Mr. Anonymous Game #2 @ 4/8/2014

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Aug 6, 2009
Australia - SA Adelaide Hills
Hi peoples...!

Time to get your heads thinking and get the answer right. This time, will only be 1 (one) prize, that has been already selected number of blanks (8), that were all listed on my new web-store, eBay store or spoken of here, at some time or other.

I will be satisfied with the wood species name only, for each of the blanks, the numbers from my "timber list" when applicable, can also be mentioned...!

In case no one provides all the correct wood species names, the person that has the most correct names by the end of 7 days from today, will get the prize.

Winner will pay the shipping/freight costs, for international members, that will be AU$13.00 (500gr parcel), while members within Australia, will pay AU$8.25 (lucky Aussies, huh...???:biggrin:)

So, the question is;

*- What are the wood species names (numbers, optional) of the blanks shown in the picture...???

PS: Did you ask something...???:wink::rolleyes: you though that I forgot the add the pic, didn't you..??? Hahahah, just checking, the pic is here
The pic will be downloaded directly into this thread, after the winner has been found.

Good luck...!:wink:

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1: Amboyna Burl
2: Huon Pine Burl
3: Palm Root
4: Tortuosa Willow
5: Shiraz Vine
6: Australian Bottlebrush
7:Amboyna Burl
8: Amboyna Burl
1: Amboyna Burl
2: Huon Pine Burl
3: Palm Root
4: Tortuosa Willow
5: Shiraz Vine
6: Australian Bottlebrush
7:Amboyna Burl
8: Amboyna Burl

Humm...! you got also 4 right but, the order is a bit stuffed up, I reckon...!

My corrections/responses on these 2 guesses, are a good clue on its own so, I will keep my mouth shut for a little while and see what happens...!

I'll take a shot

1. Amboyna Burl
2. Huon Pine Burl
3. Palm Root
4. Tortuosa Willow
5. Truffle
6. Shiraz Vine
7. Peppercorn Tree Burl
8. Cigarwood
Here's my guess,

1. Amboyna Burl
2. Huon Burl
3. Palm Root
4. Silky Oak
5. Truffle Wood
6. Peppercorn Tree Burl
7. Amboyna Burl
8. Cigarwood

edohmann and Ironwood,

Some very interesting guesses there, and I can see why a couple of them are making you guys and gals scratch your heads, was sort of deliberate however, I can say that, both are stabilized and one is triple stabilized, something that I don't do often but I did to see what I far I could go with this wood. One comment was that, I could make look good even a piece of rubbish wood (or something of that nature...!:wink:)

As for the other one, last one, yes it does look like the Cigar wood, but at a closer look, as this was the reason why I downloaded it on my Photobucket account so that you can expand to really, big size image but unfortunately, is not the Cigar wood...!

This is certainly a recent(ish) and quality bunch of blanks I put together for this prize, all up for grabs...!:biggrin:

Let me give it a shot:

1. Wood and blue resin
2. Wood and pink resin
3. Wood and blue resin
4. Wood
5. Wood and green resin
6. Wood and blue resin
7. Wood
8. Wood

You can send me my prize now.:biggrin:
Let me give it a shot:

1. Wood and blue resin
2. Wood and pink resin
3. Wood and blue resin
4. Wood
5. Wood and green resin
6. Wood and blue resin
7. Wood
8. Wood

You can send me my prize now.:biggrin:

Well, generally speaking, you are quite correct, there is certainly an woddy element in all them however, not good enough for the prize, sorry.

Seriously, I think you can do a lot better than that, many of my wood species, have been shown and spoken of, many times on IAP, learning to recognize Aussie or George's woods, is no different than recognizing woods of many other origins sure,most Aussie woods are not as popular as some of the same ou , same ou you see and find everywhere, one more reason to become familiar with them, there will be plenty of them to go around...!

Seriously, I think you can do a lot better than that, many of my wood species, have been shown and spoken of, many times on IAP, learning to recognize Aussie or George's woods, is no different than recognizing woods of many other origins sure,most Aussie woods are not as popular as some of the same ou , same ou you see and find everywhere, one more reason to become familiar with them, there will be plenty of them to go around...!


Oh, I know I can do better. I probably have a few of those species from George's Timbers in my blank drawer . I just didn't have the time to put my full effort into it so I just thought I'd get my entry in.:eek::biggrin:
OK, I'll revise my guess :)

1. Amboyna Burl
2. Huon Pine Burl
3. Palm Root
4. PNG Rosewood
5. Truffle
6. Shiraz Vine
7. Peppercorn Tree Burl
8. Curly/Twisted Gum

1. Amboyna burl
2. Huon Pine Burl
3. Palm Root
4. Cootamundra Wattle
5. Truffle
6. Bottlebrush tree Root
7. Amboyna burl
8. Tortuosa Willow
Revised ...

