CA from the bushings, toss into a small jar with some acetone overnight. Ready to go again.

Those are Turn Between Center Delrin bushings. There is no mandrel. :)
Those look good! Now make a few more sets. You never know when a set will go missing. Be sure to wax your mandrel! CA sticks poorly to the delrin, better to mandrel
To remove excess CA from the bushings, toss into a small jar with some acetone overnight. Ready to go again.

Those are Turn Between Center Delrin bushings. There is no mandrel. :)

Actually, I will be using these with a mandrel.
Rookie Question: when you turn with these, how do you gauge the diameter of the blank? Calipers or micrometer? You just turn until you get to the right diameter?

Like I said, rookie question...
I make a taper with just big enough OD for any blank to work in it. 5/8" is what I'm using now for the small end as I haven't turned a blank bigger than that yet, but I'll make another if needed. I probably have more HDPE than you have Delrin though, it's a lot cheaper and glue practically falls off of it.
Skie, you're slipping buddy, the brass nut was the mandrel giveaway. I'm not sure what that bushing is on the tailstock side though.

Mmmm ... perhaps that's true, I didn't look at the pictures closely enough ...

The title said TBC bushings, though, so I assumed he actually meant Turn Between Centers.
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