What is your favourite wood?

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I'm a fan of Olive Wood too. It turns so nicely - I suppose the oily nature helps. As far as ease of working with, I would add Claro Walnut, Black Walnut, Cherry, Cocobolo, and most varieties of Maple. For figure, I like old growth Olive (dark streaks), Claro Walnut, Cocobolo, and Ambrosia Maple. - Dave
Now that's a tough question. I've actually thought about this a time or two. Generally I like most all of them. It depends on what I'm doing as far as color or grain patterns. I get a lot of enjoyment out of making things out of wood that means something special for the person I'm making it for. I like seeing their faces when they first hold it and look it over. As far as one type it would be Maple. Just because it comes in several varieties and shades.
There are so many beautiful woods that it is almost impossible for me to pick one favorite. There are certainly some that I favor for one reason or another. Some examples are, Bocote - I love the way it smells and the grain can be amazing, Lignum Vitae - the sweet floral smell gets me every time and, Buckeye Burl - I love the color shift in some Buckeye.

The wood that I tend to favor above most is cherry burl. The smell is reminiscent of times as a kid hanging out with my grandpa and a friend of his who smoked a pipe, always loaded with black cherry tobacco. On top of the smell, it was the first burl wood I ever turned and have always been pulled to the beauty of the grain.
Koa!!! It's great looking wood but getting a little bit hard to get quality stuff recently. Here's my most recent order Hawaii bound to my Hawaii customer. That's 20 comfort pens, 12 coffee scoops, 7 ice picks, 6 magnetic bottle openers (Stainless bottle stoppers brand) and 6 PSI crochet travel kits. The week before this went out (10/25/24) it was 17 comfort pens and 8 sunburst folding knives. October was a big month for me! Thanks for looking.

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Olive is definitely up there for me. Bocote is always a pleasure to work with. Bloodwood is another, and I love working with Granadillo because of how chatoyant it is. OK, OK, I just can't pick a favorite.

I find it is more about the pieces than the species. You can generally find some really nice figure and grain in most woods. I found a deformed piece of Chichipate, generally boring and typically used for flooring, but got a beautiful chatoyant pen from it. I usually look for the ugly duckling pieces like this. The blank was more twisted and bent than that picture really shows. It was a challenge, which is why the inlay is there, but plan B often works out better than I had originally planned anyway.

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Olive is definitely up there for me. Bocote is always a pleasure to work with. Bloodwood is another, and I love working with Granadillo because of how chatoyant it is. OK, OK, I just can't pick a favorite.

I find it is more about the pieces than the species. You can generally find some really nice figure and grain in most woods. I found a deformed piece of Chichipate, generally boring and typically used for flooring, but got a beautiful chatoyant pen from it. I usually look for the ugly duckling pieces like this. The blank was more twisted and bent than that picture really shows. It was a challenge, which is why the inlay is there, but plan B often works out better than I had originally planned anyway.

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I think we all agree that we need to print t shirts saying : its more about the pieces than the species!
So true
I am a fan of highly figured museum grade woods of any kind. They show off Mother Nature's beauty the best. Oilve wood is surely high on the list as well as Burl rosewoods. Burls bring out so much variance of colors in the wood. This is the reason when I use woods in a pen it has to be with a purpose and not just because it is wood. Plain Jane wood is so boring to look at such as oak or any other non heavy grained wood. There is so much to pick from and I feel if you are going to make pens take that next step and use quality materials. Anyone can say they are a pen maker. Kids do this stuff. Become an artisan. Take it to the next level especially after you got a few pens turned under your belt. Stepping up is not hard at all.
I enjoy turning all species of wood but some just do a job on me with the results. This is a pen from a lilac bush. The flowers were purple and that color is natural in the wood. Keeps me coming back time and time again!!!
Very pretty pen. I love the smell of lilac in bloom. My first house had a bush of it in the backyard. If you can call a 15' tall 30' around tree a bush.
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