1. Amboyna burl
2. Huon Pine Burl
3. Palm Root
Cootamundra Wattle
Bottlebrush tree Root
Amboyna burl
8. Red Vine,
1. Amboyna burl
2. Huon Pine Burl
3. Palm Root
4. Australian Cootamundra Wattle
5. Australian Peppercorn Tree Burl
6. Australian Bottlebrush Tree Root
7. Amboyna Burl
8. Scarlet Kunzea Shrub
1. Amboyna Burl
2. Huon Pine Burl
3. Palm Root
4. Amboyna Burl
5. Truffle
6. Peppercorn Tree Burl
7. Shiraz Red Vine
8. Cootamundra Wattle

...Final answer
1. Amboyna burl
2. Birdseye huon pine burl
3. Palm root
4. Cootamundra wattle
5. Australian truffle
6. Bottlebrush tree root
7. Amboyna burl
8. Australian almond tree wood

Well, no one has got it right, so far however, it seems that #4 and #8 are the ones causing all the confusion, and this was somehow expected...!

I can say that, someone has guessed right the #8, he was the only person that did so while the #4, has not been mentioned yet.:frown:

It seems that is much a consensus about the rest of the blanks so, you guys and gals, are getting closer...!:biggrin:

Trying again, :redface:

1. Amboyna Burl
2. Huon Burl
3. Palm Root
4. Rubber Wood
5. Truffle Wood
6. Peppercorn Tree Burl
7. Amboyna Burl
8. Scarlet Kunzea Shrub
1. Amboyna burl
2. Huon Pine Burl
3. Palm Root
4. Australian Tortuosa Willow
5. Australian Truffle
6. Australian Bottlebrush Tree Root
7. Amboyna Burl
8. Scarlet Kunzea Shrub
Final answer (maybe..)

1. Amboyna Burl
2. Huon Pine Burl
3. Palm Root
4. Rubberwood
5. Truffle
6. Shiraz Vine
7. Peppercorn Tree Burl
8. Curly/Twisted Gum

Hi peoples,

Just a little "push"...!

One of the 2 woods you people are getting stuck on, I actually had to back the trailer into the fence, use my aluminium bike ramps over it and push the wood up the ramps and down to the trailer because, the idiot that had cattle there (small paddock) on adjustment, didn't like me much and wouldn't open the gate for me, while the property owner, already had given me permission to take the wood, that was only going to be burn, anyway...!:wink:

I have told the story here on IAP, some time ago...!:biggrin:

Do you recall something of this nature...???:)

PS: Far too many people, has 6 answers (wood species) right, I'm looking for the 8 correct answers person, who will that be...???:rolleyes:

1. Amboyna Burl
2. Huon Pine Burl
3. Palm Root
4. Rubberwood
5. Truffle
6. Shiraz Vine
7. Peppercorn Tree Burl
8. Macrocarpa

1. Amboyna Burl
2. Huon Pine Burl
3. Palm Root
4. Rubberwood
5. Truffle
6. Bottlebrush tree Root
7. Peppercorn Tree Burl
8. Macrocarpa

Final answer (maybe not..)

1. Amboyna Burl
2. Huon Pine Burl
3. Palm Root
4. Macrocarpa
5. Truffle
6. Shiraz Vine
7. Peppercorn Tree Burl
8. Curly/Twisted Gum

Final answer (probably..)

1. Amboyna Burl
2. Huon Pine Burl
3. Palm Root
4. Rubberwood
5. Truffle
6. Shiraz Vine
7. Peppercorn Tree Burl
8. Macrocarpa

1. Amboyna burl
2. Huon Pine Burl
3. Palm Root
4. Australian Tortuosa/CorkScrew Willow
5. Australian Peppercorn Tree Burl
6. Australian Bottlebrush Tree Root
7. Amboyna Burl
8. Scarlet Kunzea Shrub
last one?

1. Peppercorn Tree Burl
2. Huon Pine Burl
3. Palm Root
4. Rubberwood
5. Truffle
6. Bottlebrush tree Root
7. Amboyna Burl
8. Macrocarpa
Yikes! How many iterations are there????

1. Peppercorn Tree Burl
2. Huon Pine Burl
3. Palm Root
4. Macrocarpa
5. Truffle
Bottlebrush tree Root
7. Amboyna Burl
8. Scarlet Kunzea Shrub

I gotta quit ... :cool:

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Well, is anyone actually taking any notice on my clues, I reckon you guys are so focussed in the possible wood species names that you aren't taken any notice of the clues themselves. Surely, some of you will recall some of my wood stories and look in the right place. I never said that all these blanks are only listed on my new web store, in fact and now that I think of it, is only one of the "trick" species that is not, most have sold and I kept a couple for myself, including this one that will now, be given awat to someone.

I don't really enjoy, throwing a spanner in the works but, I may need to take some of you out of misery and confuse things even more, probably but, there is one thing that the following wood species have in common;

-Scarlet Kunzea Shrub
-Australian Blackwood
-Colonial Red Gum
-Cootamundra Wattle
-Golden Wattle
-Shiraz Vine
-Brown Mallee Burl
-Silky Oak
-Curly/Twisted Gum
-Bottlebrush tree Root
-Australian almond tree wood
-White wattle
-Rubber Wood

None of them are part of this 8 blanks pack...!:eek::wink::biggrin:

And about that...??? will it make things easier, now...!

One of the most "tricky" ones, of the 2 everyone seems to be having troubles with, may have something to do with the "ocean"...! Humm, I think that I may have said, too much...!:redface:

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